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1、1Unit 7 The Birthday PartyTopic 3 We had a wonderful party一、重难点讲解:1、Did Kangkang enjoy himself? 康康玩得愉快吗?(1)enjoy 动词。喜欢,欣赏,享受的乐趣,后面接名词、代词动名词。Eg: Thanks for the great evening.I really enjoyed it . 感谢这美好的夜晚。我真的玩得很开心。I enjoy watching TV. 我喜欢看电视。(2)enjoy oneself = have a good/great/nice/wonderful time 过得

2、快活,玩得痛快。 Oneself 必须与主语相对应。Eg: They all enjoyed themselves at the party.他们全家在聚会上玩得非常高兴。enjoy 喜欢 enjoin +sth.喜欢某物 He enjoyed English. enjoy +doing sth. 喜欢做某事 I enjoying playing basketball.enjoy + oneself =have a good/nice/wonderful time 过得高兴,玩得开心We enjoyed ourselves yesterday.=We had a good time yeste

3、rday.2、Its your turn.轮到你了。Its ones turn to do sth.该某人干某事了。Eg: a) Its your turn to clean the classroom. 该轮到你打扫教室了Its your turn to sing a song.轮到你唱歌了。Whose turn is it to cook? 轮到谁做饭了?take turns to do sth / in doing sth. 轮班或依次做某事。Eg: b) We take turns to clean the classroom.我们轮流打扫教室They took turns to lo

4、ok after the old man for two years.两年来他们轮班照料这位老人。3、-Whats the matter? =Whats wrong? = Whats up? 怎么了?(什么事?)-I missed the chair and fell down. 我没坐到椅子上,摔倒了。fell 是 fall 的过去式,意为“落下,跌倒” ; fall down 摔倒。(1)fall behind 落后,落在后面。Eg: Study hard,or youll fall behind the other students.努力学习,否则你会落在其他同学后面。(2)fall o

5、ff 从掉下来Eg: Hellen fell off the bike yesterday. 昨天海伦从自行车上摔下来。(3) fall asleep 睡熟; fall ill 得了重病Eg: He fell asleep when mother came back.妈妈回来时他睡着了。The old men fell ill at that time.那时老人病得很重。4、Did you hurt yourself? 你受伤了吗?hurt 受伤,疼痛。过去式:hurtEg: He hurt his left leg when he fell off his bike.他从自行车上摔下时,弄伤

6、了左腿。My knee hurts,my foot hurts and my head,too.我的膝盖疼,脚疼,头也疼。hurt oneself 伤了某人自己。hurt adj.受伤的,伤疼的You mustnt move someone if theyre badly hurt.如果伤势太重,千万别移动他们。5、Go and wash them at once.马上去洗手。2and 连接两个动词,表示并列关系,前后两个动词形式要一致。Eg: Go and open the door.去开门。 at once = right now =right away 立刻,马上。You must cl

7、ose the door at once/right now/right away.你必须马上关上门。6、What happened to Michael at the party?迈克尔在聚会上发生了什么事? happen (偶然)发生。What time did the accident happen?事故是什么时候发生的?What would happen if your parents find out.如果你父母发现了,会怎么样呢? happen to sb.(事件)发生在某人身上。I want to know what happen to Jane?我想知道简发生了什么事?what

8、 happen to sb/sth.某人或某物怎么了?语义相同的句式有:Whats the matter/the trouble/wrong/up with sb/sth.Gao Wei didnt go to school today. whats the matter/the trouble/wrong/up with him?高伟今天没来上课,他怎么了?7、How can you lie to me?你怎么能对我撒谎呢?lie v. 撒谎,其过去式为 lied,现在分词是 lying。lie to sb.=tell a lie to sb.向某人说谎 a) Dont lie to you

