外研社初一英语module 8 unit 1 Tony always likes birthday parties课件展示

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《外研社初一英语module 8 unit 1 Tony always likes birthday parties课件展示》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研社初一英语module 8 unit 1 Tony always likes birthday parties课件展示(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,1. never(从不) make a cake(制做蛋糕) I never make a cake on my birthday. 2. often(经常) get a card (获得卡片) I often get a card on my birthday 3. usually(通常)has a party(有个排对) She usually has a party on her birthday 4. always (总是)get presents(得到礼物) She always gets presents on her birthday.,课前读词,Module 8 Unit 1

2、 Tony always likes birthday parties,经济区教研室 杨培政,幸福小调查,.这一周同学们有过生日的吗?请起立,老师给你准备了一份礼物。,如果你知道自己的生日,请举手。,每个人都知道自己的生日。你知道你父母的生日吗?知道自己父母生日的请起立。,感谢父母每年都记得我们的生日,我们也应该知道他们的生日,常怀感恩之心。假如这个周末是你父母的生日,你想和父母过生日。跟我读 I want to have a party with my parents.,I want to have a party 竞赛规则 with your parents and friends,Goo

3、d luck to you ! 在学习中我们有很多的竞赛游戏,及时举牌或举手抢答,答对的会得到一张中百美食城代金卷,小组合作的题目答对了,参与者每人都可的一张,打错无效,在答题过程中其他小组认真听讲,如果听出错误来,在回答完毕后请及时举牌纠正,答对了得到一张代金卷。课后结束时,得到代金卷最多的组获胜,获得礼包和神秘礼物一份,你们可以和父母或朋友举行派对,共同分享。 学习策略:组长很关键,合作很重要。 抢答口号一:who is the best ?I am the best! 抢答口号二: ready? Go !,小试牛刀(看看我和女儿如何过生日),See and say quickly 快速说

4、出你看到的词组和句子,make a cake I never make a cake on my birthday,get a card I often get a card on my birthday,get presents She usually gets presents on her birthday,have a party She always has a party on her birthday,Listen what Sam and WangDong usually do on birthday,Sam: tomorrow is my birthday! Wang Don

5、g: What do you usually do on your birthday,Sam? Sam: well, I_(A: always B:usually C:often d:never) get presents! And I_ (A: always B:usually C:often d:never) make a birthday cake. I _(A: always B:usually C:often d:never) get a birthday card. What about you,Wang Dong? Wang Dong: well, I_(A: always B:

6、usually C:often d:never) get presents and cards.but I _(A: always B:usually C:often d:never) make a cake. I _(A: always B:usually C:often d:never) have a party. Sam: I _(A: always B:usually C:often d:never) have a party . Wang Dong: I like parties.lets have a party! Sam: great!,读前听,读中学,将 always ,nev

7、er,usually ,often 这四个表示频度的副词按照由高到底的顺序排列 这四个频度副词在句子中的顺序,是在行为动词之前还是在行为动词之后.,always usually often never,频度副词在行为动词之前,学后用 what do you do on your birthday ?,What do you do on your birthday? I always/usually/often/never. Word banks: (你可能会用到的词语) Get presents , make a birthday cake , get a birthday card , ha

8、ve a party, listen to music , go to a football match , play computer games ,watch tv, go to supermarket),I always go to a football match on TV on my birthday. I often get a card on my birthday,Given is lucky ,Giving is happy得到礼物是幸运的 给予礼物是快乐的你想参加Tony的生日聚会吗 ?,(1)Listen and check ()what Tony likes A To

9、ny loves cakes. ( ) B Tony likes computer games ( ) C Tony always likes parties ( ),check ()the true sentences, what do Tonys friends do on his birthday?你知道朋友们要给托尼什么礼物吗,A send him a birthday card ( ) B make a cake for him ( ) C give him a computer game ( ) D give him a CD ( ) E go to a football matc

10、h ( ) F have a birthday party ( ),读后学Read the passage, if you have any question , please hands up,A Lets_(send) him a birthday card B Lets_(give) him a computer game. C He often _(listen) to music . D He often _(watch ) football 1. 请注意lets 与动词的用法 2. 请注意he对listen, watch 的影响。,Answer : send give listen

11、s watches 1.let 后要加动词原形 2. 主语是第三人称单数时,动词要加s 或es 一般动词后加s 如 like likes 以s,x ,ch,sh结尾要加es 如 watch watches 以辅音字母+ o 结尾要加es 如 go goes (4)以辅音字母+y结尾,把y变 I 再加es 如 carry carries,A:It is Tonys birthday on Saturday, Lets go to his birthday party . He likes/ loves music B: We always/usually/ often give him a CD

12、 C: Lets give him a CD D: ok/Great/good idea/ Thats a great idea!,学后说 (小组合作,根据提示复述大意)what will you give to Tony on his birthday?你们会给Tony什么礼物呢?,word banks (用到的词组) send him a birthday card make a cake for him give him a CD go to a football match have a birthday party,have a party with friends,流金 岁月,如果

13、这个周末,你的父母、朋友或老师要过生日,请根据他们的喜好,挑选礼物共同参加一个生日派对。(参照仿句,2个小组合作完成),A:It is our teachers birthday on Saturday, Lets go to birthday party . He/SHe likes football B: We always play football C: Lets play football D: He/She usually plays computer games E: Lets give him a computer game D: Thats a great idea! F:

14、What about a CD? G: NO, he never listens to music H;What about a card ? We often make a card for him A: OK , Lets have a party B: Great,He/She usually likes parties.,堂堂清,1. I go to the supermarket (often) 2. He plays football on Saturday (usually) 3. She gets up at 7:00(always) 4. They speak English at home.(never. 5.I_(have) a party on Saturday. 6.She _(come) to my birthday 7.My friend_(like) birthday.,Homework,1. 将今天所学的内容进行课后整理,并完成课本P100的第1和第3部分 (必做题) 2. 预习动词第三人称单数的变化形式(选做题),Thank you very much,在学习与生活中要学会分享,心怀感恩 得到礼物是幸运 给予礼物是幸福 Given is lucky Giving is happy,



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