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1、In Sickness and in Health By Shari Lacy, as told to Alanna Nash,Questions for discussion (The answers are open),1. How is the marriage vow “In sickness and in health ,til death do us part ” manifested in the case of the authors parents? 2. Do you think that divorce is a reasonable alternative if a M

2、arriage exists in name only?,True or false(P39),1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F,6. T 7. F 8. F 9. T 10. T,Exercises check,go on and on 说个不停,. Sunday go on and on 让星期天能一直持续下去 go on and go on 小小狐狸 go on and go 去吧 go and carry on 跳吧 Go on and take a bow 为这出精彩的表演鞠躬答谢吧 .But the list could go on and on. 不过这个名单可以

3、一直列下去。 The examples go on and on. 这样的例子还有很多很多。,stand by 支持;袖手旁观;准备;站在旁边,1. This does not mean the west should stand by in silence. 这不是意味我们这些西方人就应该保持沉默,坐视不管。 2. We should stand by our promises under any circumstances. 在任何情况下我们都应该信守诺言。,hook up to 连接到,hook up to the Internet 上网 If its software doesnt p

4、roperly hook up to the hotels electronic booking system, you dont have the room the site claims you reserved. 如果这些供应商的软件没能正确连接上酒店的电子预订系统,那么就算这些供应商的网站声称你已经成功预订,你最终也住不上那个房间。,embroil vt. 使卷入;使混乱,. But if a conflict were to break out in the years ahead, it could escalate beyond Irans borders to embroil

5、the region and beyond. 但如果未来几年爆发冲突,它可能会扩大至伊朗境外,使整个中东乃至更远地区卷入其中。,squirrel n. 松鼠;松鼠毛皮 vt. 贮藏,vt.把存起(或储藏起)(通常与away连用): to squirrel away some money for the future 存些钱以备不时之需 1. It was moving fast like a squirrel, but it was as loud as a bear. 它像松鼠一样快速的移动但那声音却像是熊发出的似的。 2. Do you sometimes feel that you ar

6、e running round like a squirrel in a cage? 你会有时候会感觉到自己到处乱转,就像是关在笼子里的松鼠一样吗?,leasen 租约;租期;租赁物;租赁权 vt. 出租;租得 vi. 出租,lease contract 租契;租赁契约 lease term 租赁期 financial lease 融资性租赁;财务租赁 land lease 批地契约;土地批租;土地契约 financing lease 融资租贷;筹资性租赁 1. The rest they lease. 其余的他们租赁。 2. They bargained over the terms of

7、a lease. 他们就租约的条件进行谈判。,Translation,1.In 1999,his electrolytes plummeted so low as a result of diuretics he was taking that he passed out and fell in the bathtub, fracturing both elbows and several ribs and suffering a concussion. 1999年,由于利尿剂的原因,他的电解质骤降,使他失去知觉,跌倒在浴缸里,压裂双肘和几根肋骨,遭受痛苦的脑震荡 。,2.She was at

8、 his side through six stomach surgeries and 35 more procedures to drain fluid that had collected in his abdomen from the prednisone. 她在他身边通过六个胃手术和35个更多的程序来排出液体,收集在他的腹部的强的松。,3.All of a sudden , the only thing that seemed to matter to Dad was telling the word what a wonderful thing Mom was doing for h

9、im. 突然,那似乎是唯一的事,爸爸说妈妈为他做了一件极好的事。,4.Their hands are intertwined with hospital bands and IVs,and on the matting it says,In sickness and in health,til death do us part. 他们的手相互交织伴随着医院乐队和IVs,躺在床上说,“无论生病还是健康,直到死亡将我们分开”。,Words,kidney donor marital complication split electrolyte plummet diuretic bathtub fra

10、cture concussion self-conscious,肾 捐赠者 婚姻的 并发症 断绝关系,离婚 电解液 骤降 利尿剂 浴缸 折断 脑震荡 不自然的,自卑的,(一),(二),drive-through lane ridicule prednisone dialysis adamant atrophy arduous in limbo downsize drain tax squirrel embroil euchre,免下车通道 嘲弄,奚落 强的松 透析 坚决的 萎缩 艰巨的,费力的 不定的或悬而未决的状态 对.进行机构精简 消耗 造成(某事物)的重负 把.储藏好 使卷入 尤克牌戏,(三),(四),tournament demeanor unorthodox alcove surreal document spellbound discord mellow condescending freak sb.out clasp matting intertwine,联赛,比赛 行为,举止 非正规 凹室 超现实的,梦幻般的 用文件证实或证明 着魔,入迷 不和,纷争 使.柔和 带着优越感的,屈辱的 使某人感到极度欣喜或不安 紧握,攥 (画片的)衬边,框边 (使)缠绕在一起,(五),(六),Thank y u,



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