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1、PEP人教版英语六年级上册全册单元测试卷及期中期末含答案Unit 1 How can I get there?满分:100分时间:60分钟得分:听力部分一、听录音,选出单词或短语。(10分)()1. A. horseB. house C. hospital()2. A. shoe store B. bookstore C. bus stop()3. A. science B. officeC. sunny()4. A. straightB. rightC. light()5. A. crossB. crossingC. street二、听录音,选出短语或句子。(10分)() 1. A. sci

2、ence museumB. post office C. shoe store () 2. A. turn left B. turn right C. go straight() 3. A. How can I get to the hospital? B. How can I get to the shoe store? C. How can I get to the bookstore?() 4. A. Its near the cinema. B. Its next to the post office. C. Its behind the science museum.() 5. A.

3、 Is there a bookstore near here? B. Is there a school near here? C. Is there a museum near here?三、听录音,选出图片。(10分)() 1. Excuse me. Where is the ? Its near the bookstore. A. B. C. () 2. Where is the post office? Its next to the . A. B. C. () 3. You should at the cinema. A. B. C. () 4. How can I get to

4、the , please? A. B. C. () 5. Where can I buy it? You can buy it in the . A. B. C. 笔试部分四、根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。(10分)1. The cinema is near the h.2. If you t left, you will find the post office.3. First, go s. Then turn left at the second traffic lights.4. How can I get to the c? Go straight and turn r.5. Pl

5、ease turn left at the cinema. And youll see the m.五、选择正确的答案。(20分)()1. I want a pair of shoes. A. buyB. buying C. to buy ()2. Is there a bookstore near your school? A. Yes, there isnt. B. Yes, there is. C. No, there is. ()3. The sign means “”. A. turn rightB. dont turn right C. turn left()4. If you w

6、ant to buy some books, you can go to the . A. bookstore B. cinema C. post office()5. If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the . A. hospital B. library C. cinema ()6. Turn right the museum, then go . A. of; straight B. at; straight C. in; straight()7. Excuse me, where is the library? Its the ci

7、nema. A. next B. next to C. at ()8. Who is you, Mary? John. A. in the front B. in front of C. in the front of()9. can I buy stamps? You can buy them at the post office. A. How B. Where C. What()10. Where is the bookstore? Its next to the school. A. Excuse me. B. Here you are. C. Here it is.六、根据上下文写出

8、适当的问句或答句。(10分)1. The science museum is next to the park.2. Go straight and turn left at the crossing. Then you can get to the restaurant. 3. Thank you! 4. No, its not far.5. No, there isnt a museum, but there is a cinema. 七、按要求完成句子。(10分)1. The new bookstore is next to the cinema.(对画线部分提问) the new bo

9、okstore?2. The science museum is far from here.(变为一般疑问句)3. goleftturnstraightLetsand(.)(连词成句)4. wegothehospitalHowcanto(?)(连词成句)5. I am near the door.(写出问句) you?八、阅读理解。(10分)Mike: Hello, Sarah. This is Mike.Sarah: Hi, Mike. Where are you now?Mike: Im at the bookstore. How can I go to your home?Sarah:

10、 Are you going on foot?Mike: Yes.Sarah: First go straight. Next turn right at the cinema. Go straight to the traffic lights. Dont turn. Walk straight again. Then turn right at the hospital. Mike: OK. Then what?Sarah: Walk straight for 10 minutes. Then turn left at the library. Youll see my home. Im

11、waiting for you at home.Mike: Thank you.()1. Mike wants to go to . A. the bookstore B. Sarahs home C. the library()2. Sarah is now. A. at home B. in the library C. at school()3. Mike should at the hospital. A. turn right B. turn left C. go straight()4. Mike is now. A. at the cinema B. at his home C.

12、 at the bookstore()5. Sarahs home is the library. A. near B. far from C. in the middle of九、写作。(10分)编写一段问路对话,用上本单元所学句型和单词。提示: hospital, museum, bookstore, restaurant, where is, turn right/left, go straight 参 考 答 案听力部分一、听力材料1. hospital 2. bus stop 3. science4. right5. crossing答案: 1. C2. C3. A4. B5. B二、听力材料1. Where is the science museum?2. Turn right at the cinema. 3. How can I get to the bookstore?


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