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1、八年级英语作业(8AUnit 1 and Unit 2) 姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_ 一、根据中文或首字母提示填空: 1. Are you _(will) _( sing) us an English song? 2.Max often helps him_( do ) homework after school. 3. Kate wants _(be) a _(sing) when she _(grow) up. 5.-What about _(drink) some tea ? 6. Shell try her best(not be )late again. 7.Jim _(fall)

2、 from the tree and hurt himself yesterday. 8. He has a good sense of _(humorous). I never feel _( bore) or _(happy) with him. 9.David feels much _(bad) than yesterday. 10.Which is _(close) to the sun, the earth or the moon? 13.Swimming is one of the _ (healthy) activities. 14. _(ski) is one of my fa

3、vorite outdoor _(activity). 7. The fish tastes good. Its _ (味道好的) than meat. 8. Music is one of my favourite _ (科目). 9. I like these great men very much. Theyre h_ .(英雄) 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空: 1. They will have a _(write) competition next week. 2. Kitty decided_(stay) at home and did her homework. 3. Peter

4、 and Lily _( not be) at school yesterday.They were ill at home. 4. Lets practise_(speak) English now. 5. At present they_(chat) in English in class. 6. Who put it here and _ (knock) over my books? 7. _(camp) makes us happy and excited. 8. Jenny is a very good volleyball player.She _(play) it at the

5、weekends. 三、完成句子 1她乐意和朋友分享东西。 She _ _ _her friends. 1 2. Max 的腿在桌子底下伸不开。 Max s legs_ _ under his desk. 3. 她还乐于助人,在任何时候都愿意帮助别人。 She is_ _ and_ _ _ _ any time. 4. 她经常微笑,而且从不说任何人一句坏话。 She _ _ and never_ _ _ _ _ _ . 5. 我可以告诉她任何事,因为她会为我保守秘密。 I can_ _ because she can_ _ _ . 6. 她是一个有着马尾辫的小女孩。 She is _ _ _

6、_ _ _ . 7. 她总是面带微笑,并且开起来开心。 She always _ _ _ _ her face and _ _ . 8. 我认为她将成为一名出色的老师。 I think she _ _ _ _ . 9. 他总是将公交车上的座位让给有需要的人。 He always _ _ _ on the bus_ _ _ _ . 10. 她在家庭作业方面帮助我,并且她很有耐心。 _ 四、单项选择: () 1. What _ your school life_? A. does, likeB. do, likeC. is, likeD. is, likes () 2. This building

7、 is _than that one. A. very tallB. more taller C. much more tallerD.much taller () 3. John is my_friend of all classmates. A. goodB. betterC. the bestD. best ()4. He hears from his sister _ a week. A. firstB. oneC. onceD. one times 2 ()5. Mille is talking _ her buddy, do you know? What are they talk

8、ing _? A. to, toB. to, withC. with, toD. with, about () 6. He often has a great time_with his parents when he is free. A. to chatB. chattingC. chatingD. chat () 7. How often is he late for school?_ . A. This afternoonB. Five days agoC. Never D. For three days ()8. Science is very _ . We are all_ in

9、it. A. interest, interestedB. interesting, interested C. interested, interestD. interested, interesting ()9. This is _ usual story, but that is_unusual story. A. an, aB. a, aC. an, anD. a, an 一词组翻译 1 学校生活_2 不得不更努力工作_ 3 更少的广告_4 给我表弟买一个玩具卡车_ 5 学校足球队_6 这个秋天_ 7 一所混合学校_8 最喜欢法语_ 9 学习外语 _10 在这周期间_ 11 和我的同学

10、们讨论书本_12 在课堂上_ 13 好友俱乐部_14 给我提供帮助_ 15 往常结束的早_16 打棒球_ 17 在一所英国学校的生活_18 起初 _ 19 在我的所有学科中_20 每次练习很努力_ 21 从图书馆借更多的书_ 22 似乎走的更快_23 帮助新同学更多的了解学校_ 24 仔细地听我的问题_25 有不同天的课_ 26 学生们的数量_27 暑假_ 28 穿制服_29 做早操_ 30 有更多的星期休息_31 另外半小时来下棋_ 3 33 至多_34 一次月考_ 35 浏览_36 一直做某事_ 37 我每天的生活_38 这种方式_ 39 我的理想学校_40 有很多时间进行课外活动_ 41 有一个小时的作业_42 进行一次学校旅行_ 二根据句意及提示完成单词 1. I think _(物理) is very important and interesting. 2. The football season f_(结束) in May. 3. Some people prefer to eat their main meal at _(午餐时间). 4. There will be a_(羽毛球) match between China and Russia tonight. 5. Look at this _


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