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1、Chapter 8 Quantitative genetics,Qualitative character: characters showing discontinuous variation. Quantitative character: character showing continuous variation.,Genetic analysis of quantitative characters,Quantitative characters,表现连续变异 一般容易受到环境条件的影响而发生变异。由于环境条件的影响,即使是基因型纯合的亲本和基因型杂合一致的F1代,各个个体的穗长也呈

2、现连续的分布,而不是只有一个长度。,Nilsson-Ehles experiment,最简单的数量性状可以假定是由二对或三对基因决定的。例如小麦的红色籽粒与白色籽粒品种杂交,F2可分为红色和白色籽粒两组。,When the cross involves 2 gene pairs,R1R1R2R2(red) X r1r1r2r2(white) R1r1R2r2 1/16 dark red(4R)+4/16 medium dark red(3R)+6/16 medium red(2R)+4/16 light red(1R)+1/16 white(0R),R1R1R2R2R3R3(red) X r1

3、r1r2r2r3r3(white) R1r1R2r2R3r3 1/64 most red(6R)+6/64 deep red(5R)+15/64 dark red(4R)+20/64 medium dark red(3R)+15/64 medium red(2R)+6/64 light red(1R)+1/64 white(0R),The results of crossing two heterozygotes when polygenic inheritance is operative with 1-5 gene pairs.,Multiple-gene hypothesis,1908年

4、尼尔逊-埃尔提出多基因假说,对数量性状进行了解释。他认为决定数量性状的基因数目很多,而且还假定:1)各个基因的效应相等; 2)各个等位基因表现为不完全显性或无显性;3)各个基因的作用是累加的。,Multiple-gene hypothesis,控制数量性状的基因由于数量多,每个基因对表现型的影响较小,所以不能把它们个别的作用区别开来,因此通常称这类基因为微效多基因或微效基因。 也有一些性状虽然是受一对或少数几对主基因控制的,但另外还有一组效果微小的基因能增强或减弱主基因对表现型的作用。这一类微效基因在遗传学上称为修饰基因。例如,牛的毛色花斑的有无是由一对隐性基因控制的,但花斑的大小是由一组修饰

5、基因影响主基因的结果。同样,小家鼠有一种引起白斑的显性基因,而不同品系具有不同数目的修饰基因,所以表现的白斑大小也有区别。表现度和外显率。,Multiple genes controlling quantitative characters are also on the chromosomes,This experiment indicates that some genes controlling seed weight are linked with P or p. In other words, they are also on the chromosomes.,数量性状和质量性状的关

6、系,由于区分性状的方法不同 由于用于杂交的亲本间相差基因对数的不同 由于观察的层次不同,数量性状和选择,Johannsens experiment,Johannsens experiment,The theory of pure lines,在纯系内进行选择是无效的,在杂种后代(特别是F2代)选择有效。在自花授粉的天然混杂群体中,可以分离出许多纯系,因此,在一个天然混杂群体中选择有效,但是纯系内个体所表现的变异,只是环境的影响,是不能遗传的,据此他提出了基因型和表现型的概念。,Significance of pure line theory,纯系学说是自花授粉作物单株选择育种的理论基础,其主要

7、贡献是区分了遗传的变异和不遗传的变异,指出选择遗传变异的重要性。他提出的基因型和表现型的概念,对于后来研究遗传基础、环境和个体发育的相互关系起了很大的推动作用。,Response of corn selected for high and low oil content over 76 generations.,分析数量性状的基本统计方法,平均数(The mean): the sum of all individual values in the sample divided by the number of individual values=xi/n 方差(Variance): the d

8、egree to which values within this distribution diverge from the mean. s2 =(xi-x)2/n=x2-(x)2/n/n 标准误(Standard error): a quantitative measure of the amount of variation in a sample of measurements from a population= SQUR(s2 /n),Genetic variation and heritability,遗传率:遗传方差在总方差中所占的比例 broad-sense heritabi

9、lity expresses the proportion of variance due to the genetic component. H2=VG/ Vp (VG+VE),Calculation of heritability,aa o d Aa AA -a a If d=0, no dominance; d=a, complete dominance.,Aa X Aa,Aa X Aa VGF2=x2-(x)2/n=1/2a2+1/2d2-1/4d2 =1/2a2+1/4d2 VF2= 1/2VA+1/4VD+VE Here VA represents additive varianc

10、e that results from the average effect of additive components of genes, VD is the deviation from the additive components that results when phenotypic expression in heterozygotes is not precisely intermediate between the two homozygotes.,Calculation of Narrow-sense heritability,Narrow-sense heritabil

11、ity: the contribution of additive variance to the total phenotypic variance. B1:Aa X AA,B1:Aa X AA,B2:Aa X aa,VGB1=x2-(x)2/n=1/2(a2+d2 )-1/4(a+d)2 = 1/4(a-d)2 VGB2=x2-(x)2/n=1/2(a2+d2 )-1/4(d-a)2 = 1/4(a+d)2 1/2(VGB1 +VGB2)= 1/21/4(a-d)2+1/4(a+d)2 =1/4a2+1/4d2 1/2(VB1 +VB2)= 1/4VA+1/4VD+VE Remember:

12、 VF2= 1/2VA+1/4VD+VE VF2 -1/2(VB1 +VB2) = (1/2VA+1/4VD+VE)- (1/4VA+1/4VD+VE) =1/4VA hN2=(1/2VA)/VF2,遗传率与育种,不易受环境影响的性状的遗传率比较高,容易受环境影响的性状遗传率较低。 变异系数小的性状遗传率较高,变异系数大的则较低。 质量性状一般比数量性状有较高的遗传率。 性状差距较大的两个亲本的杂种后代,一般表现较高的遗传率。 遗传率并不是一个固定数值,对自花授粉植物来说,它因杂种世代推移而有逐渐降低的趋势。 一般说来,凡是遗传率较高的性状,在杂种的早期世代进行选择,效果显著;而遗传率较低的性

13、状,要在杂种后期世代进行选择才能收到较好的效果。,近亲繁殖和杂种优势,近亲繁殖:指血统或亲缘关系相近的两个个体间的交配,即基因型相同或相近的两个个体间的交配。 近交系数:指一个个体从共同祖先得到纯合的而且遗传上是等同等位基因的概率。,Influence of inbreeding,Depression homozygotes,杂种优势:指遗传组成不同的亲本杂交产生的杂种第一代,在生长势、繁殖力、抗逆性、产量和品质等方面比双亲优越的现象。,Theories about heterosis,显性假说 (Dominance hypothesis )(Bruce et al, 1910): the h

14、ybrids contain all the favorable dominant genes of both parents. AAbbCCDDeeX aaBBccddEE AaBbCcDdEe(heterosis) This theory does not account for the fact that heterosis cannot be stabilized. According to this theory the F2 should display skewed distribution, but usually the F2 displays normal distribu

15、tion.,Jones (1910): many genes account for heterosis and it is impossible to put all of them together; beneficial dominant genes are linked with harmful recessive genes, therefore the F2 should display normal distribution. 超显性假说(Overdominance (superdominance)): heterosis is due to heterozygosity per

16、 se; that is, the A1A2 compound is superior to either A1A1 or A2A2. In the various pyrimidine mutants of Arabidopsis the involvement of other loci could be effectively ruled out because the mutants responded only to a single identified chemical compound, yet they displayed allelic complementationin other words, overdominance. a1a1A2A2 XA1A1a2a2normal,Utilization of heterosis,Rice Rapeseed Maize Animals,M


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