新标准大学英语2 unit1-unit9 单词短语汇总(课堂PPT)

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1、1,Unit 1,clash establishment passion protest alliance launch characterize employment prospect obscure,give rise to sth. bring about keep off in itself,2,Useful expressions,一阵烟雾 刺激的经历 将变成 激进的政治氛围 持不同意见的少数人 暴力冲突 与联盟 发动了一场大罢工 创造意识的觉醒 实现目标,a haze of smoke stimulating experience Transform into the atmosp

2、here of political radicalism dissident minority violent clashes form an alliance with launch a general strike creative awakening achieve ones aim of,More,3,Useful expressions,全民重视的话题 辍学 令人头脑发热的气氛 从高到低的顺序 就业前景 实现目的的手段 日子一去不复返了 同道好友 热爱 与的距离缩小,a topic of great national importance drop out the heady atm

3、osphere in descending order employability prospects a means to an end Gone are the days when like-minded friends have a passion for The gap between and has shrunk,4,Words to note,overthrow rebel destruction assert era profound,by definition take to be associated with make sense,5,Useful expressions,

4、带有讥讽意味的话 突然咔嗒一声开了窍 重新审视 从定义角度来说 推翻强权政府 给留下了非同寻常的机会 公民自由权 在请愿书上签名 把自己的名字添加到各种邮件通讯录中 政治抱负,ironic comment Something clicked. take a fresh look at by definition overthrow repressive government leave sb. extraordinary opportunities civil liberties sign petitions sign up for mailing lists political commit

5、ment,More,6,激发灵感、鼓舞斗志的领袖人物 表现自我 反叛 怀念 给提供了一个不断发展的机会 交流思想和受挫感 与相关 真实而深刻 正在推进中的未完成的事业 有一定的意义,inspirational characters assert oneself rebel against be nostalgic for provide sb. with a developing opportunity communicate ideas and frustrations be associated with real and profound work in progress make a

6、sense,7,Unit 3,deception fraud fraudster forge forgery custody consultancy anonymous precaution,1. count on 2. look through,8,Useful expressions,冒充飞行员 伪造支票价值达 虚构的联邦局特工 白领犯罪 行骗生涯 开办咨询公司 身份盗窃 留给来取 无名受害者 改变某人心态,impersonate a airplane pilot forge checks worth fictional FBI agent white collar crime a car

7、eer as a fraudster run a consultancy identity theft leave for pickup anonymous victims change ones mindset,More,9,Useful expressions,家用化学药品 采取预防措施 寻找 签字笔 撕碎文件 制造假身份 在谷歌上搜索 个人信息 注销电脑 犯罪记录,a household chemical take precautions look through a gel pen tear up documents to create a false identity do a Go

8、ogle search personal information log off criminal record,10,Words to note,scary offensive tasteful friction extract perpetrate correlate identifier peril,1. go about something 2. not to mention 3. on file 4. all the time 5. balance with 6. in the presence of,11,Useful Expressions,可供随时调用 走在街上 方式令人不舒服

9、 从事某事 令人恼火 在档案上 日益集权化、全球化、网络化的经济 目前拥有 更不用说 去除摩擦,be readily available to walk down the street be not tasteful in the way go about something be offensive be on file increasingly consolidated, global, networked economy in current possession not to mention take the friction out of,More,12,Useful express

10、ions,以最省事的方式 各方 未经许可使用 行骗 与具有相关性 通用标识符 在保持平衡 面对,with minimum effort on everyones part unauthorized use perpetrate fraud correlated to a universal identifier balance with in the presence of,13,Unit 4,chase echo erode frame odd startle sensational millennium,identify with not necessarily,14,More,1.巨大的

11、国际意义 2.历史性和国际性 3.坏事传千里。 4.重大国际影响 5.全球却颇有反响 6.比优势大多了 7.设定的方针 8.独特的视点,of enormous international significance the historical and international dimension Bad news travels fast. momentous international consequences There are echoes of the stories across the globe. to have an enormous advantage over press

12、 set guidelines a unique viewpoint,Useful expressions,15,Useful expressions,not necessarily more objective or reliable than the power to influence the public, more or less covertly the proliferation of personal blogs the possibility of self-broadcasting the growth of open-access webpages to reach a

13、worldwide audience instantly the never-ending search,9. 未必比更客观可靠 10. 或多或少隐蔽地影响公众的权力 11.个人博客的大量出现 12. 自我广播的可能性 13. 权限开放网页的增长 14. 迅即到达全球的观众 15. 永不停止的搜索,16,Words to note,1. revenue 2. capture 3. compact 4. nevertheless 5. survey 6. integrity 7. moreover,close down in a bid refer to as,17,1.风暴之前的平静 2.愉快

14、平静的一刻 3.发行量下滑 4.广告收入 5.报纸定价 6.价格敏感的产品 7.恶性循环 8.20多年来的长期趋势 9.每天读报的人数从下降到 10.逐分逐秒地监视,1. the quiet before the storm 2. a moment of peace and pleasure 3. Circulation has declined. 4. the revenue from advertising 5. cover price 6. a price-sensitive product 7. vicious circle 8. a long-term trend of 20 or

15、more years 9. Daily readership falls fromto 10. monitor minute by minute,Useful expressions,More,18,Useful expressions,11.报纸的发行量 12.激烈竞争 13.印刷和生产成本 14.意在 15.提供一个便利的窗口 16.最喜欢的莫过于 17. 不记得的时候 18.不可否认的影响 19.定期 20.这样的评语常见于,11. circulation figures 12. ferocious competition 13. printing and production cost

16、 14. in a bid to 15. provide an easy outlet for sb. 16. Theres nothing sb. likes more than 17. dont remember a day when 18. Its hard to deny the impact of 19. on a regular basis 20. is a comment which occurs regularly,More,19,21.不会轻易消失的 22.创造新的收入来源 23.增加市场份额 24.尊崇的原则 25.比享有更大影响力和声望 26.是难以打破的习惯,21. wont die without a struggle 22. to create new revenue streams 23. to increase ones market share 24. honor the principles of 25. ha



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