江苏省南京市六合区横梁初级中学八级英语下册 Unit 1 Past and Present Reading 1课件 (新)牛津

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江苏省南京市六合区横梁初级中学八级英语下册 Unit 1 Past and Present Reading 1课件 (新)牛津_第1页
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《江苏省南京市六合区横梁初级中学八级英语下册 Unit 1 Past and Present Reading 1课件 (新)牛津》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省南京市六合区横梁初级中学八级英语下册 Unit 1 Past and Present Reading 1课件 (新)牛津(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Reading,Sunshine town,at present,Has sunshine town changed a lot?,in the past,People used to live in old houses.,Old houses have turned into new tall flats.,Now they live in new tall flats.,Small shops have turned into large shoppin malls.,People used to buy things at the small shop.,Now they go to

2、shopping malls instead.,Old cinemas have turned into nice theatres.,People used to see films in an old cinema.,Now they go to nice theatres .,People used to play Chinese chess in the street.,Now people can play chess on the Internet.,Has Beijing Sunshine Town changed a lot over the years?,?,Yes, it

3、has changed a lot.,1. Fast Reading,Whats main idea of the passage?,The changes to Sunshine Town.,Part 1( line16 ) Part 2( line711 ) Part 3( line1216 ) Part 4( line1723 ),2. Further reading,* Mr. Chens _. * The _ to Sunshine Town . * The _ in Sunshine Town * Mr. Chens _ about the changes in Sunshine

4、Town.,life,changes,water pollution,ideas/feelings,Part 1 Read ( Line 16 ),Before 1965 _ From 1965 to last year _,He got married and moved two blocks away.,He lived in the northern part of town with his parents.,Where did Mr. Chen live?,Part 2 Read ( Line 711 ),1. The government has changed _ into a

5、park? A. some small restaurants B. shops & market stalls C. a small post office & an old cinema D. a large shopping centre & a theatre 2. Mr. Chen likes to _ in the park. A. play cards B. play Chinese chess C. both A and B D. play Taiji,C,C,Sunshine River 10 years ago,a steel factory,used to put its

6、 waste into the river,water pollution,Part 3 Read ( Line 1216 ),the government realized problems,todays Sunshine River,much cleaner,took action to improve the situation,Part 4 Read ( Line 1723 ),Its nice to have beautiful modern town. Its good to see the amazing changes.,It has become impossible for

7、 us to see each other as often as before. He feels a bit lonely from time to time.,Does Mr Chen like the great changes?,Task 3 T or F, according to the interview.,1) Mr. Chen knows little about Sunshine Town. ( ) 2) He moved away from his parents when he got married. ( ) 3) There is a large shopping

8、 mall in Sunshine Town now. ( ) 4) Its easy for Mr. Chen to see his friends now. ( ),F,T,T,F,5) The steel factory once put its waste into the Sunshine river. ( ) 6) Amazing changes have taken place in Sunshine town. ( ),T,T,1. the changes in Sunshine Town 2. the changes in Hengliang 3. the changes t

9、o our school any topic you want to talk about,An interview,Activities,Model: A: How long have you lived in Hengliang? B: I have lived in Hengliang since I was born. A: Have you ever moved house? B: Yes. Last year I moved to a new flat. A: Has Hengliang changed a lot over the years? B: Yes, it has ch

10、anged a lot. A: Was the pollution once a problem? B: Yes, the pollution used to be terrible there, but now its much better. A: Do you think life is better now than before? B: Well, in some ways it is. ,结婚 在这些年里 变成 过去常常做 改变许多 不时地 在某种程度上 把废料丢在河里 时代变了 感到有点寂寞 采取行动,Task 4 Consolidation,get married,turn into,from time to time,change a lot,in some ways,times have changed,over the years,used to do,put the waste into the river,feel a bit lonely,take action,Read and recite the new words. Draw a picture about your dream home and talk about it.,Homework,Thank you!,


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