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1、Jaundice(黄疸),Department of Gastroenterology, First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University,XIAOHONG TAO (陶小红),Jaundice or icterus : What is jaundice ? Clinically it is the yellow discoloration of the Sclera (巩膜) Skin Mucous membrane due to deposition of bile pigment (bilirubin胆红素) Serum

2、total bilirubin (normal 1.7-17.1 umol/lit ) Conjugated bilirubin:0-3.42mol/l, Unconjugated bilirubin:1.7-13.68mol/l.,1. DEFINITION,2. BILIRUBIN METABNISM,The Fate of Bilirubin,Alb = albuminB = bilirubinGST = glutathione-S-transferase UDPGA = uridine diphosphoglucuronic acid;CB = conjugated bilirubin

3、 UGT1A1 = UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 MRP2 = Multi-drug Resistance Protein 2 Adapted from Harrisons 15th Ed. “Principles of Internal Medicine”, 2001.,MRP2,CB,Plasma,Hepatic Cell,Bile,sER,B,+ UDPGA,UGT1A1,Bilirubin Excretion,Intestines,Liver,B,CB,CB,B,Urobilinogen,B-glucoronidase,bacteria,bacteri

4、a,Bile,Enterohepatic circulation,Kidney,Urobilin,ox,Urobilinogen,Urobilin,Stercobilin,Stercobilingogen,Urine,ox,Liver,Albunin,Heme,Ferroheme,transferase,Bilirubin,Conjugated bilirubin,Kidney,Urobilin,Stercobilinogen,Urobilinogen,Intestines,Albumin,Bilirubin,reductase,Heme,Globin,Hemoglobin,oxidase,B

5、iliverdin,Marrow,Infantility Erythrocyte Ferroheme Enzyme 15%20%,Bilirubin | Albumin,Erythrocyte 80%85%,UDP,UDPGA,Bilirubin glucuronolactone,urobilinogen,Enterohepatic circulation,Y/Z protein,cathepsin,Erythrocyte,Biochemical change of Normal bilirubin metabolism,3. CLASSFICATION,1. Depending on Eti

6、ology Hemolytic Jaundice (溶血性黄疸) Hepatocellular Jaundice(肝细胞性黄疸) Cholestatic Jaundice(胆汁淤积性黄疸) Congenital jaundice (先天性黄疸),2. Depending on bilirubin Unconjungated bilirubin increased jaundice Conjungated bilirubin increased jaundice,Etiology 1.Congenital hemolytic anemia (thalassemia(海洋性贫血),heredita

7、ry spherocytosis(遗传性球形红细胞增多症). 2.Posteriority acquired hemolytic anemia (autoimmunity hemolytic anemia, hemolytic disease of newborn, posttransfusion hemolytic, Favism(蚕豆病). Mechanism A large number of erythrocyte destroyed rapidly Anemia,hypoxia and toxity of erythocyte metabolism products,3.1. Hem

8、olytic Jaundice,Hemolytic Jaundice mechanism,Clinical Manifestation Mild jaundice, light lemon, no skin itch(痒). Acute hemolysis: fever, chill, headache, vomit, backache, anemia, hemoglobinuria(血红蛋白尿), acute renal failure. Chronic hemolysis: anemia and splenomegaly(脾大).,Laboratory Examination 1.Seru

9、m TB,UCB,CB normal. 2.UCBintestinal CBfaecal color deepen. 3.Intestinal Urobilinogen(尿胆原)urinary Urobilinogen. 4.Acute hemolytis, occult blood test (+). 5.Blood test: anemia, reticulocyte(网织红细胞), erythrocyte proliferation.,3.2. Hepatocellular Jaundice,Etiology Hepatocyte damage. Mechanism Impair hep

10、atocyte uptakeing, conjugating and excreting bilirubin, UCB CB reflux into blood, serum CBjaundice.,Hepatocellular Jaundice mechanism,Clinical Manifestation Skin and mucosa: light to deep yellow, mild skin itch(痒) Tired, loss of appetite hemorrhagic tendency, ascites, coma. Primary disease manifesta

11、tion,Laboratory Examination CB, UCB Icteric hepatitis: CB UCB Urine: CB(+),urobilinogen Blood test: liver damaged,3.3. Cholestatic Jaundice,Etiology Obstruction in liver:virus hepatitis,drug caused,drug hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis. Obstruction of Extrahepatic bile duct:narrow, obstruction,s

12、tone, inflammtory,tumor. Mechanism Obstruction causes small bile duct and bile capillary broken, conjugated bilirubin reflux to blood. Failure of hepatocyte excreting CB,bilirubin deposit and bile thrombus(胆栓) formation.,Cholestatic Jaundice mechanism,Clinical Manifestation Skin dark yellow, yellow

13、green. Skin itch (痒), bradycardia (心动过缓), dark yellow of urine, faecal light yellow or clay color. Courvoisiers sign.,Laboratory Examination Serum CB Urine bilirubin (+) Urobilinogen , stercobilin(粪胆原) or absence Serum alkaline phosphatase and Cholesterol(胆固醇),5. Genetic Disorders of Bilirubin Metab

14、olism,Rotors syndrome deficiency of uptaking UCB and excreting CB, CB jaundice.,Crigler-Najjar syndrome Gilberts syndrome,Three kinds of jaundice laborotory examination indentification,Class Hemolytic Hepatocellular Cholestatic TB increased increased increased CB normal increased markedly increased

15、CB/TB 15一20 30一40 50一60 urine bilirubin 十 十十 urobilinogen increased slight increased decreased or absence ALT、AST normal markedly increased may increased ALP normal increased markedly increased r-GT normal increased markedly increased PT normal delayed delayed Vit K respond no poor good Cholesterol normal slight increased or decreased markedly increased Serum protein normal Alb decreased,Glob increased normal,Accessory Examination,1.Ultrosound 2.X ray 3.ERCP (Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, 逆行胰胆管造影) 4.PTC (Percutaneous transheptic cholangio


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