江苏省南京市六合区横梁初级中学九级英语上册 Unit 2 Colour课件2 (新)牛津

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《江苏省南京市六合区横梁初级中学九级英语上册 Unit 2 Colour课件2 (新)牛津》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省南京市六合区横梁初级中学九级英语上册 Unit 2 Colour课件2 (新)牛津(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Unit 2 Colours,Integrated skills,He was born in Shanghai. He is bald(adj.秃头的). He used to be a guest host of “If You are the One”(非诚勿扰). He is famous for the personality colours research(研究).,Warming-up,A guessing game Who is he?,purple,red,orange,yellow,green,blue,warm colors,energetic colors,stro

2、ng colors,calm colors,Pre-listening,feel nervous,feel tired,feel sad,When you . ,what colour will you wear ? Why?,hope for success,require strength,Work in pairs: A: When you . ,what colour will you wear ? B:Ill wear A:Why? B:Because it representsand make/help,Colour therapy,A way to use colours to

3、change peoples moods and improve their life.,Mrs. Rainbow,n.疗法,Mrs Rainbows Colour Therapy(治疗) Discover how the power of colours can change your moods and improve your life! Watch The Teens Show on STTV at 6 p.m., September to learn more! Therapy center: 21/F,810 South-east Road Telephone number:555

4、7 8187 Price:¥100 for half an hour We promise that this therapy can help you change your moods, or you will get your money back!,.,v. 发现;发觉,n. 十几岁,v. 承诺,允诺,conj. 否则,1.How can colour therapy help us? 2. How much do we have to pay for the colour therapy? 3. What we can do if the therapy doesnt work? 4

5、. What channel will The Teens Show be on?,One hundred yuan for half an hour.,We can get our money back.,It will be on STTV.,It can help us change our moods and improve our life.,Read and answer,Read the advertisement in Part A1 and fill in the blanks,Mrs Rainbows Colour Therapy Her therapy centre is

6、 on (1)_. It costs (2)_ for 30 minutes. If it doesnt work, you can (3)_.,21/F 810 South-east Road,¥100,get your money back,The Teens Show,While-listening,Listen to the interview and complete the rest blanks in Part A1.,Task 1:,college,yellow,blue,green,red,angry,Listen and repeat the questions:,1. W

7、hat does Mrs Rainbow do, Millie?,2. Really? How does she do that?,3. I worry too much sometimes. What should I do to get a good nights sleep?,4. Daniel doesnt feel very confident about the Maths competition this weekend. What should he do?,5. What other kinds of colour therapy does Mrs Rainbow use?,

8、6. Well, Id like to try it, but what if the therapy doesnt work?,Task 2:,A3:Circle the correct letters.,vt. 建议,If you open up a colour therapy centre. Some of your classmates come to ask you for help. Use colours to give them suitable advice.,Activity: Can you help them?,Post-listening,A:Tomorrow I

9、will have a exam on Maths. I really want to get high points but Im not very confident. What colour should I wear? (yellow),B:Im John. My father is a businessman. Hes very busy every day. He often feels very tired and stressed. What colour can help him? (green),C:Mary is my good friend. Shes got a ne

10、w job. And she likes it. Yesterday she made a big mistake in her work. And her boss was a little angry. She feels stressed and worried. What colour should she wear? (blue or white),D:Tomorrow is September 1st. My little brother Billy will go to school. I hope that he will have a happy day at school.

11、 What colour should I choose for him? (orange),E:Tomorrow my mother will attend an important meeting. And at the meeting, there will be an important decision for her to make. What colour had she better use? (red),Which colour does Andy prefer, red or orange? 2. Which trousers does Andy like? 3. Why

12、does Millie think Andy should wear jeans?,He would rather wear orange.,He prefers jeans.,Because she thinks jeans are comfortable and they match Andys shirt.,Speak up,Listen and answer:,Andy: Im going to a friends birthday party, Millie. Come and see if these clothes look good on me. Millie: Which s

13、hirt do you prefer, the red one or the orange one? Andy: I dont like red. Id rather wear orange. Millie: You look smart in orange. Which trousers do you like? Andy: I prefer jeans. Millie: Good. Jeans are comfortable and theyll match your shirt. Andy: OK. Thanks, Millie.,You have been chosen as the

14、new chairperson of the Students Union. You are going to make a speech to the school. Now talk about what to wear with your partner, using Speak up as a model.,Pair work,Whats your favourite colour? Which do you like better? Would you rather wear? doesnt suit you. Try this/these on. The one looks bet

15、ter than the one.,Its too dark / bright / dull. I likemore/better than I would rather wear I always / never wear I prefer to ,The following expressions may help you:,Homework,1. Write a report about what your classmates problems and your advice. 2. Finish off the relevant exercises.,. 根据首字母或提示写单词。 1

16、. The scraping(刮痧)_(疗法)is very popular in China. 2. Columbus is said to have d_ America in 1492.,therapy,iscovered,Exercises,3. Most people who smoke began smoking in their _ (十几岁时). 4. I p_ to return your bicycle on good condition. 5. Do you know that theres a r_ between colors and peoples moods?,romise,elationship,teens,. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I would rather _ (watch) TV at home on S


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