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1、小学 - 英语 - 上册 -打印版 小学 - 英语 - 上册 - 打印版 【精品】 Unit 8 Revision Lesson 27 (练习及解析) 北京课改版 -六年级英语上册 一、根据汉语提示填写单词。 1. The _ (运动员 ) enter the stadium in a certain order. 2. Our monitor stands up first than _ ( 其他的 ) students stand up. 3. The stadium can hold _(成千上万 )people. 4. The Olympic flame goes on _( 燃烧 )

2、till the end of the Games. 5. The _(最激动人心的 ) moment of the opening ceremony is lighting the Olympic flame. 【答案】 1. athletes 2. the other 3. thousands of 4. burning5. most exciting 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. My brother _ (win) in the skating race last year. 2. I won t _ (be) at home till 11 o clock this eveni

3、ng. 3. I don t feel _ (good) now and I want to go to bed. 4. There isn t _ (something) in the fridge. Let s go to buy some. 5. The whole world _ (watch) the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics. 【答案】 1. won 2.be3. well4. anything5. watches 【解析】 1.根据 last year 可以判断该句是一般过去时态,动词用过去式won。 2.won t 是 will not

4、的缩写 , will 是助动词其后加动词原形,故填be。 3. well 做形容词,意思是“ 身体好的 ” 。 4. something 用于肯定句和表请求的问句中,anything 用于否定句和一般疑问句中。 5. 主语是第三人称单数,动词变为单三式形式。 三、单项选择 ( )1. I want to _ an athlete and win the gold medial for our country. A. am B. are C. be ( )2. The ancient Olympic Games _ in 776 BC in Greece. A. begin B. began C

5、. begun ( )3. Beijing hosted the 29th Olympic Games in 2008 _. A. successful B. successfully C. success 小学 - 英语 - 上册 -打印版 小学 - 英语 - 上册 - 打印版 ( )4. My mother didn t go home _ 9:00. A. until B. when C. in ( )5. There are _ people to visit the Great Wall every year. A. ten thousands B. ten thousand of

6、C. thousands of 【答案】 1. C 2. B 3. B 4.A 5. C 【解析】 1. 考查 want 的固定用法: want to do sth.。 2. 根据时间状语可知该句是一般过去时态,动词用过去式即began。 3. 该句用副词successfully 修饰动词hosted。 4. 该题考查not until “直到 才” ,句意是 “ 我妈妈直到9 点才回家 ” 。 5. 考查固定搭配thousand of “数以千计,成千上万” 。 四、选择适当的疑问词填空。 When How Who What how long 1.-_ won the gold medial

7、 for our country? Yao Ming. 2.-_did you do yesterday? -I watched the Olympic Games. 3.-_did you play football? -Two hours. 4.-_ did you go shopping? -I went shopping last Sunday morning. 5.-_ did you go there? -I went there by car. 【答案】 1. Who 2. What 3. How long 4. When 5. How 五、按要求完成句子。 1. athlete

8、s/ from/ the/ country/ host/ enter/ the/ last (.) _ 2. Olympic/ the/ comes/ flame/ from/ host/ Greece/ to/ country/ the (.) _ 3. capital/ of / city/ the/ China/ 29th/ the/ held/ Olympic/ Games (.) _ 4. Mr. Smith felt well when he came back home. ( 否定句 ) Mr. Smith _ _ when he came back home. 5. I thi

9、nk I can eat anything all the time. ( 否定句 ) I _ _I _ _anything all the time. 小学 - 英语 - 上册 -打印版 小学 - 英语 - 上册 - 打印版 6. I came back last Sunday. (对划线部分提问) _ 【答案】 1. The athletes from the host country enter last. 2. The Olympic flame comes from Greece to the host country. 3. The capital city of China he

10、ld the 29th Olympic Games. 4.didn t; feel 5. don t; think; can; eat 6.When did you come back? 【解析】 4. 该句是一般过去时态,借助助动词did 加 not, 其后加动词原形。 5. 该题要注意:含think 的句子应否定think,即 “ 前否定 ” ,后句不变。 6. 划线部分是时间状语,故用when 提问。 六、完形填空题。 。 Mary is a girl. She is _1._ England. But she lives in China. She has two friends, L

11、inlin and Yanyan. Last Sunday Mary _2._ for a picnic with Linlin and Yanyan. They went _3._ in the lake. They rode bike and _4._ kites. Then they had _5._food. They had a good time. It was late. They began _6._ home. Yanyan rode her bike fast. She fell _7._her bike and hurt one of his _8_. It was da

12、ngerous _9._fast. The doctor told her to _10._ more careful next time. ( ) 1. A. in B. from C. at ( ) 2. A. go B. goes C. went ( ) 3. A. swimming B. swim C. to swim ( ) 4. A. fly B. flied C. flew ( ) 5. A. many B. lots of C. a lot ( ) 6. A. to go B. go C. going ( ) 7. A. off B. down C. in ( ) 8. A.

13、foot B. arms C. leg ( ) 9. A. ride B. to ride C. riding ( ) 10. A. be B. is C. was 小学 - 英语 - 上册 -打印版 小学 - 英语 - 上册 - 打印版 【答案】 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. A 1.根据后句But she lives in China. 可知 Mary 来自英国,故选B。 3. go swimming 是固定搭配短语“ 去游泳 ” 。 5. many 只能修饰可数名词复数,要排除,故选lots of。 6. 考查 begin 的用法: begin to do sth. “开始做某事 ” 。 8. 考查 one of 的用法,其后必须加名词复数。


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