五年级下册英语试题-Unit 8 Birthdays (有答案)译林版

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1、Unit 8一选择题(共16小题)1Happy birthday! ()AThank youBHappy birthday!2My birthday is _March()AinBatCon3People in the West usually open their presents _()Aafter the partyBthe next dayCat once4_comes after November()ADecemberBSeptemberCOctober5Whens her birthday? Its _the fifteenth September()AinBatCon6The f

2、irst number is seven The second number is _seven()AtooBbothCalso7There are _students standing near the pianoThe _one from the left is a tall girl()Afour, fourBfour, fourthCfourth, fourth8Sunday is the day of a week ()AoneBsecondCfirst9Is your birthday_ December?()AinBonCat10When is Mothers Day? _()A

3、They are in AprilBIts in DecemberCIts on May 1411_?Its in June()AWhen is the party?BWhere is the party?CHow is the party?12My birthday is in_ I can wear my pretty dress()AJanuaryBJulyCNovember13Its _now Its very cold()AseptemberBdecemberCDecember14January is the_month of a year()AoneBfirstCtwo15What

4、 can you do at the party? _()AIts in JulyBWe can play in the snowCShe can dance16Its very _ in March I like March()AwarmBcoldCsnowy二填空题(共8小题)17watch 18stop(过去式) 19are(过去式) 20根据你的实际情况做出回答Whats your name? 21right(同音词) 22can(否定形式) 23he(宾格) 24根据实际情况回答问题How old are you? 三解答题(共1小题)25I cant wait Unit 8参考答案一选择题(共16小题)1A; 2A; 3C; 4A; 5C; 6C; 7B; 8C; 9A; 10C; 11A; 12B; 13C; 14B; 15B; 16A;二填空题(共8小题)17watched; 18stopped; 19were; 20My name is Li Fang; 21write; 22cant; 23him; 24I am 11/12/13;三解答题(共1小题)25我不能等;



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