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1、拖延症演讲稿My name is Fanxiaonan, come from Tourism college. Procrastination is an uncommon word to understand. So I want to start my speaking with some questions. Have you always been reluctant to go to bed in the evening, while reluctant to wake up in the morningHave you ever stayed up late to finish y

2、our homeworkDo you often put off your important work later and later.Now its time to show you what is procrastination. Basically, procrastination is the act of putting essential task until a later time, which is also a source of great stress and anxiety for many people. Procrastination refers to a n

3、on-necessary to postpone the consequences of harmful behavior, which is intended to take “put the things off till tomorrow.”Do you admit you are procrastinatorIf you asked me, the answer would be “absolutely not!” WhyNobody realize and recognize this serious problem. So today I want to share a story

4、 about how I find Im really a procrastinator. Its Tomb Sweeping Festival, so I grasped this hard-won opportunity to enjoy a hard-won holiday in Sanya with my friends. On the first day, we all have fun. Butit is tacit that no one set the alarm clock on the second morning. (here I will draw a clock on

5、 the blackboard. Its convenient for you to understand what Im talking about) At 9:00 we dragged or bodies from the soft big bed. At 10:00 we finally packed up and left hotel. At 11:00, we rushed at motor station and found there was only one shuttles bus to Yanuoda. The bus depart at 1:30 and arrive

6、at 3:00. And unfortunately, alas, Yanuoda scenic spot close at 5:00! That to say, we need change the plan. But as we all know, there is no scenic spot in center of Sanya. At last, we had lunch and Karaoke afternoon. Then at 8:00pm we got on the train with return tickets to end this horrible holiday.

7、Take my story for example, negative effects come with delaying such as bad mood, health problem together with impeding your ability to achieve your goal. That why we need pay attention to this problem. Especially, academic procrastination is likely to happen on all classmates present here.Students s

8、eriously suffer from academic procrastination. The results of an outline survey of psychological made by China Youth Daily, show that 2250 respondents, 72.8% of people admitted that they are suffering from procrastination. Of which 14.0% feel that their amount procrastination” very clear”, 41.5% of

9、people think” obvious”, only 7.3% people feel that they do not have delay disease. The U.S. and Canada statistics show 70% of college academic procrastination condition exists, also 20% ordinary people have daily delay behavior.What makes you happy is to be able to do what you wanted to do. Benjamin

10、 Franklin once said,” Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.” So here I will give you some tips to end procrastination now. First, guarantee the fun parts of your life first, and then schedule your work around them. Second, decide advance what times you will allocate each week to fam

11、ily time, entertainment, exercise, social activities, and personal hobbies. Third, I strongly recommend that write down your tasks in a visible place with their due dates, break the task into components, modify your environment to encourage accomplishing the task. Tell your family or friends about y

12、our goal; they will motivate you along the way.开场:同学们好,老师好。相信绝大多数同学都听说过这样1个新名词拖延症。顾名思义,所谓拖延症,就是指事事都会无意识的拖延。或许本来做好了详细的计划,1到实行的时候,就想着,再等1会 ,等1小会。等着等着,这件事就那末过去了。曾有1位叫做钱鹤滩的学者写过这样1首脍炙人口的诗:“明日复明日,明日何其多。我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。”从某1方面来看,拖延症无疑压抑了1个人的履行力。本来无关紧要的事,日积月累下来就做不完了。说到这里,我想做个小调查。各位同学认为自己有拖延症的,请举1下手。那请问,这些举手的同学,你




16、常常觉得,有的时候我们是自动选择了“拖延”这样1个方式,以来激活自己的创造力。我现在就制定好温习计划,可实际上,我到了考试前1天才开始背书。但常常这类抱佛脚的行动却出奇的有效,所以我认为,我不怎样努力不怎样拼命也能够做的和那些努力的人差不多。虽然知道这类想法不正确,我的知识也没有努力的人巩固,可我还是忠于这类想法,这就是拖延症。对拖延症来讲,最糟的,是在拖延的时候,向往繁忙的状态,在繁忙的时候,去悔恨当初自己的拖延。 加拿大卡尔加里大学的皮尔斯斯蒂尔教授曾提出了1个著名的“拖延公式“U=EV/ID,战拖=信心*价值/冲动*回报延迟。是不是拖延,其实本质上来说,就是你愿意付出的代价,和你的取得之间,你做1个选择。 我的演讲结束了,谢谢大家!今天,我想和大家来讲1说在现代社会中,10分普遍的1种“绝症”拖延症。拖延症是指自我调理失败,在能够预感后果有害的情况下,依然把计划要做的事情往后推延的1种行动。相信大家在平时生活中都有这



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