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1、Discuss the words meaning,Exercise 1,Exercise 2,Exercise 3,Discuss the words meaning,persuade : _ _ I reasoned with him for hours, but I couldnt persuade him to change his mind.,to make someone decide to do something, especially by giving them reasons why they should do it, or asking them many times

2、 to do it,Read the sentences below and use context to write the definitions of the underlined words. One word has been done for you.,e.g.,tribunal : _ The case has been remitted(移交) from the appeal court to a lesser tribunal.,A tribunal is a special court or committee that is appointed to deal with

3、particular problems. e.g. His case comes before an industrial tribunal in March.(他的案子将于3月在产业法庭审判。),Discuss the words meaning,verdict : _ The jury brought in a verdict of guilty.,In a court of law, the verdict is the decision that is given by the jury or judge at the end of a trial. e.g. The jury ret

4、urned a unanimous guilty verdict. 该陪审团作出了一份一致通过的有罪裁决。,law the finding of a jury in a trial.,Discuss the words meaning,3. ambivalence:_ _ He understood the publics ambivalence, shown by every poll.,the coexistence of opposing attitudes orfeelings, such as love and hate, toward a person, an object, or

5、 an idea,Discuss the words meaning,4. pragmatic:_ _ Now what we need is pragmatic action but none of your empty talk. 5. stoic :_ _ A stoic person responds to hardship with calm .,dealing or concerned with facts or actual occurrences; practical.,one who is seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by j

6、oy, grief, pleasure, or pain.,Discuss the words meaning,6. harrow:_ The shipwreck was a harrowing experience. 7. mount:_ The horse shied off when I tried to mount it.,to inflict great distress or torment on,to place oneself upon; get up on,Discuss the words meaning,8.debilitating:_ She says she rece

7、ntly recovered from a debilitating illness, but she faced the cold for a Thanksgiving turkey. 9.vulnerable:_ Achilles was vulnerable only in his heel.,to weaken the strength or energy of; enervate .,easily influenced or affected by physical injury,Discuss the words meaning,10. prosecution : _ The pr

8、osecution based their case on the evidence of two witnesses. 11. transient :_ Their happiness was transient, for the war broke out soon after they got married.,law The institution and conduct of a legal proceeding,remaining in a place only a brief time,Discuss the words meaning,12. halt: _ No one ca

9、n halt the advance of history. 13. alleviation: _ .,stop from happening or developing,the act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance),Discuss the words meaning,14. thwart : _ She intends to thwart his plans, and be revenged on him. 15. empower:_ The new laws empower the police to sea

10、rch private house.,hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of,give or delegate (授权)power or authority to,Discuss the words meaning,16. commission: _ The salesmen is claiming for back payment of unpaid commission. 17. falsify:_ All those who try to falsify history are bound to end up as cr

11、iminals in history.,a fee for services rendered based on a percentage of an amount received or collected or agreed to be paid (as distinguished from a salary)work out with care and detail; develop thoroughly.,make false by mutilation or addition; as of a message or story.,Discuss the words meaning,1

12、8. presumably: _ He will presumably resign in view of the complete failure of his policy. 19. terminal :_ He is in the terminal stage of cancer, and his suffering is beyond description.,by reasonable assumption,causing or ending in or approaching death,Discuss the words meaning,20. lapse:_ In childhood, he lapsed into some bad habits. 21. devoid:_ A well devoid of water is useless.,pass into a specified state or condition,completely wanting or lacking.,Discuss the words meaning,22. normative:_ Member states called for WHO to st



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