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1、1 / 6 新部编人教(PEP)版小 学六年级英语上册期中检测卷及(含答案) 班级:_ 姓名: _等级:_ 时间:60 分钟满分:100 分 一、Read and choose.(读一读,选出发音不同的一 项,并将序号填在提前括 号 内) ( ) 1. A. helmetB. cinema C. leftD. lesson ( ) 2. A. slowB. yellowC. tomorrowD. down ( ) 3. A. crossingB. postC. officeD. stop ( ) 4. A. subwayB. busC. supermarketD. up ( ) 5. A. f

2、ootballB. bookC. goodD. school 二、Readand choose.(读一读,选择最佳答案, 并将序号填在题前括号内。) ( ) 1. Turn left _ the bookstore. Its next _ the cinema. A. at to B. in near C. on with D. to at ( ) 2. When are you going to the post office? _. A. I m going to buy a postcard B. By subway C. The bookstore D. Next Sunday ( )

3、 3. Is it far? _ A. Yes, it isnt. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, he is. D. Yes, they are. ( ) 4. My home is near the school, so I often go to school _. A. by bus B. on foot C. by car D. by plane ( ) 5. Do you like robots? Yes. Let s go to the _. A. science museum B. school C. nature park D. hospital ( ) 6.

4、 _ are you going? I m going to the supermarket. 2 / 6 A. What B. WhenC. WhereD. How ( ) 7. _ do you go to Beijing? I go by plane. A. How B. WhatC. WhenD. Where ( ) 8. You can _ the No.62 bus. A. byB. takeC. goD. to ( ) 9. _ is your school? It s behind the museum. A. Which B. WhereC. HowD. What ( ) 1

5、0. The cinema is in front of the bookstore. The bookstore is _ the hospital. A. under B. frontC. onD. behind ? 三、Read and write. (根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每 条横线 只填一个单词 ) 1. How do you come to school? _ _ (乘火车). 2. My mum wants to buy a _ _ (漫画书). 3. _ _ ( 左转弯) at the library, then go straight. 4. _ _ ( 慢下来) and

6、 stop at the yellow light. 5. Amy is going to _ a _ (看电影) tomorrow. 四、Read and choose.(从右栏中找出左 栏各句的答 语) (1) How do Mike and Amy come to school?A. Take a trip. (2) Where is the library?B. Tomorrow morning. (3) How can I get to the park?C. They come by bus. (4) What are you going to do?D. Its next the

7、 hospital. (5) When are you going to the zoo?E. Go straight, then, turn right. 五、Read and write. (读一读,根据要求完成下列句子。 ) 1. going when the to are post office you (?) ( 连词成句) _ 2. there get can how we (?) ( 连词成句) 3 / 6 _ 3. light at wait red a and stop (.) ( 连词成句) _ 4. The science museum is near the post

8、office. (就划线部分提 问) _ 5. These children come to school by ship. (就划线部分提 问) _ 六、Read and number. (读句子,排 顺序。) ( ) At eight ten. ( ) I m going to buy a comic book. ( ) When are you going? ( ) To the bookstore. ( ) What are you going to do? (1 ) He llo, Oliver. Where are you going tonight? 七、Read and cho

9、ose. (根据短文 内容选择正确答案。 ) A. How B. Where C. this afternoon D. Usually E. bike Lily: Hi, Lucy, what are you going to do _? Lucy: I m going to a park. Lily: _ is the park? Lucy: It s next to the hospital. Lily: _ do you go to the park? Lucy: _ I go there by_. Lily: I want to go with you. Lucy: Sure! 八、R

10、ead and choose. (阅读短文, 选择最佳答案。 ) Annie is a university student. She likes Chinese food. She usually goes to school on foot Sometimes she goes by bus. Shes going to the post office this Saturday. She wants to buy some postcards. Shes going there by bus. 4 / 6 Tomorrow evening Annie and her family are

11、 going to visit her grandparents and have a big dinner. After that they are going to the cinema. They are going to have a nice weekend. (1) Annie likes _ food. A. China B. England C. Canada D. Chinese (2) Annie and her family are going to visit her grandparents _. A. this SaturdayB. this weekend C.

12、Sunday evening D. Saturday afternoon (3) Annie usually goes to school _. A. on footB. by plane C. by bikeD. by subway (4) What does Annie want to buy? A. post officeB. postcards C. dictionaryD. word book (5) They are going to the _ on Sunday evening. A. bookstore B. cinema C. post officeD. museum 九、

13、Read and tick or cross. (阅读短文,判 断正“”误“”。) I m Jack. I m very happy on the weekend.I usually go to the library. Sometimes I go to the park. The library is not far. I usually go on foot. I walk straight for fifteen minutes. Then I turn left and the library is on the right. The park is very far. It s n

14、ear the post office. I often go there by the No.26 bus and get off at the post office. Its easyto find it. (1) Jackusually goes to the library by bus. (2) Jack has a good time on the weekend. (3) He can walk straight for fifteen minutes, then I turn right. (4) The park is near the post office. (5) Jack can go there by the No.26 bus and get off at the bookstore. 十、Think and write. (你打算周末去 哪?去干什 么?怎样去?快 来写一写吧。 ) 5 / 6 要求: 1. 注意时态 2. 不少于 10 句话。 My weekend _



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