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1、1江苏省徐州市 2014 届九年级英语上学期期末抽测试题(扫描版) 人教新目标版234567820132014 学年度第一学期期末抽测9九年级英语试题答案一、听力(每小题 1 分,共 20 分) 15 B B C B C 610 A C A A B1115 C A A B C 1620 A B B C A二、选择填空(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 2125 C D A C D 2630 B B C B A 3135 D A D C B三、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)3640 C A A D B 4145 A B B C D 4650 C D B A D 四、阅读理解(每小题 2

2、分,共 20 分)5154 C A D B 5557 C B D 5860 A B A五、词汇(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)61. strict 62. careless 63. strange 64. smart 65. stubborn66. sitting 67. replied 68. valuable 69. fastest 70. directors71. appeared 72. having 73. to meet 74. was named/is named 75. has been六、任务型阅读(第 76-85 小题每题 1 分,第 86-90 小题每题 2 分,共 20

3、 分)76. cheap/cheapest 77. History/Development/Improvement78. France 79. practical 80. two/2 81. feet 82. improved 83. equal 84. smaller 85. useful86. Because she has a poor sense of direction and she is afraid of giving people wrong directions.87. He wanted to go to the Friendship Building/Lindas of

4、fice.88. “Sorry, I am a stranger here.”89. Yes, it is.90.尴尬,难堪七、书面表达(共 15 分)评分说明 1、根据内容和语言确定档次给分,包括要点、词汇和语法的准确性及上下文的连贯等。2、拼写和标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时应根据对表达的影响程度给予考虑。3、词数低于 70 的,扣 2 分。4、分五个档次给分:第五档:(1315 分)能表达出全部要点,语言基本无误,行文连贯流畅,表达清楚。第四档:(912 分)能表达出大部分要点,语言基本无误,行文较连贯,表达清楚。第三档:(58 分)能表达出部分要点,语言有较多错误,影响意思表达

5、。第二档:(14 分)只能写出一些与内容有关的单词,严重影响意思表达。第一档:(0 分)无内容或所写内容与写作任务无关。5、要点:每个要点 3 分,行文 3 分。One possible version:A bad day for meI had a very bad day yesterday. Everything seemed to go wrong. In the morningthe alarm clock didnt ring as usual. When I woke up it was already seven! I 10knew I would be late for sc

6、hool, so I left home in a hurry without eating breakfast. When I hurried to the bus stop, the bus had just left! What a pity! I had to run all the way to school. When I got to the school, I was out of breath. “How strange! There is nobody at school.” I was wondering what had happened when I suddenly

7、 realized that it was Sunday today! 附:听力原文1. W: Having a toothache is the most terrible thing in the world.M: I agree. Last summer I ate 6 pieces of ice cream and I got a terrible toothache! I can still remember the pain now.2. W: Tom!M: Yes, Mum?W: Im making a fruit salad. Could you bring me some b

8、ananas?M: Sure, Mum.3. M: I have many hobbies.W: Like what?M: I like dancing and singing. I like playing computer games. I like collecting coins. But my favorite activity is playing tennis.4. M: Look at the thick black clouds. Dark clouds usually mean heavy rain.M: But the weatherman says it will be

9、 fine today.W: Well, everybody makes mistakes, dont they?5. W: Are you free this afternoon?M: Im not sure. Whats up?W: Ive got two tickets for the New Year Concert. Will you go with me?M: Of course, Im free the whole day.6. M: Hi, Helen, what a surprise to see you on the city bus. Is there anything

10、wrong with your car?W: No. Im thinking a lot about the environment. I think the air will be cleaner if we dont drive cars when we can.7. M: What colour shall we paint the walls, yellow or green?W: Neither. I think blue would be better. 8: W: Excuse me, sir. I want to return this dress.M: Whats wrong

11、 with this dress?W: Nothing. I just want to return it. I saw the same dress in another shop for only $80, but I paid $100 for this one.9. W: What do you think of the film? M: Mm, all these movies are the same nowadays: pretty girl, handsome man, both with amazing jobs, falling in love. It seems that

12、 they are always arguing over some silly things.10.W: Do you know Alexander Bell?M: Yes. he made the first telephone. W: In fact, some people made telephones earlier than him, but none of their telephones was easy to hear. Bells telephone was much better. So we should say Bell made the first “real”

13、telephone. M: I see. 11听第一段材料,回答第 11 至 12 小题。W: I need to make some changes. I have done the same things for too long!M: Really? Like what? How long have you lived here?W: Ive been here since I was born. I have gone to the same restaurant for five years!M: Yeah, you have been to this restaurant sinc

14、e I started working here. Its a goodrestaurant.W: Yeah, but I need to change something.听第二段材料,回答第 13 至 15 小题,完成信息记录表。M: Can I help you?W: Yes, sir. My purse is lost. Can you help me find it?M: Dont worry. When did you lose it?W: I am not quite sure. I was shopping with my friend. When I was going to

15、 pay, I couldnt find it.M: What colour is it?W: Its red, with pink roses on it.M: Whats in your purse?W: My ID card, three keys and eighty dollars. Oh, no, ninety dollars. M: OK. Sign your name, address and phone number here, please. Well call you when we find it.听第三段材料,回答第 16 至 20 小题。Hello, thank you for joining us for todays Music World. Today we will present an old song for you. It holds an important message for the whole world. In April of nineteen eighty-five, something very strange happened. Eight thousand radio stations around the world pl



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