世界奇迹 英语课件

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《世界奇迹 英语课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《世界奇迹 英语课件(29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Like people in the earth, alien also enjoy travelling in different countries. Lets go to see eight countries which were the most favorite of alien.,UFO,Brazil,In 1996 when there was an influx of UFO, the police, fire and armies, even including air Force fighter in Varginha took their action to that

2、incident. It is said that two aliens had been caught, which is the so-called UFO Night .,China,In recent years, there are many UFO incidents in Shanghai, a big city of China. Maybe this is because the aliens have wanted to visit the magnificent scenes of Shanghai World Expo.,The Stonehenge,This anci

3、ent monument of huge stones standing on the vast Salisbury plains in England has captured our imaginations for centuries. Its the most enigmatic pre-historic monument on earth. 古老的巨石阵屹立在英格兰索尔兹伯里平原上,数世纪以来,它的丰姿赋予了我们丰富的想象力。它是地球上最神秘的史前遗迹。,This ancient monument of huge stones standing on the vast Salisbu

4、ry plains in England has captured our imaginations for centuries. Its the most enigmatic pre-historic monument on earth. 古老的巨石阵屹立在英格兰索尔兹伯里平原上,数世纪以来,它的丰姿赋予了我们丰富的想象力。它是地球上最神秘的史前遗迹。,Dating back as far as 2950 B.C., theories about who built Stonehenge have included the druids and the Greeks. Speculation

5、 as to its purpose, range from astronomy to a UFO landing site. 究竟是谁建造了巨石阵?这要追溯到公元前2950年,有两种说法:一种认为是特鲁伊特教的教徒,另一种说法则认为是希腊人。有关巨石阵作用的推测也是众说纷纭,上至天文学意义,下至不明飞行体的降落点,尚无定论。,After nearly 5,000 years Stonehenge is still standing. We now know how it was built. The question why is a bit more problematic. 经历了五千年

6、的风风雨雨,巨石仍然屹立不倒。现在我们已经知道它是如何建成的了。但问题是,为什么要建造这样一个巨石阵呢?,Nature may well know all the answers, but science has yet to prove its theories. It seems Stonehenge isnt ready to reveal all its secrets just yet. 大自然也许知道一切答案,但理论有待于用科学去进一步考证。看来巨石阵似乎还不愿意将神秘面纱全部揭开哩。,Magic,Magic is a performing art that entertains

7、an audience by creating illusions of seemingly impossible or supernatural feats, using purely natural means. These feats are called magic tricks, effects or illusions.,魔术是一种娱乐表演艺术的观众,创造幻想似乎是不可能的或超自然的功勋,使用纯粹的自然的手段。这些壮举被称为魔术,影响或幻想。,Some famous magician,Magic in china,Magic in foreign,Chinese Name:大卫科波

8、菲尔 English name :David Copperfield nationality( 籍贯):USA birthplace(出生地) :New Jersey(美国新泽西州) Date of birth(出生日期) :1956/9/16 professional (职业):Magician (魔术师) representative works(代表作):Air flyThe(空中飞翔0, disappearance of the statue of liberty (消失的自由女神像),David Copperfield,The first man of the Street magi

9、c (街头魔术第一人),As a seasoned magician, Liu Qian has a unique understanding of showmanship.,The last one There are a team Not very famous,but they like magic!Thats enough,Show time,过一会儿你将进入一个神奇的世界,过一会儿.,你将目睹一件非常奇妙的事情, 一个大卫的魔术,我能, 通过这个屏幕, 看到你的思想.,你能看到 下面有 6 张不同的牌. 用头脑去想其中的一张. 只要想着就可以了. 我就会找出你脑中想的那张牌,现在看着我的眼睛并且想你的那张牌.,我看不到你选择的那张牌 但是我准知道你脑中的那张牌是什么 .,看! 你脑中想的那张牌消失了!,奇怪吗?,If you always stare at in the life of the damned thing, will miss a lot of good.,Good luck, bad luck, the key still need to see how do you go to treat it. Life, the key is a kind of attitude,



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