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1、学 校 : 班 级 : 姓 名 : 学 号 : 密 封 线 2019201920202020 学年度第一学期五年级英语学年度第一学期五年级英语 期末质量调研试卷期末质量调研试卷 一、判断下列每组单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写“一、判断下列每组单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写“T T”,”, 不同的写“不同的写“F F”。”。 (6(6 分分) ) ( () 1. nice) 1. nicecakecake( () 2.bus) 2.busmusicmusic ( () 3. fly) 3. flyyesyes( () 4.always) 4.alwayshashas ( () 5.

2、winter) 5. winterwritewrite( () 6.jacket) 6.jacketjuicejuice 二、英汉词组互译。(二、英汉词组互译。(2020 分)分) 1. 1. 在房间里在房间里2. just right2. just right 3. 3. 没有腿没有腿4. at4. athomehome 5. 5. 居住居住6. come out6. come out 7. 7. 很多很多8. Christmas Eve8. Christmas Eve 9. 9. 买给买给10. at weekends10. at weekends 三、选择正确的答案,将序号填在题前的括号

3、内。(三、选择正确的答案,将序号填在题前的括号内。(1212 分)分) ( () 1. There are two fish. _ is red, _ is black.) 1. There are two fish. _ is red, _ is black. A. one, oneA. one, oneB. one, otherB. one, otherC. one, the otherC. one, the other ( () 2. _ is very popular in China.) 2. _ is very popular in China. A.BasketballA.Bas

4、ketballB. FootballB. FootballC. Table tennC. Table tenn ( () 3.Children write a letter_Father Christmas _Christmas.) 3.Children write a letter_Father Christmas _Christmas. A.to ,onA.to ,onB.to ,B.to ,atatC.for,C.for,atat ( () 4.What _ your father do? He _ a doctor.) 4.What _ your father do? He _ a d

5、octor. A. does, isA. does, isB.do,isB.do,isC. does , areC. does , are ( () 5.I usually chat with_on the Internet.) 5.I usually chat with_on the Internet. A. theyA. theyB. themB. themC. theirC. their ( () 6. _your father like _ TV? Yes , he_ .) 6. _your father like _ TV? Yes , he_ . A.A. Does, watchi

6、ng ,doesDoes, watching ,doesB. Do, watch,doB. Do, watch,do C. Does,watch,doesC. Does,watch,does ( ( ) 7.Billy _ to the park _ his friends. ) 7.Billy _ to the park _ his friends. A. goes,withA. goes,withB. go, withB. go, with C. goes, and C. goes, and ( () 8. SuHai and SuYang are twins,They _ like si

7、nging.) 8. SuHai and SuYang are twins,They _ like singing. A.allA.allB.bothB.bothC.areC.are ( () 9. There_ some milk and cakes in the fridge.) 9. There_ some milk and cakes in the fridge. A.isA.isB. areB. areC.isnC.isnt t ( ()10.The man has_bread_ milk . He)10.The man has_bread_ milk . Hes hungry an

8、ds hungry andthirsty.thirsty. A. some, andA. some, andB. no, andB. no, andC. no, orC. no, or ( () 11._Sam good at_? Sure.) 11._Sam good at_? Sure. A. Does, swimingA. Does, swimingB. Does, swimming C. Is, swimmingB. Does, swimming C. Is, swimming ( () 12.My brother _ a pretty parrot.) 12.My brother _

9、 a pretty parrot. A. haveA. haveB. hasB. hasC.havingC.having 四四、从、从栏栏中中选选出出栏栏的的答答句句,将将序序号号填填在在题题前前括括号号里里。(1616分分) ( () () () ) ()1.How many classrooms are there ? A.Good idea.1.How many classrooms are there ? A.Good idea. ()2.Does he have a dog ?2.Does he have a dog ?B.Merry Christmas!B.Merry Christ

10、mas! ()3.What does she like doing?3.What does she like doing?C.Yes ,he does.C.Yes ,he does. ()4.What do you do4.What do you do? ?D.Yes,I do.D.Yes,I do. ()5.Do you have an e-friend?5.Do you have an e-friend?E.He plays football.E.He plays football. ()6.What does LiuTao do at weekends? F.I6.What does L

11、iuTao do at weekends? F.I m a student.m a student. ()7.Merry Christmas!7.Merry Christmas!G.She likes singing.G.She likes singing. ()8.Let8.Let s go swimming.s go swimming.H.24.H.24. 五、选词填空。(五、选词填空。(1111分)分) 1.Here1.Heres a birthday card_s a birthday card_( to , for ) you.to , for ) you. 2.My sister

12、_ ( buy ,buys ) some dolls for2.My sister _ ( buy ,buys ) some dolls for_(I ,me )_(I ,me ) 3.What3.Whats wrong with _ ( him, he)s wrong with _ ( him, he) 4.What_( do ,does)YangLing _( do ,does)at weekends4.What_( do ,does)YangLing _( do ,does)at weekends? She _( has, have) _(dance, dancing)lessons.S

13、he _( has, have) _(dance, dancing)lessons. 5.My sister doesn5.My sister doesnt_(fly, flies) a kite at weekends.t_(fly, flies) a kite at weekends. 6.Let me _ ( send ,sends ) an email _ ( to ,for ) Peter.6.Let me _ ( send ,sends ) an email _ ( to ,for ) Peter. 六、根据中文完成句子六、根据中文完成句子. .(1919 分)分) 1. 1. 有

14、一些电脑房吗?有一些电脑房吗? 是的,有。他们在一楼。是的,有。他们在一楼。 theretherecomputer rooms?computer rooms? Yes,thereYes,there. They. They re on there on thefloor.floor. 2. 2. 你的妈妈是做什么工作的?你的妈妈是做什么工作的? 她是一名老师。她教英语。她是一名老师。她教英语。 WhatWhatyour motheryour mother? ? SheShe s as a.She.SheEnglish.English. 3. 3. 他在学校有语文课吗?他在学校有语文课吗? 不,他

15、没有。他放学后学习语文。不,他没有。他放学后学习语文。 heheChinese lessons at school?Chinese lessons at school? No, heNo, he. .HeHeChineseChineseschool.school. 4. 4. 海伦在周末做什么?海伦在周末做什么? 她总是去拜访她的祖父母。她有时去看电影。她总是去拜访她的祖父母。她有时去看电影。 WhatWhatHelenHelenat weekends?at weekends? SheSheher grandparents.her grandparents. SheSheto the cinema.to the cinema. 七阅读短文,判断句子的正误。正确的七阅读短文,判断


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