江西省宜春市第八中学八级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Section B课件 (新)人教新目标

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江西省宜春市第八中学八级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Section B课件 (新)人教新目标_第1页
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江西省宜春市第八中学八级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Section B课件 (新)人教新目标_第3页
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《江西省宜春市第八中学八级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Section B课件 (新)人教新目标》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江西省宜春市第八中学八级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Section B课件 (新)人教新目标(66页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section,Unit 7 Will people have robots?,1a Write each word in the correct column below.,astronaut house apartment trainrocket space station computer programmer,astronaut computer programmer,train rocket,house apartment space station,1b Think of other words and write them in the chart in 1a.,astronau

2、t computer programmer,train rocket,house apartment space station,robot cleaner super policeman,space ship helicopter (直升机),flat(公寓) shelter (避难所),1c Listen to Alexis and Joe. Number the pictures 1-3.,2,3,1,1d Listen again. Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs in the box.,I live in an apartment

3、across the street from here. 2. I _ near here. 3. I _a computer programmer.,am live work lived took will be will live will fly,work,am,4. We in a house in the country. 5. I the train to school. 6. I an astronaut. 7. I rockets to the moon. 8. I on a space station.,lived,will be,will fly,took,will liv

4、e,1e Student A is Alexis and Student B is Joe. Talk about Joes life now, 10 years ago and 10 years from now.,A: Where do you live? B: I live in an apartment.,A: Where did you live 10 years ago? B: I lived in Greenville. A: How did you get to school? B: I took train to school.,10 years ago,A: what wi

5、ll your life be like in 10 years? B: oh, I think Ill be an astronaut. A: Where will you live in 10 years? B: I will live on a space station.,In 10 years,2a Tell your partner what you know about robots. What do they look like and what can they do?,What do they look like?,They look like humans.,What d

6、oes it look like?,It looks like a dog.,This robot looks like a huge arm.,What will robots do for us in the future?,Lets make predictions,After 100 years.,speak,do exercise,run,cook,play the piano,play football,dance,help people do the most unpleasant jobs,help with the housework,2b Read the article

7、and match each paragraph with the question it discusses.,Para 1 will robots think like humans in the future? Para 2 what will robots be like in the future? Para 3 what can robots do today? Para 4 what are robots like in movies?,Do You Think You Will Have Your Own Robot? When we watch movies about th

8、e future, we sometimes see robots. They are usually like human servants. They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.,2.Today there are already robots working in factories. Some can help to build cars, and they do simple jobs over and over again. Fewer people w

9、ill do such jobs in the future because they are boring, but robots will never get bored.,Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do. Some robots in Japan can walk and dance. They are fun to watch. However, some scientists believe that although we can ma

10、ke robots move like people, it will be difficult to make them really think like a human. For example, scientist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know,3.,where they are. But many scientists disagree with Mr. White. They think that robots will even be able to talk like

11、humans in 25 to 50 years.,Some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future. However, they agree it may take hundreds of years. These new robots will have many different shapes. Some will look like humans, and others might look like animals. In India, for example, scientists made

12、robots that,4.,look like snakes. If buildings fall down with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings. This was not possible 20 years ago, but computers and rockets also seemed impossible 100 years ago. We never know what will happen in the future!,翻译短语,1.科幻小说 2

13、.帮忙做家务 3.花费好几百年的时间 4.看起来像 5.让机器人走路或跳舞 6.和人一样做相同的事,science fiction help with the housework take hundreds of years look like make robots walk and dance do the same things as a person,7.例如 8.与人交谈 9.做简单的工作 10.一遍又一遍 11.变得烦躁 12.寻找 13.看起来有可能的,for example talk to people do simple jobs over and over again ge

14、t bored look for seem possible,In some science fiction movies, what will people have in the future? 2. Which country has robots that can walk and dance? 3. Where are the huge arm robots working now?,Robots.,Japan.,In factories.,Read and answer the questions.,4. What does James White think? 5. What k

15、ind of job can a snake robot do?,He thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are.,After an earthquake, it could help look for people under buildings.,2c Read the article again quickly. complete the sentences about what robots can do now.,1.Robots can build in factories. 2

16、.They can do jobs many times and not get bored. 3.Some can and . 4. Some can help people under .,cars,simple,walk dance,look for,the buildings,Some robots are very human-like. They can walk and _ like people. Some scientists think that in the future they will _ robots more like humans. This may not _ in the near future, but at some point, robots w


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