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1、保险续保员英文简历模板如果你想进入外企,或者应聘对英文水平要求高的岗位,一份英文简历是必不可缺的。下面整理了保险续保员英文简 历模板,欢迎阅读 !保险续保员英文简历模板, Lane123, Job Road, JobDistrict, Shanghai, ChinaMobile:(+86) 13xxxxxxxxxEmail:.comObjective:Insurance renewal staff 照 片 EDUCATIONXX XXBachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Finance)Monash University, Clayton CampusAnt

2、icipated completion date: June, XXXX XXHigh school Affiliated to BIT BeiJingCompleted: September, XXEMPLOYMENT HISTORYXXJOB GTT Internship programIntern ?Completed basic sampling tasks and trace to the source documents ?Finished the comparison work of current year manufacture contracts for the paren

3、ts company. ?Completed subsidiaries Trail Balance inputs sheets independently. ? Assisted FIC finishing different types of working papers. For example, Aging, Alternative tests, Major Bank testing.BANK CONFIRMATIO?NFill in the bank confirmation according to the customer s bank details. ? Obtained Ba

4、nk Confirmations, and communicate with bank staff forrelated issues. ? Sent Bank Confirmations .FILE ARRANGEME?NTRearrange the Pfiles, also update the Pfile index. ?Reference documents in the audit system and also arrange the files manually.COMMUNICATION SKILL ? Developed through communication with

5、clients face to face or base on the phone.?Contact with therepresentatives of the subsidiaries and confirm with the lawyer in charge.XXKikko SushiCustomer Service Staff ?Handled cash register ?Prepared staff timetable ?Opened and closed the store?Be able to do cleaningtasks ? Assisted in training of

6、 new employees ?Shop maintenanceINTERESTS?Actively involved in swimming, playing Chinese traditional instruments GuZheng, and also play squash on a weekly basis面试过程的三个重要方面:要清楚自己的声誉 直接推荐的好处是显而易见的 ; 但雇主有时候会通过秘 密的推荐来找出真相。比如,直接推荐可能说“他是一名优 秀的管理者, ”但秘密推荐可能说: “他的下属对其授权技巧 有时略有微词。 ”求职者应该清楚,他们的信誉与成就比在 面试中的回答更加重要。要知道,你每天与周围所有人,包 括下属的互动可能影响你在未来能否得到梦想的工作机会。将面试变成双向互动 面试的双方应该通过面试来确定双方是否合适。求职者 不应该害怕问尖锐、聪明的问题这样做能让你在无数求 职者中脱颖而出 ! 而且,如果你得到多份工作邀请,这些问 题也可以让你做出更好的选择。调查潜在雇主 令人意外的是,很少有求职者去深入了解行业和工作职 能。尽管了解潜在雇主与行业可能需要你拿出额外的时间, 但当你与那些没有付出额外努力的人坐在一起的时候,你会 发现自己的表现是多么抢眼, 连你自己都会感到吃惊。 此外, 这也可以显示你对这个职位的热切之情 !



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