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1、公关策划专员英文简历模板 面试是求职过程的最关键的一步 , 一份不错的英文简历 可以帮你争取到不少面试机会 , 但是面试时主要还是要靠你 的现场发挥 ! 以下是公关策划专员英文简历模板,欢迎阅读 !公关策划专员英文简历模板 , Lane123, Job Road, Job District, Shanghai, C(+86) 13xxxxxxxxxObjective: Public PlanningEDUCATION The Chinese University of Hong KongMA in LinguisticsShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityBA in Ge

2、rman Studies GPA :/100 University of BonnManagement and MediaExchange StudentCore Courses: Management of German Enterprises, German Media, World English, Interpretation and Translation, German Economics and Trade etc.WORK EXPERIENCETBWGAROUPCHINA(Global 4A s Agency) Planning Intern?Provided support

3、to a teamof creative and media planners, as well as assisted staff in collecting and analyzing data for various planning projects, , Brand Innovation Workshop for Hisense Group ? Conducted facetoface interviews and prepared planning reports and presentations, , Consumer Preference Test of Pepsi s Ta

4、glines and Consumer Behavior Survey of TV purchase in Shanghai?Researched topics for clients like GE, Case Study of the 10 Most Successful Enterprise Weibos in China ? Researched topics for clients like GE, Case Study of the 10 Most Successful Enterprise Weibos in China ? Coordinated and supported e

5、vents or activities by senior planners and other functional departments ? Handled basic office functions as needed, data entry, file management and meeting room reservation ? ChineseEnglish Translation and proofreadingHilton Worldwide Shanghai Regional OfficeMarketing Intern ? Assisted staff in prep

6、aring “ Stay Hilton Goeverywhere Advertising Campaign in Xujiahui Grand Gateway ? Represented Hilton Hotels Resorts and introduced the 3D chalk art to both local and foreign visitors?Keptin contact with the local news media, Xinmin Evening News, Shanghai Morning Post, ICS etc.EXTRACURRICULAR EXPERIE

7、NCE14th FINA World Championships Shanghai XXTeamLiaison Officer ?Worked as a liaison officer for German and Czech Delegations and provided comprehensive information and contact service to athletes, trainers and officials in German and English respectively ?Responsible for liaison and coordinationbet

8、ween teams and FINAand the localOrganizingCommittee to ensure thatthe teamsparticipationproceeds as smoothly aspossible andthe emergingissues in the tournamentare eitherminimized orquickly resolvedGlobal Entrepreneurship Shanghai XXVolunteer ?Responsible for the registration process for the meeting

9、participants and offered necessary instructionsGermanChineseHouse at Shanghai World EXPO XX Ambassador Volunteer ? Responsible for the registration process for the meeting participants and offered necessary instructionsGerman Club of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Deputy Chairman?Worked as clubleader

10、 and organized a series of events including Annual Christmas Party, in which German majors, fans, lecturers and deans in School of Foreign Language were all invited, German Film Night, and Special Talk on Study in Germany which received an enthusiastic responseSCHOLARSHIPS HONORSXX Outstanding Volun

11、teer of the XX Global Entrepreneurship CongressXX Academic Excellence Scholarship of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Awarded to Top 20% students.)XX Excellent Memberof Youth League of Shanghai Jiao Tong University(Awarded toTop 1% students.)SKILLSQUALIFICATIONSGerman:Test for German MajorsLevel 8 (Go

12、od), DSHGerman Language Proficiency Test for College Admission (Level 2) 、 Adept in Germanspeaking,reading and writingEnglish: CET6 (582/710), ShanghaiIntermediateLevelEnglishInterpretationAccreditation 、 Fluentin English as a working languageIT: Proficient intyping, OfficeSoftware, andDreamweaver e

13、tc.Art:The NationalPainting Grade缺乏英语基Examination (6 Grade Level in sketch)本证书的简历该怎么写不得不说一些求职者连大学英语四级证书都没有,那么 这些求职者在找工作时可是会吃点亏的,对于刚毕业的大学 生而言尤其重要。大学生能够拿出手的东西真的特别少为此 证书对他们来说是很重要的,没有任何证书这不使得自己成 为了光杆司令吗那这样的简历到底该如何加工才能弥补证 书的缺憾我们看看英语证书到底是什么,它针对的是考试成绩, 可不是针对口语、听力、写作水平,当然和这些有一定的关 系可是联系性并不大,为此可以在简历里利用这三方面的能

14、力去弥补证书的劣势。当然应该抓取自己真正擅长的方面, 你可别把三个方面都写进去并且说自己多么厉害,那么人家 看你没有证书肯定不太相信你的,于是考考你在某方面的情 况到底怎么样,而你马上就露出马脚不就等于自己打自己的 脸吗你没有证书就算了但是你还敢忽悠人,你这不是刺激了 招聘者对你的看法更差吗所以在简历里只需要展现你在英语某个方面的情况,你 的听力非常好那你好好把听力体现以下就可以了,你可以利 用具体的东西证明听力好。比如以下几个方面,第一,你可 以听一些著名的英语栏目比如美国之声; 第二,你可以讲述和老外之间的对话情况,你能够迅速听懂老外所说的东西 第三,你看英文电影时可以听懂里面的人物所说的话,再举 出几部经典的英文电影名称,让人家也好看到你还真的能够 听懂一些电影里的英语,人家想看考察你的话可以试试借用 某部电影里的英语,让你听一听去展示你的听力水平。



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