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1、初中英语时态讲解初中英语时态讲解 时态是英语学习中一个至关重要的内容,广大初中学生在实际运用时,往往 对时态问题倍感棘手,下面我们就归纳复习一下这几种时态。 一、 一般现在时一、 一般现在时 (一)定义 表示经常性或习惯性的动作,或存在的状态,还表示主语具备的性格 和能力及客观真理。 例:I get up at 6:30 in the morning . She is at home . (二)构成 主要用动词原形表示,当主语是第三人称单数时,在动词词尾加 s/es。 (三)句型 1、肯定句:主语+谓语+其他。 She reads English everyday . 2、否定句:主语+don

2、t/doesnt+谓语+其他。 He doesnt get up at 6:30 in the morning . 3、一般疑问句:Do/Does+主语+V 原+其他? Do you like English ? Yes ,I do ./No, I dont . 4、特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+do/does+主语+V 原+其他? What time do you get up every morning ? Where does your father work ? (三)用法 1、表示经常性或习惯性的动作,或存在的状态,带与表示频率的时间状语 如:often , sometimes , usu

3、ally,always , everyday year,month ) , once/twice a week (month , year , etc.) , seldom , on sundays 等连用。 I leave home for school at seven every morning . 2、表示客观真理,科学事实、格言警句。 The sun rises in the east .日出东方。 The earth goes around the sun .地球绕着太阳转。 Ten minus two is eight.十减二等于八。 Light travels faster t

4、han sound .光的速度比声音的速度快。 The United States lies by the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. 美国位于太平 洋西岸。 3、根据英文语法规定,当主句的谓语动词是一般将来时,那么时间或条件 状语从句的谓语动词只能用一般现在时来表示将来要发生的动作。 Ill tell him the news when he comes back. 他回来时,我将告诉他这个消息。 If you come this afternoon,well have a meeting . 4、仅为了描述状态、性质、特征、能力等等。这里的目的是为了描

5、述现阶 段的动作或状态,其重点不是强调动作发生的时间、或进行的状态。例如: He can speak five foreign languages .他能说五种外语。 That is a beautiful city .那是座美丽的城市。 Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world. 长江是世界上最长 的河流之一。 She majors in music .她主修音乐。 All my family love football .我全家人都喜欢足球。 My sister is always ready to help ot

6、hers . 我妹妹总是乐于助人。 (四)动词第三人称单数形式变化规则 1、一般情况下,动词后直接加-s; 如:help-helps ,clean-cleans ,give-gives 等。 2、以 s,x,ch,sh 或 o 结尾的动词,在词尾加-es; 如:dress-dresses,fix-fixes,watch-watches,finish-finishes 等。 3、以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词,把 y 变为 i,再加-es; 如:study-studies,fly-flies,carry-carries 等。 4、动词 have 遇在主语是第三人称单数时,have 改为 has,

7、如:He has an interesting book . 5、动词 be 遇有主语是第一人称单数时,be 改为 am,遇有主语是第二 人称时,be 改为 are,遇有主语是第三人称单数时,be 改为 is 一般现在时练习题 1)用动词的适当形式填空 1.I like _ (swim). 2.He _(read) English every day. 3.We _(go)to school at seven in the morning. 4.Mike_(go)to school at seven in the morning. 5.My mother_(like) _(go) shoppi

8、ng. 6.I can _(draw) many beautiful pictures. 7.She_(make) a model plane. 8.Do you _(like)_(run)? 9.Does he_(like)_(jump) ? 10.Does Nancy_(grow)flowers on Saturday ? 11.The teachers_(like)_(dance). 12.The teacher_(like)_(dance). 13.The students_(speak) English in class. 14.The student_(speak) Chinese

9、 after class. 15. Lets_and play football . ( go ) 16. He_ like swimming . ( not ) 17. Im sorry _that . ( hear ) 18. Wang Bing is_ ( write ) an E-mail to his friend . 19. He has_a headache . ( get ) 20. _you study English at school ? Yes , I_. ( do ) 21. _your sister study English at school ? No , sh

10、e_ . ( do ) 22. Im _ better . ( feel ) 23. Why_Tom absent today ? ( be ) 2)用所给的人称改写句子 1.I take photos on Sunday. ( Mike) 2.We grow beautiful flowers. (she) 3.They like collecting stamps. (Ben) 4.I listen to music carefully. (my aunt) 5.You like making a model ship. (Helen) 6.We clean the classroom e

11、very day. (he) 7.They look after the pandas. (Mr Wang) 8.I draw a tree and some flowers. (Nancy) 9.We go to bed at eight. ( my sister) 10.I read newspapers in the evening. (Mr Green) 3)写出下列动词的相应形式 1. 第三人称单数: wash_ match _guess_ study_ finish_ go_ snow_ carry_ 2. 写 出 下 列 动 词 的 过 去 式 : stop_ see_ driv

12、e _let_ carry_ keep_ join_ find_ think_ teach_ catch_ 3. 写出下列动词的现在分词形式: stay_ begin_ forget_ forget_ lie_ die _ run_ prefer_ give_ ring_ dance_ hope_ II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空: 1I _(write) to you as soon as I _(get) to London. 2. He doeant feel well and _(not eat) any food this morning. 3. He _ not _(see) me

13、 come in, for he _(read) something with great interest. 4. I _(l;et) you have the book as soon as I _(finish) it. 5. While we _(wait) for our teacher, a little boy _(run) up to us. 6. Dont make a niose. Grandpa _(sleep). 7.Its seven now, Toms family_(watch) TV. 8. It _(take) me two hours to finish m

14、y homework last night. 9. What _ your mother _(do) at eight yesterday evening? She _(wash) clothes. 10. _ it _ (rain) when school was over yesterday? 11. What _(do) _ tomorrow? We _ (play) football. 12. There _ (be) a football match on TV this evening. 13. They said they _ (visit) the Great Wall the next summer holiday. 14. Who _ (dance) the best in your cla


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