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1、独立写作:同意过去更容易保持健康:1.于过去相比,当今环境污染日益严重的情况下,人们的健康问题越发堪忧。2.食品问题成为大家关注的焦点,地沟油,防腐剂,塑化剂等。3.人们越来越懒得锻炼身体,电梯,汽车等工具使得人们失去很多锻炼身体的机会。Article:In contemporary society, people put more emphasis on the importance of health than before.That is why the heated discussion about this issue is triggered nationwide. Some pe

2、ople claim that people are easier to maintain health nowadays than the past. From my point of view, I entirely agree with this statement for the following reasons.To begin with, with the booming the economics, people at present have enough financial capability 有经济能力 of support the desire of keeping

3、fit 支持期望.( TS ) People with desirable salaries are able to spare more money (抽出 ) than in the past to invest on their exercise by applying for 申请 membership of health clubs or hire a coach to instruct them in certain kinds of sports. For example, my uncle ,Mike, was a manager in a trade company who

4、confronted lot of pressures ( 面对压力 )such as accomplishing projects or instructing the staff, but he always kept energetic in his work. The reason lies in that 因果 he insisted on doing exercise in a health club every week, which demands him to spend 2000 dollars a month. He could make full use of vari

5、ous facilities including swimming pool and fitness equipment in the club to vent out his pressure 发泄压力 and relax. From this example, I am fully convinced of that people are nowadays more likely to improve their health due to the reason that they have more money to spend on exercise.In addition, amon

6、g those convincing reasons one is that (第二点) thanks to the advanced science and technology, people at present are more likely to have access to 接近 the inventions that designed to keep people healthy, Since increasing number of research organization and company focus on creating and producing the pro

7、ducts to help people maintain health. Scientists now are able to combine many nutritious substances 营养物质 to create some food that enables people to absorb different nutrition which are indispensable 不可缺少的 to improve their immunity(免疫), like calcium and vitamin at the same time. / Some medicines are

8、also invented to help people get rid of some illness like allergy. Not only do the scientists endeavor to 致力于do the research on creating these ideal food and medicine but also the businessmen are trying their best to spread these products to all over the world. Consequently, 表结果 it is these food and

9、 medicines that enable people nowadays to improve their health condition. 强调句 做 csLast but not least, much more hospital and highly experienced doctors nowadays are available 哪里有 when people need the medical care. The governments are more aware of investing on improving the quality of medical servic

10、e., including the facilities and the quality of the doctors. 对比论证 In the past, people would encounter big trouble = confront when they got ill, because they found hard to get proper treatment in a hospital nearby. Whats worse 更糟糕的是 some diseases could not be cured in the past due to the fact that th

11、e hospital did not own the advanced equipment and the doctors failed to be 没有 professional enough to treat the patients. On the contrary, equipped with the high-tech facilities, hospital nowadays can offer the high-level service to the patients. For example, a patient condition can be examined caref

12、ully and accurately by using the equipment controlled by computer. Whats more, people will receive proper 合适的treatment from the doctors who are trained to be professional, As a result, people can maintain health more easily since they have the access to the ideal medical care.In a word, because of desirable income, development of science and easy access to medical care as well, people nowadays are more likely to remain healthy than past.


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