Unit6 Future Life Section C演示PPT

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1、1,Future Life,Section C,Unit 6,2,Lets guess,a football mp5,What are the four things in the pictures?,What are they used for ?,a watch,a flying car,a electric bonsai fan,Lead-in,5bDnsaI 盆栽,3,Read the title and tick., food clone mobile phone domes housing career plan internship black hole voyages to t

2、he moon,What Will Life Be like in the Future?,In which paragraph are the words mentioned?,Para. 2,Para. 2,Para. 4,How about “clone”?,clone : /klEJn/ copy n.克隆;无性繁殖,Para. 3,Reading,Pre-reading,4,A. a healthier life D. rain and snow B. picture windows E. a copy of ourselves C. huge glass domes F. beau

3、tiful sceneries,Read and complete.,In the future ,cities will be built under _, which can protect us from _. 2. Genetic engineering will help us enjoy _. 3. With the help of the genetic engineering, we will be able to make _. 4. Sitting in the hotel on the moon, we can enjoy _ through its _.,A,F,C,D

4、,E,B,Reading,Pre-reading,5,expert /5eksp:t/ n. 专家,What will life be like in the future? Will it be better than it is now? And what will we be able to do 20 or 50 years later? Lets just close our eyes and think! Housing Its said that some experts are thinking about building cities under huge glass do

5、mes. Of course, air-conditioning and cooking systems will be in the domes. Then, there will never be any rain or snow, and the temperature will always be comfortable.,be able to 能够,同义词can,Its said据说 e.g. Its said that he has already been released from duty. 据说他已被解除职务。 Its said that she is hot on sev

6、eral foreign languages. 据说她精通好几门外语。,What will life be like in the future?,dome /dEJm/ n. 圆屋顶,system /5sIstEm/ n. 系统;制度;体制,expert /5eksp:t/ n. 专家,未来人类的生活会是什么样?会比现在好吗?20年或50年后,我们又能做些什么呢?让我们闭上眼睛尽情想象吧! 住房 据说专家们正在考虑未来将城市建在巨大的玻璃屋顶下。当然,玻璃屋顶中配备有空调和烹饪系统。这样,再也不会有雨雪,温度也将常年维持在比较舒适的水平。,Reading,6,Q1: What will be

7、 built over future cities?,Huge glass domes will be built over future cities,People will feel comfortable.,Q2: How will people feel living in the city? Why?,Lets answer,Para. 2,Because there will be no rain or snow. The temperature will always be comfortable. Whats more, there will be cooking system

8、s in the domes.,Reading,7,genetic /dVI5netIk/ adj. 基因的;遗传的,Genetic Engineering Its believed that genetic engineering will help us enjoy a longer and healthier life. All body parts will be replaceable. And we will be able to make a copy of ourselves. If this happens, it will be hard to tell the diffe

9、rence between us humans and our copies.,it will be hard to do something, it做形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的不定式短语。,Its believed, it做形式主语,真正的主语是后面that 所引导的从句。,replaceable /rI5pleIsEbl/ adj. 可替换的,copy /5kDpI/ n. 复制品,基因工程 人们普遍相信,基因工程将使人类寿命更长,而且生活得更健康。未来,人体各部分都可更换。我们甚至还能复制自己。到那时,将难以区分是真人还是复制品。,Reading,8,Can you use one

10、sentence to sum up Para.3?,Genetic engineering will help us enjoy a longer and healthier life.,Read and complete the following sentences.,Para. 3,In the future, all body parts will be _ _. In the future, it will be possible for people _ _ _. In the future, it will be hard _ _ _ _.,replaceable,to mak

11、e a copy of ourselves,ence between humans and their copies,to tell the differ-,Reading,9,Traveling Voyages to the moon will be made at any time. It will be as easy for people to take a holiday on the moon as on land. At some scenic spots on the moon, hotels will be built, which are all air-condition

12、ing. In order for everyone to enjoy the beautiful scenery on the moon, every room has at least one picture window.,in order that 为了,以便于。可与in order to替换。 In order that we might get there in time, we should set out early. In order to get there in time, we should set out early. 为了及时赶到那儿,我们应早点出发。,voyage

13、 /5vDIIdV/ n. 长途旅行,scenic /5si:nIk/ adj. 风景优美的,spot /spDt/ n. 地点,场所,air-conditioning /5eEkEn7dIFEnIN/ n. 空调(系统),scenery /5si:nErI/ n. 风景;景色,take a holiday 度假,picture window 观景窗,旅游 未来,人们随时都可以去月球旅行度假,就像现代人在陆地上度假那么简单。在月球上的某些景点,将建有带空调的宾馆。为了使每个人都能观赏到月球上的美景,宾馆的每个房间还将至少有一扇大型观景窗。,Reading,10,Q1: Where will p

14、eople spend their holidays in the future?,People will spend their holidays on the moon.,Q2: What will the hotels on the moon be like?,Lets answer,Para. 4,Hotels on the moon will be air-conditioned and with at least one picture window for people to enjoy the beautiful scenery on the moon.,Reading,11,

15、Its certain that things will change in the future. We cant be sure whether our dreams will come true or not, but we can be hopeful that our future will be better and better.,Its certain that 一定;可以确定 Its certain that there is no life on Mars. 可以确定火星上没有生命。,可以确定的是,未来一切都将发生变化。虽然我们无法确定梦想是否能实现,但我们对美好未来充满希

16、望。,Reading,12,Retell the three changes with the key words.,Housing: huge glass domes air-conditioning system cooking system temperature Genetic engineering: body partsreplaceable a longer and healthier life a copy ofhard to tell the difference Traveling: voyages to take a holiday picture window enjoy beautiful scenery,Lets retell,Readi



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