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1、汽车行业英文术语 文档 作者: 日期:1. 行业相关词汇(部分):2. 公司概况company profile3. 主要/主营业务main business4. 业务范围business scope5. 核心价值core value6. 核心竞争力 core competence/competitiveness7. 核心应用系统core application system8. 成功案例success story/case9. 典型案例typical case10. 案例研究分析case study11. 汽车配件/备件/零件automotive (spare)parts12. 汽车附件 au

2、tomotive accessories13. 部件/元件/组件components14. 汽车后市场aftermarket15. 配件市场 parts market16. 经销商管理系统Dealer Management System(DMS)17. 经销商协同管理系统 Dealer Collaboration Management System (INFODCS)18. 整车销售管理系统 Vehicle Sales Management System (INFOVSM)19. 配件运作管理系统 Spare/Service Parts Management System (INFOSPM)2

3、0. 索赔管理系统 Warranty Management System (INFOWS)21. 技术资料发布系统 Technical data Viewer (INFOTDV) 22. 英孚商用数据交换平台 (INFOX) B2B Data Exchange Platform 23. 经销商订单管理系统dealer order management system24. 售后配件管理系统 Spare/Service Parts management system(SPM) 25. 集成管理系统integrated management system26. 数据分析系统 data analysi

4、s system27. 销售配额sales quota28. 配额管理 quota management29. 配额式订单管理系统quota-based order management system30. 配额式订单管理模式quota-based order management mode31. 主数据管理 master data management(MDM)32. 操作系统 operating system (OS)33. 应用系统application system34. 实施服务implementation service35. 一站式服务one-stop shop/one-stop

5、 services36. 综合性的一揽子服务(方案)a comprehensive package of services37. 现场服务on-site service38. 现场培训on-site training39. 现场实施on-site implementation40. 现场分析on-site analysis41. 现场管理field/on-site management42. 车厂/主机厂/整车制造商/车辆制造厂OEM/automaker43. 整车物流(finished) vehicle logistics (FVL)outbound logistics(注:整车以后可以一致

6、翻为vehicle,如前加finished也可以)44. 先进的整车物流 advanced (finished) vehicle logistics(AFVL)45. 整车配送vehicle delivery46. 整车车辆匹配vehicle matching47. 4S-整车销售(Sale),零配件(Spare part),售后服务(Service),信息反馈等(Survey) 48. 线上车辆状态跟踪online vehicle status tracking49. 线上预配车模块 online vehicle pre-allocation module50. 车辆滞留时间vehicle

7、holdup period51. 配车冻结vehicle allocation freezing52. 生产冻结期production freezing time53. 提前分销/分配pre-distribution54. 生产周排产计划weekly production schedule55. 管线内车辆vehicles in the pipeline56. (车辆)下线时间 offline time/ off-production-line time 57. (车辆)上线时间 online time58. 系统上线system go-live59. 资源配置分配resources allo

8、cation/distribution60. 产品推广products deployment(注:本行业产品推广一般是系统推广部署之意,区别与一般产品的推广促销products promotion)61. 业务流程business process62. 持续支持 on-going/continuous support63. 长期支持long-term support64. 订单查询order inquiry/query(注:前者一般电话查询等,后者一般网上查询)65. 签收sign-in66. 软件外包software outsourcing67. 服务站service station68.

9、服务中心service centre69. 功能模块function/functional module70. 召回recall 71. 无缝连接seamless connection/joint72. J2EE架构 J2EE architecture73. J2EE 框架 J2EE framework74. 展厅管理showroom management75. 备件库存spare parts inventory/stock76. 物料出入库 material issuing and receiving77. 出库/仓库交货 goods issuing/delivery/ex-warehous

10、e78. 叉车厂 forklift truck works79. 库存深度 stock depth 80. 库存积压/压库overstock81. 汽车配件厂 auto parts plant82. 汽车维修厂 automotive service shop83. 汽车修理厂 automotive repair shop84. 汽车维修工程有限公司 Auto maintenance engineering Co. Ltd85. 汽车养护有限公司 car maintenance Co. Ltd86. 汽车美容护理中心 Auto care centre87. 大客户销售经理 Fleet Sales

11、/Key Account Manager 88. 订单处理 order processing/handling89. 延期交货订单/欠货订单 back order90. 实时客户订单real-time customer order91. 客户名单customer list92. 客户跟进 customer follow-up93. 潜在客户 potential customer/prospect94. 客户服务满意(度)customer service satisfaction95. 客户满意度(指标)customer satisfaction index (CSI)96. 客户关怀 cust

12、omer care 97. 客户忠诚度 customer loyalty 98. 授权及审批 authorization and approval99. 保修/索赔申请 warranty claim100. 回运件/返修件旧件 return parts101. 最佳实践 best practice102. 同步传输 synchronous transmission103. 异步传输 asynchronous transmission104. 消息组播 message multicast105. 安全密码认证 Security Password Authentication106. 日志管理 l

13、og management107. 多重组网 domain based routing rules 108. 批量数据上传 batch data upload109. 电子数据交换 electronic data interchange (EDI)110. 数据库连接池 database pool111. .数据源 data source112. 线形图 linear chart113. 柱形/条形图 /直方图bar chart/histogram114. 饼图 pie chart115. 托管/寄存 服务 hosting service116. 绩效考核指标体系设计 performance

14、index design117. 绩效评价体系设计performance evaluation system design118. 绩效管理体系 performance management system119. 关键业绩指标key performance index (KPI)120. 应用编程接口application programming interface (API)121. 系统部署 system deployment122. 试运行 pilot/ trial/test running(注:本行业常用pilot)123. 集中培训 centralized training124. 系统切换system cutover 125. 无线接入 wireless access126. 办公自动化 office automation (OA)127. 虚拟专用网 virtual private network(VPN)128. 故障管理 fault management(FM)129. 故障模式与结果分析 Fault Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA)130. 故障率Failure Rate 131. 故障记录Failure Record 132. 三包服务 three-guarantee service/sanbao s



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