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1、1,英语专业论文写作,文献引用与参考文献格式,2,1 引用的功能与类别,凡在正文中引用他人观点和语句均需标注。引用具有学术论证功能,可以为作者自己的观点提供支持;引用也可以提供学术背景,如对相关研究的历史性描述,对术语、研究方向、研究方法的介绍;另外,学术引用还具有质疑功能和文献评价功能。 学术引用关系到作者观点的表达与论证,关系到作者的学术道德,完整规范的引用是论文科学性、客观性和可信度的标志,因此正确合理地引用文献至关重要。 引用方式可分为直接引用和间接引用。直接引用是作者用引号直接援引原创者的概念、观点或表述,并注明出处,要求引文绝对忠实原文;间接引用是以释义(paraphrase)和概

2、括(summary)的方法援引原创者的概念、观点或表述。 引用的标注办法是将引文的文献来源信息置于圆括号内,信息由作者姓氏、出版年代、著作页码构成(间接引用可以不标注页码),例(Gardner, 1985:10)。,3,2 间接引用(indirect citation),间接引用是通过使用最恰当的词句对原文进行释义(paraphrase)和概括(summary),所引用的内容不需要置于引号中。 释义是用不同的表达方式阐述原文含义,使之更简洁、更明了(rewording for the purpose of clarification)。常见手段有:删略次要信息;使用同义词、反义词、下义词;采用

3、注释性说明;改换说法(如改变陈述角度、倒换顺序等)等。 概括是将整篇文献(全书或全文)的观点归纳概括成一段话,甚至浓缩成一两句话。 释义和概括的能力可以直接反映出作者的学术写作水平,4,2.1 正文中没有出现作者姓名,a. 括号中标出作者姓氏和出版年代,中间用逗号。 e.g. It has been argued that teachers role is to provide the students with optimal conditions which can facilitate learning so that students can achieve similar resul

4、ts (Bloom, 1994).,5,b. 两位作者,用 e .g. The disadvantage of the multiple regression analysis is that it cannot show the complex interrelations between independent variable (Bryman Bowell, 2002; Mockery, 2004) have also studied the aspectual meanings of these nouns. e.g. Some theorists find no value in S

5、miths thesis and vehemently argue against its points (e.g. Jacobson, 2001; Waugh, 2002).,9,3 直接引用(direct citation),直接引用除了可以引用短语、句子外,也可以引用段落、图表、数据。 当从专业性辞典、百科全书中引用学术定义,或从论文、专著中引用权威人士的观点,或引用有争议的观点时,通常使用直接引用。,10,直接引用应该注意以下几点:,引文置于双引号中,括号中必须标注页码; 引用部分不能破坏正文句法,要自然溶入正文之中(weave quotations into the text),不得

6、出现“句中句”。请参见2.3节的“常见引用动词和句型”; 不能过度引用,要尽量使用概括和释义的形式进行间接引用; 引文要简洁。太长的内容可以放在附录(appendix)中,如“调查表”、“数据表”等。,11,(i) 词语与句子引用,a. 作者在正文中出现,括号中标注出版年代与引文所在页码。在正文中出现的华人作者应该用全名,如: Wang Datong (2002:111) believed that. e.g. Graff defines his recent book, Professing Literature, as “a history of academic literary stu

7、dies in the United States” (2005:19).,12,b. 两位作者。作者未在正文中出现。 e.g. Based on different findings, it is proposed that “the type of motivation and its strength are likely to be determined less by some generalized principle and more by who learns what in what milieu” (Laser It hath the primal eldest curse

8、 upont, A brothers murder. Pray can I not, Though inclination be as sharp as will (Act 3. Scene 3. 40-43).,17,(v) 直接引用中的省略,18,a. 原文太长,引文中间有所省略,用方括号标示。 e.g. According to Margaret G. Meyers, “the Granger movement was able to force regulatory legislation through some states legislatures” (1887:23). 此例的

9、原文为: In the western farm states the Granger movement, organized in 1869 as the Patron of Husbandry, was able to force regulatory legislation through some state legislatures.,19,b. 如果省略的是头或尾,不需标示。 e.g. A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen, philosophers an

10、d divine. 【原文】 Emerson advocated the courage to change ones mind when he said that “a little foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds” (1987:43).【省略尾部(下划线部分)的直接引用;原文中的逗号也省去,无需省略号】,20,e.g. Moralists have unanimously agreed, that unless virtue be nursed by liberty, it will never attain due

11、 strength. 【原文】 Mary Wollstonecraft wrote that “unless virtue be nursed by liberty, it will never attain due strength” (1975:191). 【省略头部(下划线部分)的直接引用】,21,(vi) 直接引用中方括号的使用,22,a. 引文中间省略(见上)。,23,b. 引文中某些词语因脱离语境,指代不明: e.g. He said in his speech, “These two nations America and Russia seem set to sway the

12、destinies of half the globe” (1997:318).,24,c. 更改引文首词语法形式,使之能够嵌入正文中: e.g. This is what Bruner (1983:537) meant when he described as essential to learning the act of climbing on your shoulders to be able to look down at what youve just done and then to represent it to yourself.,25,d. 添加强调形式: e.g. Her

13、e is a sentence cited from Steven Pinkers book The Language Instinct: “Many prescriptive rules of grammar are just plain dumb and should be deleted from the usage handbooks emphasis added.”,26,e. 原文有错(拼写错误、年代错误等): e.g. Doe added, “the affects effects of radiation exceeded our estimates”(2006:23).,27

14、,4 引用中的特殊情形,28,(i) 反复引用 多次引用某一篇作品内容(如文学评论)。为方便起见,从第二次引用起,只注页码。 e.g. In six months time, he was tramped into marriage with her, though “he had no respect for her” (40).,29,(ii) 易混淆文献:同一作者与同姓作者,a. 同一作者在同一年发表的著作(如论文、专著等),用小写英文字母在出版时间后标志,以示区别,如(1995a: 79)、(1995b: 173)。标志顺序必须与参考文献中的排列顺序一致。 e.g. Shaggy po

15、ints out that “the beginning writer does not know how writers behave” (1995a: 79).,30,b. 如果出现两位作者姓氏相同、且是同一年份的文献,括号中应该加上作者的名字缩写。如:(X.D. Wang, 1990)。 e.g. Teachers applauded Shaggys assertion that “teaching them beginning writers to write well is not only suitable but challenging work for those who wo

16、uld be teachers and scholars in a democracy” (R. Miller, 2002).,31,(iii) 团体作者与无作者文献,a. 引用团体作者的作品,括号夹注中应使用团体的名称。 e.g. Conceptually, motivation is seen as “the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language plus favorable attitude toward learning language” (American Psychological Association, 1987:20).,32,b. 引用无作者文献,最好在正文中提及该文献的标题,并在参考文献中标出其详细网址。 e.g. In a web article entitled “The way to Enlarge Vocabulary”, the author presented three ways



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