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1、1 七年级英语下学期期中(Unit16 )专题练习(无答案)人教学 目标 单项选择专题练习 ()1. What s Jim doing over there? He _ his friends. A. is talking B. talking with C. talks with D. is talking with ()2. There s _ interesting girl next to_ library. A. a, the B. an, a C. a, / D. an, the ()3. I ll go for a school trip.I hope you have a go

2、od trip. _ A、 Thanks. B、Me, too. C、Sure, I will. D、You too! ()4. My work is interesting but _ dangerous. A a kind B kinds of C kind of D kind ()5. Next to the school is a small house _an interesting swimming pool. A on B in C with D and ()6. Please give an apple _ him . A to B for C of D from ()7.Th

3、ere _ a big tree and some birds in the zoo. A. is B. are C. have D. has ()8. Its time supper now. A. for have B. have C. to D. for ()9. Amy _after school every day. A. walks to home B. walks home C. walk home D. walk to home ()10.He can t_ in the library. A .shouts B. to shout C. shouting D. shout (

4、 )11. It takes me two hours _ my homework every day. A. do B. to do C. doing D. Does ( ) 12. Where is the new student ? -America. A. in B. from C. at D. for ( ) 13. -Let s go and have a look at the animals. -. A. Yes, let us B. OK, Lets go C. Youre a ll right D. Sorry, I dont ( ) 14. Listen! Maryin

5、the next room. A. sings B. is singing C. sang D. sing ( ) 15. -_ do you like pandas ? -_theyre cute and shy. A. WhyBecauseB. HowBut C. Why So D. How And ( ) 16. Jim is very busy. He usually has dinner _ 8:30. A. in B. on C. at D. for ( )17. How far is it _ your home _school? -About 2 kilometers. A.

6、from, to B. between, and C. from, at D. at, to ( ) 18. -_ does it take your mother to make breakfast every day? -About 15 minutes. 2 A.How far B. How long C. How D. How much ( ) 19. I _ to the bus stop. A.by bike B. by my bike C. ride bike D. ride my bike ( ) 20. In my school, we cant be late for sc

7、hool and we cant eat in class _. A. also B. too C. as well D. either ( )21.I think Jack Chan is a great actor,_ my friends dont like him. A. and B. but C. or D.so ( )22. People from Canada _ English and French. A. say B. talk C. tell D. speak ( )23. There _ a bank and two pay phones near here. A. ha

8、s B. have C. are D. is ( )24. The students _ games after class. They _ volleyball over there now. A. play, are playing B. are playing, play C. play, play D. are playing, are playing ( )25. Thank you for _ the school play. A. joining B. to join C. join D. is joining ( )26. Please be quiet. My little

9、child _. A. go to bed B. is sleeping C. sleeps D. going to school ( )27、Can you paint?_. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do . C. No, I can. D. Yes, a little. ( )28. Kate wants _the English club. A. joins B. to joins C. to join D. joining ( )29. He wants to join the _ club. He can _ chess. A. chesss ; play t

10、he B. chess ;play C. chessing ; play D. chess; plays the ( )30. Li Lei can _ it in English. A. tell. B. talk C. say D. speak. ( )31. Jim often gets_ school at eight and gets _ home at five A. ; B. to; to C. ; to D. to; ( )32 . What do you usually do_ Sunday mornings. A. in . B. at . C. on. D. for. (

11、 )33 . It s _ 6:00 .Let s go home. A. at B. in C. on D. around ( )34.How do you usually go to school? I usually go to school _. A. by my bike B. by bikes C. by bike D. by a bike ( )35. _are you stay there? For two weeks. AHow long B. How far C. How often D. How many ( )36.How do you _ there? I take

12、the train. A. reach to B. get to C. arrive D. arrive in ( )37. _do you think of your teacher? A. How B What C. Which D. Where ( )38. _play computer games after school. A. Can tB. No C. Not D .Dont ( )39 . Don t run in the hallways. _,I won t do it again. 3 ASorry B. Excuse C. Thank you D. No ( )40.

13、The teacher tells us not _a hat in class. A. wear B. wearing C. to wear D. wears ( )41. _do you like pandas. _they are cute. AWhy; Because B. Why; So C. What; because D. What; So 词性转换专题练习 1. His sister usually _ (take) a shower at 8:00 in the evening. 2. _ (do) your parents_ (run) every day? 3. I ta

14、ke a bus _ (go) to school . 4. How about_ (take) a bus to school? 5. She _ (not do) her homework every day. 6. It takes Tom an hour _ (finish) his homework. 7. _ (do) your homework before dinner. 8. Let s _(see)the pandas first. 9. Chinese people are great and _ (friend). 10. Look! your sister _(do) her homework. 11. These are my new c_ (同班同学 ). 12. Betty practices d_ (画画 ) after school every day. 13. Hainan is in the s (南方 ) of China. 14. People w (穿 ) warm cl


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