Unit 7-Joint Ventures教学案例

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1、Unit 7 Joint Ventures合资企业,Legal organization that takes the form of short-term partnership in which the persons jointly undertake a transaction for mutual profit. Generally each person contributes assets and shares risks.合资企业是和个人(自然人、公司、组织等个体单位)采取合伙的形式成立的共同投资、共同经营、共担风险、共负盈亏的法律组织。 A JV is a business

2、enterprise in which two or more business entities from different countries participate on a permanent basis合资企业一家来自两个以上不同国家的企业实体长期共同参与经营管理的企业,What is Joint Ventures,Joint Ventures are widely used by companies to gain entrance into foreign markets.合资企业是公司进入国外市场广泛采取的形式。 The foreign companies generally

3、 bring in the domestic industry. 在合资企业中,外资通常会带来新技术、经验、机器设备、专利等,而国内企业则通常拥有厂房、设备、场地使用权、政府资源等。,Types of JV enterprises合资企业的种类,Depending upon the identity of the partners and the extent of the ownership by each partner.取决于合作方的身份和个合作方的控制程度 A firm has basically three choices: local company本地公司, government

4、 agencies政府机构, or parties from a third country第三国合伙人. Acquire a majority多数 position or to accept a minority少数 position,The early JV often associations among partners all of whom were alien to the country in which the enterprise was located早期的合资企业经常全由企业所在国之外的合伙/股东组成(如美国公司和法国公司在阿拉伯地区成立合资公司开采石油)。 Specu

5、lative investment投机投资, spreading the risk 分担风险,Identity of the Partners合伙/股东的身份,Association with local private interests与当地合伙人/股东的联合,Normally, the local partner in a JV is a company of some significance in the field.通常来讲,合资企业中的当地合伙人在该领域内具有重要的地位、影响。 A JV may also be formed with a local partner operat

6、ing in a related field.合资企业也可能和该相关领域的合伙人联合。 In some cases, JV are formed by partners who have no industry connection or functional relationship.有些情况,合资企业可能和没有该领域内工业/功能联系的当地合伙人联合。,JV are not confined to private capital. Government have been taking an increasing interest in this type of international

7、business organization. 合作企业不仅限于私人资本,政府一直以来在其中的利益上日益扮演重要角色。 The typical format for government participation in JV is through government-owned business corporations set up for this purpose政府参与合资企业的典型方式是通过设立政府所有的企业而达到参与的目的。,Association with public enterprises or government agencies与当地公共企业/政府股东的联合,The m

8、ain activities of such public corporations are investments in manufacturing and other sectors considered essential to a countrys economic development 这类国营公司的主要活动是在制造领域等政府认为对国家的经济发展十分必要的领域进行投资。 In some countries, participation by the public corporation is essentially a temporary booster operation tha

9、t continue until an enterprise achieve a desired maturity.在有些国家,国营公司的参与基本上是一种暂时推动型的经营活动,一直持续到企业达到预期的成熟度为止。,Wherever individuals from different national, economic, ethnic, and cultural environments join in a common effort, there is a high probability of conflicting views and value judgments and of di

10、fferent ways of looking at problems in general.当来自不同国家、经济制度、民族和文化背景的个体在为共同目标而一起成立合资企业,很自然就会在看问题等各方面产生不同的看法、价值判断、甚至冲突等。,Management system of JV合资企业的管理系统,Coalition management联合管理,If the parent companies wish to prorate management control among themselves according their ownership shares in the JV, the

11、y are committed to a coalition administration of the venture.如果母公司希望安合资比例来管理、控制和子公司,他们须承担联合管理合资企业的义务。 The compounding of the cultural and managerial differences makes a coalition joint venture management a highly conflict-prone proposition.把文化和管理上的差异混合在一起,会使合资企业的联合管理成为一个很容易导致冲突的问题。,The local partner

12、 is taxed by its government only, while the multinational partner is subjected to ,regards such a point of view as highly parochial.当地的合伙单位只被他的政府征税,而跨国合伙单位则需在多个国家承担纳税义务,这也意味着,当地的合伙单位只适应一个国家内的经营环境,因而认为任何偏离它自己的组织和管理行为的做法是不可取的,而跨国合伙单位容易受到不同国家的影响,因而认为这种观点是狭隘的。,Family-controlled companies, typical in man

13、y foreign countries, confront their nonfamily-owned US corporate partner, and to divert company resources to the familys other consumptive needs.家族公司在许多国家是常见的,他们向非家族控制的美国公司合伙人提出种种要求,包括从家族成员中任命各级管理人员,经常支付高额股息并把公司的资金转移到家族其它消费需要上。,Autonomous management自治管理,The alternative to the coalition is to endow o

14、ne of the joint venture partners with the sole responsibility for day-to-day management,and other non-operational goals and policies.联合管理的另一选择是赋予合资且业中的一个合伙独有的日常管理职责,其他合伙则仅限于企业的长期战略决策,如产品线,投资等非操作层面政策。 The experience with non-coalition JV management has been generally better than the coalition, it has eliminated many of the sources of dissension.实践证明,对合资企业的单方管理总体上要好于联合管理,因为这种管理方式扫除了很多管理分歧。,



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