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1、2007年高考英语听力原文-重庆T1 M: Would you like some coffee or tea?W: No, thanks, Id better have some water. Text 2M: Good morning, Madam, can I help you?W: Yes, I want to buy some stamps and post a letter. T3 M: Have you bought the books?W: Ive got my English book, but not math or history. T4 M: Shall we go t

2、o the party tonight?W: I am afraid not, you see I am meeting my manager tonight. T5 M: Did you meet the new director yesterday?W: I just came back from London this morning.T6 M: Hello?W: Hello, Dad. M: Oh, Susan. How was everything?W: Fine, I am just calling to see how you and Mom are. I miss you so

3、 much. M: We are fine. Are you still very busy?W: Yeah, I am working hard on the business plan. Ill take a business trip next week. Is Mom home?M: She is down at the shopping center for some fruits.W: How is my little brother, Tom?M: He was not feeling well yesterday and your Mom took him to the hos

4、pital this morning. He is now in bed. W: Whats wrong? Is it serious?M: Just a fever and he is feeling better now, dont worry. W: Tell him Ill bring him some toys when I come back home. M: OK. When are you coming back?W: I havent decided yet, maybe in two weeks. Hopefully, Ill be able to stay at home

5、 for three weeks this time. M: Great, take care. T7 Good morning. I am Kate Green, head nurse of the school hospital. Ill say a few words about the hospital before you move on to the library. The hospital is open from 9: 00 a.m. to 5: 00 p.m. every day, but there is a number you can call anytime 746

6、539. Of course, I hope that none of you will get sick, but in case you do become ill, I hope you know what to do. For example, if you have a really bad cold, its a good idea to come and see the doctor. Last year several students didnt take this seriously, and they developed terrible coughs. But if y

7、ou have just an ordinary cold, you should usually stay in your room and have a good rest. Its wise to have less exercise, or you will get much sicker. Any questions? If not, you can move on. T8 M: Cathy, where are you going this weekend?W: I am going to the beach with some of my classmates. Want to

8、join us, Mike?M: Why not, which beach?W: Provence beach. I always want to watch the sea boats there. M: Sounds great, but the bus is crowded at the weekend. W: I know, thats why some of us will take the train instead. Luckily, I have my brothers car. M: Do you have space for me?W: Sure. M: When are

9、we leaving? W: Friday, about 4: 30. Shall I pick you up somewhere?M: Yes, please, Ill go to Professor Wilsons office at 3: 30 in the afternoon. We can meet half an hour later in front of the building. W: OK. Then we can go to Jennifers place together to pick her up. T9 M: Mary, welcome to our talk s

10、how. W: My pleasure. M: Mary, at the age of 16, you broke two records in swimming in international games. That made you well known. W: Right. M: Now the first question. Would you please let us know some of the things you are interested in?W: Singing and dancing. I even wanted to be a painter when I

11、was five. M: Really? I wouldnt be surprised if you became a famous singer or a great painter. W: Aha. Im afraid not. M: Its said that you dont swim at all now, is it true?W: Yeah. Ive been back at school. M: But you still have many chances to win, youre only 22. W: Thats too old for a swimmer. If I

12、swam in the international games now, I wouldnt win. M: You no longer enjoy swimming?W: I used to, but I have swum for 15 years. I need a change. M: A change?W: Well, I missed a lot of things in my life. Like going to an art school, traveling.M: I see, lets come to the next question. T10 Switzerland

13、is a small but beautiful country in the middle of Europe. Its total area is about 15 000 square miles, about 70 of its area is mountainous, while 30 is covered by forests. The population is about 75 00 000 and most people live in small towns, about 5of the population was born foreign. The Swiss are

14、known all over the world for their hard work, however, they love to travel and many of them live outside Switzerland. There are 3 official languages in Switzerland, German is spoken by more than half of the population and is spreading into the North area. French has the second largest number of spea

15、kers living in the southwestern part of the country, while Italian is spoken only in the southeast of the country. 听力答案1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.A 18.70 19.foreign 20.second/2nd 2008年高考英语听力录音原文重庆T1 M: If we go to London by bus, itll take us three hours.W: Yes, but its only two hours by train.T 2 M: Lily, Ive just written a story. Want to read it?W: Why not? Come on.T3 M: Your brother just called. He wanted to meet you for dinner.W: Oh, really? Did he say when?T 4 M: You look so pleased. You must have done well in the exam.W:


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