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1、第 1 页 共 46 页 最新人教版八年级英语下册同步练习题(全册共46页 附答案) Unit1 同步练习 . 根据句意及汉语提示,填入恰当的单词。 1. Mary planned to seea dentist becauseshehada(牙痛 ). 2. I saw a big dog(躺) on the side of the road. 3. How many(乘客 ) are thereon your bus? 4. We re having(苦恼 ) with our new house. 5. My sister is too young to look after(她自己 )

2、. . 选用方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。 sore,cough, rest, back, matter 1. Nancyall night, so shelooked tired this morning. 2. Miss Yang hasathroat, so shecan ttalk more. 3. Sit down andyour legs. 4. I saw many reporterswalking around your house.What sthe? 5. A small boy rode on the elephants . .根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。

3、 1. You(胃疼 ) so you shouldnteat too much for a meal. 2. You may have afever. You should(量体温 ). 3. Put on your warm clothes, or you may(感冒 ). 4.(令我吃惊的是), the little girl can draw so well. 5. My sister(摔倒 ) andhurt her knees. .根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。 1. 你怎么了? with you? 2. 他们都同意这个周末去野餐。 They allhavea picnic

4、 this weekend. 3. 我喜欢从工作之中抽出时间来休息,出去散步。 I like tofrom work and go out for a walk. 4. 那位老人昨天在医院拍了个X光照片。 第 2 页 共 46 页 The old manin the hospital yesterday. 5. 妈妈看起来很着急,她可能遇到麻烦了。 Mother looks very worried. She may. 6. 在去美国之前,你需要三思。 You need tobefore you go to the US. 7. 就躺下休息一会儿吧。 Justand havea rest. 8

5、. 我们下错了火车站。 Wethe train at the wrong station 9. 你今天上午去看医生了吗? Did youthis morning? 10. 我好像发烧了。 It seemsthat I. 参考答案: .1. toothache 2. lying 3. passengers4. trouble 5. herself . 1. coughed 2. sore3. rest4. matter5. back . 1. have astomachache2. take your temperature 3. catch a cold 4. To my surprise 5

6、. fell down .1. What sthe matter 2. agreed to 3. take breaks 4. got an X-ray 5. get into trouble 6. think twice 7. lie down 8. got off 9. go to adoctor10. have a fever 第 3 页 共 46 页 Unit1 同步练习 . 根据句意及汉语提示,填入恰当的单词或短语。 1. Do you know the(重要性 ) of this ring? 2. The little dog s(死) madeNancy very sad. 3.

7、 Who is(掌管 ) the project? 4. Lisa wants to be a(护士 ) when shegrows up. 5. Doesyour company have agood financial (财务的 )(情况 )? 6. We don twant to(冒险 ) with the business. 7. It took me(几乎 ) an hour to get there. 8. This kind of chocolate is onepound a(千克 ). 9. We should learn from his great(精神 ). 10. A

8、lex hada car accident andlost much(血). . 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Mary(hit) him on the head with a book. 2. We enjoyed(we) at the dancing party last night. 3. Don tplay with(knife). They may cut your fingers. 4. She never(mean) anything of the sort. 5. We took the difficult(decide) to leave. .选用方框中的短语并用其

9、适当形式填空。 run out, get out of, keep on, give up, cut off 1. You dbetter go home before your money. 2. Anna sfather was ill, so hedecided tosmoking. 3. Janetalking when the teacher came in. 4. Hea small piece of bread and gave it to me. 5. The door was locked, andI couldntthe room. .根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。

10、1. 你应该坚持每天早上锻炼。 You shouldexercising every morning. 2. 我爸爸习惯晚饭后看报纸。 第 4 页 共 46 页 My fathernewspapersafter supper. 3. 把握自己的生活对我们来说很重要。 Itsvery important for us toour lives. 4. 他病得很厉害,今天无法上学。 He wasillhe couldntgo to school today 5. 他的确不善于做决策。 He is really bad at. 参考答案: .1. importance 2. death 3. in c

11、ontrol of 4. nurse 5. situation6. take a risk 7. almost 8. kilo 9. spirit 10. blood . 1. hit2. ourselves 3. knives4. meant 5. decision . 1. runs out 2. give up 3. kept on 4. cut off 5. get out of .1. keep on 2. is used to reading 3. be in control of4. so;that 5. making decisions Unit2 同步练习 . 根据句意及汉语

12、提示,填入恰当的单词。 1. The company is trying to improve customer (顾客 )(满意 ). 2. My classmatesaregoing to(义务做 ) to clean up the old peopleshome this Sunday. 3. Jack has(几个 ) good friends here,and he often visits them. 4. At last the policeman found out the(主人 ) of the wallet. 5. She put up a(通知 ) about the p

13、arty just now. . 根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。 1. I mgoing to make a long jto Yunnan with my parentsduring the summer holidays. 2. To her j, shewon first prize. 3. The old man lives alone in the village, so he often feels l. 4. Those famous singers had a concert to rmoney for Project Hope last Saturday. 第 5 页 共

14、46 页 5. Itsa wonderful fto be back home again. .用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. The Browns decided(travel) to Penangin Malaysia. 2. Lets(go) to the movies this weekend. 3. I hope(be) a volunteer in an after-school reading program. 4. The teacheraskedme(answer) the question in English. 5. Weoften hear the girl(s

15、ing) in the next room. 6. The workers wear dark glasses(keep) their eyessafe. 7. I dlike(drink) a cup of coffee. 8. Could you tell me what(do) next? 9. Mr. Green told the boy not(come) to school late again. 10. Do they have any good ideas(help) the homeless people? .根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。 1. We ll he

16、lp to(打扫 ) the streetsin our town. 2. I llvisit the sick kids in the hospital to(使他们振奋起来). 3. They(分发 ) food to some homelesspeople yesterday. 4. He(提出 ) some good suggestionsat the meeting last night. 5. Mrs. Black(过去常步行 ) to the factory. 参考答案: .1. satisfaction 2. volunteer 3. several4. owner 5. notice . 1. journey 2. joy 3. lonely 4. raise 5. feeling . 1. to travel 2. go 3. to be 4. to answer 5. sing 6. to keep 7. to drink 8. to do 9. to come 10. to help .1. clean up 2. cheer them up 3.


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