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1、1.If I plant this seed in the ground, it will become a pear tree.如果我在地里种下这颗种子,它就长成一棵梨树。 2.match A with B 把A和B配起来 3.the average age/ height/ weight/ speed平均年龄/中等身材/体重/速度 4.humans/ human beings 人类 5.make sth./ sb. + a. 使得某物某人怎样 Pollution means the action of making things dirty and unhealthy. 污染的意思是把东西

2、变得又脏有不健康的行为。 6.A global environmental meeting will be held in Shanghai. 全球气候会议将在上海举行。 7.help fight pollution 帮助对抗污染 fight for sth. 为而斗争 fight against th. 和作斗争 8.air/ water/ noise pollution 大气/水/噪音污染 9.the following/ next items/ things 以下的事物 10.the best-known trees 最有名的树 be famous/ well-known as 作为而有

3、名 be famous/ well-known for 因为而出名 11.be known as the city flowers of Shanghai. 被认为是上海的市花 12.Coffee is Brazils main product. 咖啡是巴西的主产品。 13.pass information to one another 相互传递信息 14.keep the balance of nature 保护生态平衡,1.如果我在地里种下这颗种子,它就长成一棵梨树。 2.把A和B配起来 3.平均年龄/中等身材/体重/速度 4.人类(2) 5.使得某物某人怎样 污染的意思是把东西变得又脏有

4、不健康的行为。 6.全球气候会议将在上海举行。 7.帮助对抗污染 为而斗争 和作斗争 8.大气/水/噪音污染 9.以下的事物(2) 10.最有名的树 作为而有名 因为而出名 11.被认为是上海的市花 12.咖啡是巴西的主产品。 13.相互传递信息 14.保护生态平衡,1.pollution fighters/ soldiers 污染斗士 2.collect some facts for a class project on/ about pollution 为一个班级课题收集一些关于污染的事实 It is a fact that smoking is a danger to health.抽烟

5、对健康有害是一个事实。 in fact= actually = as a matter of fact 事实上 3.interview sb. about sth. 关于某事采访某人 interview a scientist about trees关于树采访了一位科学家 4.Sb. be interested in (doing) sth. = Sb. have/ show interest in (doing) sth. = be keen on (doing) sth.对感兴趣 He is very interested in singing popular songs.他对唱流行歌曲很

6、感兴趣。 some places of interest = some interesting places一些名胜古迹 5.the biggest and oldest living things on the Earth地球上最大最古老的生物 keep us alive让我们活着 make our classes lively使我们的课生动活泼 6. What good/ advantages are trees? 树有什么好处? do good to sb. = do sb. good 对某人有好处 Taking a walk will do you good. 散步对你有好处。 7.m

7、ake sb. do sth. 主动 (sb.) be made to do sth. 被动 使得某人做某事 They made me repeat the whole story.他们要我复述整个故事。 I was made to repeat the whole story.我被要求复述整个故事。 8.make sb./ sth. + a. 使得某人某物怎样 make streets more beautiful and less noisy使得街道更加美丽和安静 9.make it +a. + to do sth. 使得做某事 Post code makes it easier for

8、postmen to deliver letters. 邮政编码让邮递员投递信更加方便了。,10.make sb./ sth. +n. 使得某人/某物成为什么 We all made Tony our monitor this term.我们都选托尼这学期做我们的班长。 11.We go out less/ more often these days because of the meetings. 因为会议,我们这些天少/多出去了。 12.What else do you need to buy? 还有什么要买的吗? 13.the wood in your pencil 你铅笔中的木材 14

9、.the rubber on the end of your pencil你铅笔末端的橡皮 15.by the end of 在底/末 (用过去完成时态或一般将来时态) By the end of last year, the builders had built 5 bridges over the river. 到去年年底为止,建筑师们已经在这条河上建造了5座大桥。 By the end of this year, we will learn 10 English songs. 到今年年底为止,我们将学10首英语歌曲。 16.the fruit in your bowl 你果盆里的水果 e

10、/ be from trees 来自树 18.I suppose/ think/ guess/ believe that (否定前置)我推断/想/猜/相信 Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps. 科学家们猜想大型恐龙住在沼泽地里。 I dont suppose they will come to meet us.我推断他们不会来看我们了。 19.like/ love/enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 enjoy breathing pure, cool air喜欢呼吸又纯又凉的空气 20.The air w

11、as so cold that we could hardly breathe.空气太冷了,我们几乎不能呼吸。 breathe in/ out 吸进/呼出 be out of breath上气不接下气 hold ones breath屏住呼吸 take a deep breath 做深呼吸,1.污染斗士(2) 2.为一个班级课题收集一些关于污染的事实 抽烟对健康有害是一个事实。 事实上(3) 3.关于某事采访某人 关于树采访了一位科学家 4.对感兴趣(三种) 他对唱流行歌曲很感兴趣。 一些名胜古迹 (两种) 5.地球上最大最古老的生物 让我们活着 使我们的课生动活泼 6. 树有什么好处?(2)

12、 对某人有好处 (2) 散步对你有好处。 7. 使得某人做某事 主动 被动 他们要我复述整个故事。 我被要求复述整个故事。 8.使得某人某物怎样 使得街道更加美丽和安静 9.使得做某事 邮政编码让邮递员投递信更加方便了。 10.使得某人/某物成为什么 我们都选托尼这学期做我们的班长。 11.因为会议,我们这些天少/多出去了。 12.还有什么要买的吗? 13.你铅笔中的木材 14.你铅笔末端的橡皮 15.在底/末(用 时态或 时态) 到去年年底为止,建筑师们已经在这条河上建造了5座大桥。 到今年年底为止,我们将学10首英语歌曲。 16.你果盆里的水果 17.来自树(2) 18. 我推断/想/猜/

13、相信 (注意 ) 科学家们猜想大型恐龙住在沼泽地里。 我推断他们不会来看我们了。 19.喜欢做某事 (3) 喜欢呼吸又纯又凉的空气 20.空气太冷了,我们几乎不能呼吸。 吸进/呼出 上气不接下气 屏住呼吸 做深呼吸,21.thank sb. = be thankful to sb. for doing sth.因为做而感谢某人 thank trees for that 因为这些要感谢树 Thank you for repairing my bicycle.谢谢你帮我修自行车。 = I am thankful to you for repairing my bicycle. Many thank

14、s. =Thanks a lot. 多谢了。 22.take harmful gases from the air把空气中的有害气体吸走 23.release = let out = give off 释放 release oxygen back into the air把氧气重新释放到空气中 Look, that steel works is releasing black smoke into the air. 看,那家炼钢厂正在大气中排放黑烟。 I released the horse and it ran away.我放走了马,它跑了。 24.one and a half hectar

15、es of trees 1.5公顷树 one and a half hours = one/ an hour and a half 1.5小时 25.produce/ make enough oxygen 产生足够的氧气 There is enough light in the room, so the room is bright enough. 房间里有足够的光,所以够亮。 26.keep sb./ sth. + a. 保持某人/某物怎样 keep your whole class alive and healthy让你们全班保持活着和健康 Its so hot inside. Keep the windows open. 里面太热.让窗开着吧。 27.for a whole year有整整一年28. cool the air 给大气降温 29.as well as= and , as well 也、又 The captain, as well as the passengers, was saved.船长及乘客们都获救了。 Our class teacher is our friend as well


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