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1、郑 强 教 授,Dr. Prof Qiang ZHENG,2004/9,Development of Polymer Science高分子科学的形成与发展,What is polymer,其分子量(molecular weight) 104107,价 键 bond,Earlier,Goodyear(1839,美),天然橡胶(nature rubble),Parks (1855,美),硝化纤维素(guncotton),樟脑 (camphor),人造丝(rayon),de Chardonnet (1883,法),赛璐璐 (celluloid),Hyatt (1870),高分子和我们的关系,Oil

2、industry data shows that only about 9% of all crude oil is used for petrochemicals.The largest use of crude oil is in fuel for transport(about53%).Of the oil used for petrochemicals,about half goes into plastics,so that the complete abolition of plastics would have a tiny effect on oil consumption.I

3、ndeed,plastics production uses oil fractions that might otherwise be flared;polymerization of ethylene ,propylene,dienes and cyclo-olefins to lightweight,high-added-value engineering materials,which keep the carbon content locked in a solid form, is a very “green” activity.,Modern,Organic Chemist an

4、d Polymer Chemist,1881.Mar. 23, born in Worms 1965.Sep. 8, died in Freeburg . 1903, he studied at Darmstadt, Munich and Halle and obtained his doctorate . 1912, he was appointed associate professor at the Polytechnic in Karlsruhe, moved to Zurich and finally to the University of Freeburg in 1926.,In

5、 1910,he recognised that the current theories for the structure of natural rubber were incorrect. The controversies surrounding naturally occurring large molecules and experimental difficulties in studying them led him to look at materials based on simpler molecules such as styrene.,He introduced th

6、e concept of macromolecules, a term which he coined, and polymerisation in May 1922, in a report which appeared in Helvetica Chimica Acta.,He met Wallace Carothers at a conference in Cambridge in 1935, following which he included polyesters in his studies of the properties of dilute polymer solution

7、s - from which he discovered the relationship between viscosity and molecular weight.,Towards the end of his career he turned his attention back to biological macromolecules and what is now called molecular biology.,1920 On Polymer 论聚合,首次提出聚合就是小分子依靠化学键结合起来,形成大分子的过程的理论,并提出了聚苯乙烯、聚甲醛、天然橡胶的线型长链结构式,1932

8、The high-molecular compounds 高分子有机化合物,首次提出了合成大分子具有多分散性,且物理性质具有分子量依赖性,标志着高分子化学的诞生。,1953 Nobel Prize in Chemistry,For his discoveries in the field of macromolecular chemistry.,“链状大分子物质的发现”,K .Ziegler (German,19891973),2.,1898.Nov. 26, born in Helsa in Germany . 1973.Aug. 12, died in otto Hahn. 1920, g

9、raduated under Prof. von Auwers at the University of Marburg/Lahn. 1936, he became Professor and Director of the Chemisches Institut at the University of Halle/Saale. 1943-1969, he was Director of the Max-Planck-Institut fur Kohlenforschung.,Organic Chemist,His earlier work involved the clarificatio

10、n of rubber synthesis reactions, cyclic carbon compounds used in perfumes and lithium in organic reactions.,Zieglers most important discovery was made in 1953 from his work on organo-aluminium compounds. With E. Holzkamp, a student, he found that substances made by mixing organo-metallic compounds w

11、ith certain heavy metals permitted rapid polymerisation of ethylene at atmospheric pressure. This significant contribution established that very high molecular weight polyethylene could be produced with linear chain structure and give valuable production, property and application potential.,The cata

12、lyst was derived from triethyl aluminium and titanium tetrachloride. Although many other catalyst systems and polymerisation methods were devised, this work formed the basis of later developments in the production of long chain polymers from olefins such as propylene and butadiene.,The modern polyet

13、hylene range of specifically structured polymers has provided products readily formed as films, fibers and mouldings applicable in many areas of modern life. Blow moulded bottles (eg for milk and household cleaners), injection moulded containers, toys and appliance components are daily reminders of

14、Zieglers outstanding and original work.,烯烃的催化二聚作用,合成高级烯烃 乙烯经烷基铝催化合成高级伯醇 由烯烃合成萜醇 由烷基铝经电化学或其他方法合成其他金属的烷基化合物 利用氢化烷基铝和三烷基铝做有机物官能团的还原剂 以三烷基铝与四氯化钛为催化剂(称为ziegler-natta催化剂 )使乙烯在常温常压下聚合成线型聚乙烯 ,这项研究为高分子化学和配位催化作用开辟了广阔的研究领域。,G .Natta (Italian,19031979),1903.Feb. , born in Imperia, Italy. 1979.May ,died in Berga

15、mo. 1924, he graduated in Chemical Engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan and teach there in 1927. 1936-1938, full-professor and director of the Institute of Industrial Chemistry at the Polytechnic of Turin. Since 1938, he has been full-professor and director of the Department of Industrial Chemist

16、ry at the Milan Polytechnic.,Italian Chemist,He developed new uses for the commercial synthesis of methanol, formaldehyde, succinic acid and butyraldehyde. His intensive interest in and studies of polymers in conjunction with the Italian firm Montecatini led in 1953 to his use of Ziegler catalysts for the polymerisation of propylene.,He also developed catalyst systems for producing syndiotactic polypropylene.



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