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1、1 / 5 新部编人教( PEP )版小学四年级英语下册期末测试卷附(听力材料、答案) 班级姓名等级 时间:60 分钟满分:100分 题 号X XI 总 分 得 分 考生注意:本卷包括听力 20% ,笔试 80% ,两大部分共十一道大题, 满分 100 分,时量 60分钟。听力材料以中速朗读两遍。全部答案按要求作答,书写工 整、清晰、卷面整洁。 听 力 部 分(20 分) Listen and choose. 听音,圈单词。(7 分) ( ) 1Aread Bdraw C paint ( ) 2AMonday BTuesday CFriday ( ) 3Amusic Bmake Ccook (

2、 ) 4AVIP BMTV C. BBC ( ) 5Abetween Bbehind C beside ( ) 6Aboy Bbuy Cbut ( ) 7Aball Bwall Csmall Listen and number. 听音,标号。(6 分) ( )Ok. Here you are. ( )Do you like the yellow one? ( )Good morning. Can I help you? ( )Yes. How much is it? ( )I want a teddy bear, please. ( )Its eighteen yuan. Listen and

3、 tick.听录音,“”出小朋友们来自的国家。(7 分) 笔 试 部 分 (80 分) 2 / 5 Write the sentences. 将句子抄写在四线格内, 书写规范,注意标点符号。 (8 分) Where is my new coat, Mum? Today is Wednesday. How many teeth do you have, Dino? Do you have a ticket? Match pictures with the words. 图文匹配。(8 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ACooking BSwimming C Playing DReading

4、 Read and choose. 根据中文意思选择正确选项。 (10 分) ( )1在图中你能看到什么?应该这样说: AWhat can you see in the pictures? BWhat can you do? ( )2当你想问别人正在做什么,会说: AWhat are you? BWhat are you doing? ( )3你想告诉朋友蒂姆正在跳舞,应该这样说: ATim is dancing. BI am sleeping. ( )4你想告诉好朋友今天是自己的生日,应该说: AToday is my birthday . BToday is her birthday. (

5、 )5当你想问别人来自哪里,应该这样说: A Where are you going? B Where are you from? Read and find. 找出不同类的单词,把答案代号写在题前括号里。 (10分) ( )1Akitchen Bbasketball Cfootball ( )2Abetween Bball Cbeside ( )3Acoffee Bwater C pocket ( )4 Asleeping Bsinging C do ( )5Atomorrow Brun Ctoday Match pictures with the English sentences. 图文

6、匹配。(10 分) 3 / 5 A B C D E ( ) 1Tim and Dino go to the beach. ( ) 2The books are on the desk. ( ) 3We can run. ( ) 4We are playing basketball. ( ) 5I can see the mountains. Read and choose. 选择填空,将正确的答案代号填在括号里。(10分) ( )1 is the ball? It s sixty yuan. A How old BHow much C How long ( )2It s too hot. I

7、want to eat a (an) . Aorange Bcoffee C ice cream ( )3Where is Linda from? _ She from the USA. Acome Bcomes C coming ( )4I like . It is . Awinter; hot Bsummer; cool Cspring; warm ( )5Peter writing. Ais Bam C are XRead and choose. 选择填空,从 B栏中找出 A栏中的答案代号填在提前 的括号里。 (10 分) A B ( )1How much is an ice cream

8、? AIt s very cool. ( )2What are they doing? BIt s 4 yuan. ( )3Do you have your ticket? CThey are dancing. ( )4What s the weather like today? DNo, I can t. ( )5Can you write a letter for me? EYes, I do. XIRead and tick.读短文,选择相应的天气打“”。 (14 分) This is the weeks weather. Monday is a rainy day. Tuesday i

9、s a windy day. Wednesday is a cloudy day. Thursday is a rainy day. Friday is cloudy. Saturday is a sunny day. And Sunday is a snowy day. 4 / 5 小学四年级英语期末教学质量检测参考答案 一A C C B C A A 二631425 三China; the USA; the USA; the UK; the USA; Canada; France 四略 五B A D C 六A B A A B 七A B C C B 八D E C A B 九B C B C A 十B C E A D 十一略 5 / 5


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