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1、1,Chinese Medical Herbs,2,The origin of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Development of the Science of TCM,Dating back to the ancient China, our ancestor wrote the “Fifty-two disease party(五十二病方)”, which records more than 300 prescriptions and 200 kinds of drugs. Besides, in the book “Rites

2、of Zhou(周礼)”,there are some contents about “the five flavors , the five cereals (rice ,two kinds of millet, wheat and beans.)”,3,Collect and process of TCM(中药的采制),Processing(炮制),preparation (制剂),4,The Performance of the TCM(中药的性能),It can also called drug properties(药性), and it mainly conclude “four

3、natures of drugs(四气)”,“the five flavors(五味)”,“channel tropism trupizm (归经)”,“ascending and descending, floating and sinking (升降浮沉)”,“toxicity(毒性)”,and etc.,5,Four Natures of Drugs(四气),It refers to the four properties of drugs, that is, cold, hot ,warm and cool. It reflects the bodys effect of inclin

4、ation(作用倾向)of the ups and downs of Yin and Yang (阴阳盛衰)and the Semi-interior phase change(寒热变化)after the drugs acting on the body.,6,In the book “Sheng Nongs herbal classic(神农本草经),there is a basic principle in treating Cold symptoms(真热假寒证),which is that “ Treat the cold with hot medicine, treat the h

5、ot with cold medicine.(疗寒以热药,疗热以寒药)”,7,The Five Flavors(五味),It contains five basic herbal medicines in a prescription(药味)pungent,sweet, sour, bitter, and salty . It can divided into two parts,Yin : pungent, sweet,Yang: sour, bitter, and salty,8,The efficacities(功效) of five flavors,Pungent:functions

6、of volatilization(发散),promoting the circulation of Qi(行气),invigorating the circulation of blood(活血),and etc. Its always used to treat Exterior Syndrome(表证),such as herba ephedra(麻黄). Sweet: functions of tonifying(补益),harmonizing the middle warmer(和中),regulating herbal property (调和药性)and alleviating

7、pain(缓急止痛).,9,The efficacities(功效) of five flavors(2),Sour: has the actions of astringing(收敛),inducing astringency(固涩). Bitter: has the functions of depriving the evil wetness(燥湿),discharging the defecation(通泄大便). Salt: functions of softening hardness to dissipate stagnation(软坚散结) and defecation.,10

8、,The Philosophic Foundation ofTCM- wu xing theory,11,Metal One of the five phases with which the season autumn the color white the taste acridity-pungent and the lung and large intestine in the body are associated.,12,Wood One of the five phases with which the season spring the color blue or green t

9、he taste sourness and the liver and gallbladder in the body are associated,13,Fire One of the five phases with which the season summer the color red the taste bitterness and the heart and small intestine in the body are associated,14,Water (1) One of the five phases with which the season winter the

10、color black the taste saltiness and the kidney and bladder in the body are associated; (2)Pathologic aspect of body fluid,15,Earth One of the five phases with which the season of late summer the color yellow the taste sweetness and the spleen and stomach in the body are associated.,16,Ascending and

11、Descending, Floating and Sinking (升降浮沉),It refers to the drugs four different function trend (up ,down, inside and ouside)to the body.,17,Channel Tropism trupizm (归经),It refers to the drugs selective function to some part of the body. That is to say ,one kind of drug has a main or special treating f

12、unction for the pathological changes(病变)of some organs and meridians (脏腑器官).,18,Toxicity(毒性),It has two meaning in history.,: the bias ( 偏性)that the drug has when used in treating diseases.,:the adverse effect(不良影响)and the damage that the drug do to the body.,19,The application of TCM,Compatibility

13、of medicines(配伍):means that making use of two or more than two kinds of drugs selectively according to different needs and different features of the patients condition. It can be concluded by seven aspects, which called the “seven emotions” of the drugs.,20,The Compatibility of Herbs( seven emotions

14、),Single application (单行) Synergism (相须) Mutual assistance(相使) Mutual inhibition(相畏) Mutual detoxification(相杀) Mutual antagonism(相恶) Incompatibility(相反),21,Contraindication in Using Herbs(用药禁忌), Incompatibility : - eighteen incompatible medicaments(十八反) -nineteen counteraction(十九畏) Contraindication

15、during pregnancy(妊娠用药禁忌) Dietary Taboos during taking the medicine (服药时的饮食禁忌):,22,Dosage and usage,The usage: - Decoction(煎煮方法) Be decocted first(先煎) Put the medicine next (后下) Drug wrapped during decocted(包煎) ,23,Exterior-releasing medicine(解表药),It refers a category of medicines that have the effec

16、t of dispelling external pathogen from the exterior aspect of the body, usually from sweating .,Wind-cold dispersing medicine (发散风寒药),Wind-heat dispersing medicine (发散风热药),24,Wind-cold-dispersing medicine,Example Ginger(生姜),Drug Properties: Pungent, warm. In the liver, stomach, spleen.,Efficacy: warming middle energizer arrest vomiting(温中止呕), Exterior-releasing ,and dissipating cold (解表散寒),Application: ) vomiting due to coldness in stomach (胃寒呕吐) )cold



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