《演讲的艺术》About Introduction课件

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1、,Presentation Skills,Today I am going to tell you something about our university. I would like to talk about the following aspects of our university: its history, its libraries, and its famous alumni. 2. Good morning, everyone. Today, I will give my opinions on the problem a 18 year old Chinese girl

2、 Su are facing, that is weather she should go to a top Chinese university or go to study abroad. 3. Good morning, Today let me introduce something about JiuZhaigou as a sight-seeing spot. I want to introduce the characteristic of its scene and the local cuisine.,Typical Introductions from SS speeche

3、s/presentations :,Why is it an objective for an introduction to fulfill to gain the interest and attention of the audience? 1. People are egocentric. They pay closest attention to messages that affect their own values, their own beliefs, their own well-being. 2 .What is fascinating to a speaker may

4、not be fascinating to everybody 3. First impressions are important. 4. The speaker can quickly lose an audience if she or he doesnt use the introduction to get their attention and quicken their interest. 5. Getting off in the right foot is vital to a speakers self-confidence. What could be more enco

5、uraging than watching your listeners faces begin to register interest, attention, and pleasure?,Methods to Get the Attention and Interest of Your Audience with your Introduction,1.Relate the Topic to the Audience 2.Startle the Audience 3.Arouse the Curiosity to the Audience 4.Tell a Story 5.State th

6、e Importance of Your Topic 6.Question the Audience 7.Begin with a Quotation,Todays Focus,1.Relate the Topic to the Audience 2.Startle the Audience 3.Arouse the Curiosity to the Audience 4.Tell a Story,People are egocentric. They would pay more attention to things that affect them directly.,Sample In

7、troduction: Making Campus Accessible for Disabled Students Id like to ask you to use your imaginary and think how it would feel if youd spent an evening studying for an exam, you get up in the morning all set to go to class. You go down, you get to your door, and it wont open. You think. “ oh, I can

8、 just use my back door.” But you go to your back door, and that wont open either. It would be pretty frustrating, wouldnt it? Thats the kind if frustration handicapped students feel when they cant get to class because of the snow,1. Relate the Topic to the Audience,Make sure the startling introducti

9、on relates directly to the subject of your speech,Sample Introduction: ( A speech about the problem of sexual assault against women ) Take a moment and think of the three women closest to you. Who comes to mind? Your mother ? Your sister ? Your girlfriend? Your wife? Your best friend? Now guess whic

10、h one will be sexually assaulted during her lifetime. Its not a pleasant thought, but according to the US. Department of justice, one of every three American women will be sexually assaulted sometime during her life.,2. Startle the Audience,Its common sense that people are curious.,Sample Introducti

11、on: The Gift of Life Each of you has a gift. What kind of gift is it? Its not a Christmas gift or a birthday gift. Its not some special talent or skill. Its a gift that could save a lifemaybe more than one. If you decide to give it, you lose nothing. Some people bury their gift. Others burn it. All

12、but one of you who completed my questionnaire would gladly receive the gift, but only 20 percent of you have decided to give it. This gift is the donation of your vital organs when you die.,3.Arouse the Curiosity of the Audience,Almost all of us enjoy story, especially, especially if they are provoc

13、ative amusing, or dramatic. Make sure the story be clearly relevant to the main point of your speech or presentation.,4. Tell a Story,Todays Focus,1.Relate the Topic to the Audience 2.Startle the Audience 3.Arouse the Curiosity to the Audience 4.Tell a Story,Sample Introduction for Analysis,The Powe

14、r of Four Speaker: Tom Hanks Audience: University Graduates Central Ideas: A simple choice by a common person would make a big change to the world. Never question the impact of your efforts. The world need help and contribution to become a better place, and your choice to help and to contribute will

15、 make the world a better place.,Task 1: Find out how many methods weve learned today are used in this introduction. Task 2: Give some explanation about how they are employed.,gridlock: (n),交通全面阻塞 cripple: (vt),使陷入瘫痪状态 strand: (vt),使困于某地,束手无策. impenetrable: (adj), 费解的,难以理解的。 simulation : (n)用计算机进行的模拟

16、。 stilled : (adj)静止的。 earthly : (adj)现世的。 jaw-dropping apathy : (n)冷漠,不关心。,You think your speech is important. Tell your audience why they should think so too. Whenever you discuss a topic whose importantce may not be clear to the audience, you should think about ways to demonstrate its significance in the introduction.,5. State the Importance of Your Topic,


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