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1、精品资料推荐摘 要本次设计主要是为了开发利用B江流域的水利资源,建设一个以发电为主,同时兼顾灌溉、供水、防洪及养殖等综合利用效益的跨流域开发的水利水电枢纽工程。在毕业设计指导书和老师的指导下,进行了水利枢纽的设计,枢纽的概况如下:B江水利枢纽为复合土工膜防渗堆石坝最大坝高54.7m,装机6400kW,电站设计水头174米,保证出力1461kW,装有两台3200kW机组,正常蓄水位276.3m,主坝长214.5米左右,上游边坡1:1.5,下游边坡250m高程以下1:1.55,250m高程以上1:1.52。本次设计主要内容为:经洪水调节确定坝顶高程和泄洪道高程;坝型的比选,确定为复合土工膜防渗堆石


3、力学、静力学、水工钢结构、工程施工等,又运用了许多研究方法,如高切林法、试算法等。广泛参考了堆石坝设计、施工等相关书籍,并在规范规定内设计,体现了本设计的科学性、规范性、严谨性。关键词:复合土工膜;堆石坝;调洪演算;边坡稳定;导流;施工组织设计;投标报价AbstractThe purpose of this design is to develop the water resources of B Jiang Basin, constructing a power-based, taking into account irrigation, water supply, flood protec

4、tion and aquaculture Etc. of comprehensive utilization efficiency, such as the development of inter-basin water conservancy and hydropower project.With the guide book of graduation project, the water control project has been designed, summarized as follows:B Jiang Project is a composite geomembrane

5、impermeable rock-fill dam height of 53.0m,installed 6400kW,the design head of power station is 174m, the firm capacity is 1461kW,with two engine unit of 3200Kw,the normal water level is 276.5m,the length of the main dan is about 227m,the upstream slope and downstream slope both are 1:1.52.The primar

6、y coverage of the design is: ascertain the crest elevation;Pa-selection, Impermeable composite geomembrane rockfill dam has been indentified; the first major building design,the dam axis has been alignmented, Auxiliary design, Plinth design and Engineering Calculation has been finished; construction

7、 organization design; Discharge structure design. Calculation and preparation of the book for tender offer which is The focus of this design has been prepared.Impermeable composite geomembrane rockfill dam is a new type of dam, the impermeable materialcomposite geomembranethe design, construction, q

8、uality control is the dam of such key technology in the design of Chapter VI of the third statement Festival are explained in more detail.The design is refer to the general CFRD and some of geomembrane rockfill dam which has been build . Pay attention to the detail design of the independent sub-item

9、 ,at the same time, considering the unity of the overall project.In the design of the topic , referencing the tender documents that had build, the book for tender offer has been prepared under standards. In the design process which is full use of the knowledge,for example Hydraulics, Statics, Engine

10、ering Construction and so on and the methods which has been used, for example Test Algorithm and so no. Extensive reference to the dam design, construction and other related books, and design within the provisions regulating, the design reflects the scientific, standardized and tne Rigor.Key words:

11、composite geomembrane; rockfill dam; flood routing; slope stability; tender documents; the diversion; tender offer目 录第一章 综合说明 -1-1.1 工程特性表-1-1.2 建设目的和依据-3-1.3 建设的条件-3-1.4 建设的规模及综合利用效益-4-第二章 自然地理条件 -5-2.1 地形条件-5-2.2 水文特性-5-2.3 工程地质条件-6-2.4 气象、地震及其他-10-第三章 设计条件和设计依据 -11-3.1 设计任务-11-3.2 设计依据-11-第四章 洪水调

12、节计算 -12-4.1 洪水调洪演算 -12-4.2 洪水标准分析-14-4.3 洪水建筑物的型式选择-14-4.4 调洪演算及泄水建筑物尺寸(孔口尺寸/堰顶高程)的确定-15-第五章 主要建筑物型式选择及枢纽布置 -20-5.1 枢纽等别及组成建筑物级别-20-5.2 坝型选择-20-5.3 泄水建筑物型式选择-26-5.4 水电站建筑物-27-5.5 枢纽方案的综合比较-27-第六章 第一主要建筑物设计 -28-6.1 大坝轮廓尺寸及防浪墙设计-28-6.2 堆石料设计-40-6.3 复合土工膜设计-42-6.4 大坝稳定分析-45-6.5 副坝设计-48-6.6 细部构造设计及地基处理-

13、53-6.7趾板设计-56-6.8工程量计算-59-第七章 施工组织设计 -65-7.1基本资料分析-65-7.2施工导流-66-7.3主体工程施工-70-7.4施工交通运输道路布置-79-7.5施工总进度-80-第八章 第二建筑物设计 -81-8.1泄水建筑物形式选择-81-8.2泄水建筑物的设计-82-8.3边墙计算及稳定演算-89-专题 投标报价书 -95-参考文献 -118-125第一章 综合说明1.1 工程特性表表1-1 工程特性表序号及名称单 位数 量一、水库流域面积km233正常高水位m276.3死水位m248.5汛前限制水位m276.3设计洪水位m277.53校核洪水位m278

14、.98设计泄洪流量m3/s207.5校核泄洪流量m3/s297.5总库容万m32242.1782死库容万m3200.0兴利库容万m31725.0有效库容万m31950.0二、大坝坝型复合土工膜防渗堆石坝坝顶高程m279.2防浪墙顶高程m280.4坝顶宽度m5.0最大坝高m54.7上游坝坡11.55下游坝坡11.52和11.55主坝坝轴线长m214.5副坝型式重力式挡墙副坝坝轴线长m94.07导流洞型式圆形续表1-1 工程特性表导流洞进口底高程m227.5导流洞出口底高程m226.5导流洞半径Rm2.4导流洞长度m330三、溢洪道溢流前缘净宽m10堰顶高程m273设计流量m3/s207.5校核流量m3/s297.5闸门型式平板闸



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