9、r parents.对某人撒谎。lie n. 谎言,构成词组 tell lies/tell a lie/tell sb a lie.Judy told a lie to his father yesterday. =Judy lied to his father yesterday.朱迪昨天向他爸爸撒了个谎。lie 作为动词时,还可以指“躺,位于” ,其过去式为 lay.He lay down on the sofa and soon fell asleep.他躺在沙发上很快睡着了。8、Why didnt you tell me the truth?你为什么不跟我说实话呢?truth 事实,真

10、相,实际情况。We are all surprised at the truth of the event.我们都对事件的真相感到震惊。 tell sb the truth 跟某人说实话,向某人坦白。You should tell the policeman the truth if you know.如果你的确知道实情,你应该向警察坦白。9、Everyone had a good time at the party and forgot the time,so.聚会上每个人都玩的很开心(我们都)忘记了时间,结果. everyone 每人,人人,所有人= everybody.作为主语时,谓语动

11、词用第三人称单数形式。Everyone is here.所有人都在这儿。 so 因此,所以,结果等,同 and、but、on 一样用来连接并列句。但 so 引出的句子是前一句所叙述的事件导致的结果。I got up late this morning,so I was certainly late for school.我今天起床晚了,所以我上学必然就迟到了。10、It made her father very angry.这使得她爸爸很生气。made 是使役动词 make 的过去式,意为“使得” ,常见句式为:make sb/sth +形容词。The news made him very h

12、appy.这消息使他非常开心。 angry 生气的,愤怒的。The farmer was very angry at the news.这位农民对这则消息感到非常气愤。3be angry with sb 对某人很生气; be angry at sth.对某事很生气。注意区别两个短语所用介词的不同。Xiao Ming didnt go to school yesterday,his father was very angry with him.小明昨天没去上学,他爸爸很生他的气。The boy was always late for class,so his teacher was angry

13、at this.这个男孩上课总迟到,对此老师很生气。11、We made the cards by hand.我们手工制作了这些卡片。by hand 用手工。介词 by 表方式,意思是“用” ,后面常跟抽象名词或动名词,构成的短语表示完成某活动的方式、途径、手段等。He set an example to the other students by doing this.他这样做为其他同学树立了榜样。in 表手段,意思是“用 ”,后面常跟有关语言和材料的词语。He can sing in English.他会唱英文歌。He can write in pencil.他能用铅笔写字。 with 表

14、工具,意思是 “用” ,后面常跟有关的工具。eg: We often write with pens.我们常用钢笔写字。We see with our eyes. 我们用眼睛看。12 、Each of us gave Kangkang a birthday card, too. 我们每个人又送给康康一张生日卡片。each of us 意为 “我们每个人”。each of/ each one of / every one of 后接复数名词或代词,作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。如:Every one of them is going to plant trees. 他们每个人都打算去植树。 ea

15、ch ,every“每一个”each 表示一定数目中的每一个,强调个人或个别。指两者或两者以上中的每一个。a) ach student is here.每个学生都到了every 表示数目不确定的许多人或物中的每一个,强调整体。指三者或以上中的每一个b) Every student is here.所有的学生都到了13、His parents bought lots of food and drinks for us. 他父母给我们买了许多食物和饮料。food 在此用作不可数名词,表示食物的总称。当 drink 表示不同种类的饮料时可以加 s。buy sb. sth. = buy sth. fo

16、r sb.为某人买某物14、We all sat around the cake. Kangkang made a silent wish ,and then he blew the candles out in one breath.我们都围着蛋糕坐。康康默默地许了愿,然后一口气吹灭了蜡烛。(1)make a silent wish 默默的许愿;silent 形容词。沉默的,不做声的,寂静生物,不讲话的,不发音的eg: Everyone was silent as the President spoke.总统讲话时,大家都不做声。The “h” in “herb” is silent in American English.在美式英语中,herb 中的 h 是不发音的。(2)blow out 吹灭,熄灭。宾语是名词时,可放在中间也可放在后面;宾语是代词时,只能放在中间。eg:Please blow out all the candles.请吹



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