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1、目录 2008年华侨大学853翻译与写作考研真题 2009年华侨大学855翻译与写作考研真题 2010年华侨大学858翻译与写作考研真题 2011年华侨大学858翻译与写作考研真题 2012年华侨大学862翻译与写作考研真题 2013年华侨大学862翻译与写作考研真题 2014年华侨大学862翻译与写作考研真题 2015年华侨大学862翻译与写作考研真题 2017年华侨大学820翻译与写作考研真题 2018年华侨大学812翻译与写作考研真题 2008年华侨大学853翻译与写作考 研真题 Part Translate the following passage into Chinese : 40

2、 points Among the many ways in which people communicate through speech, public speaking has probably received more study and attracted more attention than any others. Politicians campaigning for public office, salespeople presenting products, and preachers delivering sermons all depend upon this for

3、m of public communication. Even people who do not make speaking a part of their daily work are often asked to make public speeches; students at graduation, for instance, or members of churches, clubs, or other organizations. Nearly everyone speaks in public at some time or other, and those who perfo

4、rm the task well often become leaders. There are many reasons for speaking in public. A public speaker may hope to teach an audience about new ideas, for example, or provide information about some topic. Creating a good feeling or entertaining an audience may be another purpose. Public speakers, how

5、ever, most often seek to persuade an audience to adopt new opinions, to take certain actions, or to see the world in a new way. Public speakers usually know well in advance when they are scheduled to make an address. Consequently, they are able to prepare their message before they deliver it. Someti

6、mes, though, speakers must deliver the message unprepared, or off the cuff, such as when they are asked to offer a toast at a wedding reception or to participate in a televised debate or interview. When they do not have to speak unprepared, most speakers write their own speeches. Politicians and bus

7、iness executives sometimes employ professional writers who prepare their speeches for them. These professional writers may work alone or in small teams. Although the speaker may have some input into the contents of the speech, the writers sometimes have a great influence over the opinions expressed

8、by their employers. Regardless of how a speech is prepared, the person who delivers it is given credit for its effect upon its hearers. Part Translate the following passage into English: 35 points 照例每年夏天有一批中国留学生学成回国。这船上也有十来个人。 大多数是职业尚无着落的青年,直在暑假初回中国,可以从容找事。那 些不愁没事的学生要到秋凉才慢慢地肯动身回国。船上这几位,有在法 国留学的,有在英国

9、、德国、比国等读书,到巴黎去增长夜生活经险, 因此也坐法国船的。他们天涯相遇,一见如故,谈起外患内乱的祖国, 都恨不得立刻就回去为它服务。船走得这样慢,大家一片乡心,正愁无 处寄托,不知哪里忽来了两副麻将牌。麻将当然是国技,又听说在美国 风行;打牌不但有故乡风味,并且适合世界潮流。妙得很,人数可凑成 两桌而有余,所以除掉吃饭睡觉以外,他们成天赌钱消遣。 Part Writing: 75 points Nowadays, many college students with excellent academic records choose job hunting instead of ente

10、ring for the competition for M.A. candidates. They are very worried that the completion of their M.A. programs may lead to poor jobs or even unemployment. Please write a composition of no less than 400 words on the following topic: Is it Worthwhile to Carry out Our M. A. Programs? In the first part

11、of your writing you are required to present your viewpoint, and in the second part you are to support the viewpoint with appropriate details, and in the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or as a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar

12、and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 2009年华侨大学855翻译与写作考 研真题 Part Translate the following passage into Chinese : 40 points Making a presentation might be called a career skill. It is not only important as a task that forms part of an increasing

13、number of business jobs; it can also make a difference to how you are perceived and even to how you get on in your career. I once asked a senior executive about the motivation level of people who would be participating in a presentation skills workshop. I was to run for the organization. He replied:

14、 “They are always keen to attendno one gets promoted in this organization unless they can make a good presentation.” This is a common enough sentiment these days. Yet presenting is not everyones forte. For most people, acquiring expertise in this area does not just happen. It needs study and practic

15、e; it is, after all, a practical skill. Not everyone will be a great orator, but anyone can and many mustturn in a workmanlike performance if they understand how to go about it. The intention of this book is simple: to help the reader to be able to prepare, quickly and easily, and deliver a better p

16、resentation than might otherwise be possible. Above all, the aim is to ensure that the presentation will achieve its purpose. Reading this book will not remove the need for practice, but a sound understanding of the process can ensure that any practice helps to speed up the development of skills that make a positive difference to what is done “on your feet”. Part Translate the following passage into English: 35 points 孔子在论语的许多段落中表达了他对诗经中的诗篇、 对“文”以及对其他些问题的看法,直接成为中国传统文学思想的关注 中心。这些说法经由权威性


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