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1、契约自由论文:论我国民法的契约自由原则 作者: 日期:契约自由论文:论我国民法的契约自由原则【中文摘要】契约自由原则作为私法自治主要内容和重要形式,是契约制度全面展开的前提和基础。契约自由原则从古罗马法的契约自由思想雏形到近代的契约自由原则再到限制自由的阶段,呈现出无自由、无限制的自由到限制自由的趋势。在这一过程中,一方面市场经济主体被赋予了广泛的自由权利去参与经济活动,另一方面随着垄断主义的到来,自然人之间的平等状态被打破,自然人和法人尤其是垄断组织之间的平等地位根本无法在现实中得到实现,人们面临着被自己创造的契约制度所侵害的可能。无限制的契约自由带来了不公平的结果。契约自由原则发展进入了限

2、制自由阶段。契约自由原则发展的历程表明:一、契约自由作为近代资本主义政治经济文化的产物,促进了社会的巨大发展;二、对契约自由的滥用必然导致对契约自由的限制。我国处于改革开放,建立中国特色的社会主义市场经济阶段,必须借助契约自由原则对市场经济的强大推动作用。对此,我们必须确立契约自由原则在我国民法中的基本地位,扩大契约自由原则的内涵,同时规范、正确引导国家对契约自由的干预。【英文摘要】The principles of contract freedom,as the more important form and the core of civil law antonomy, is the pr

3、emise and foundation for other onesdevelopment. This system has gone through the progress from the Rome method freedom of contract to the principles of contractual freedom and the stage of he restriction of the freedom. And the whole progress has shown the trend of transformation from the f unlimite

4、d freedom to the limit free freedom. During this progress, natural person has been endowed with the right to participator in economic activity. On the other hand, with the arrivaling of Monopolistic organization, the elimination of the equality and the interdependence among civil subjects which are

5、indispensable to traditional civil legal value, the equal balance among natural person has been broken up. And the equality between natural person and corporation has never been realized. That is to say, human being may be the victim of themselveslegal civilization.The unlimited freedom of contract

6、bring the unfairable reslt. The development of the principles come into another progress.The development process indicated that:As the produce of modern capitalism,the freedom of contract push the societys great develpoment. The abuse of the freedom of contract doctrine will inevitably bring restric

7、tion on itself. China is currently in the stage of reform and opening up and the Chinese government is committed to building a socialist market economy with its own characteristics. Naturally, we must take advantage of this doctrines powerful role in promoting the market economy. Correspondingly, we

8、 must establish the basic position of the freedom of contract doctrine in the civil law and expand its meaning. At the same time, we should regulate and guide the intervention in the freedom of contract from state and government.【关键词】契约自由 契约自由的限制 契约自由的保护【英文关键词】the freedom of contract restriction the

9、 freedom of contract protection the freedom of contract【目录】论我国民法的契约自由原则摘要3-4ABSTRACT4引言7-8一、契约自由原则的兴起8-14(一) 契约自由原则的形成9-121. 契约自由原则形成的经济基础92. 契约自由原则形成的政治基础9-103. 契约自由原则形成的理论基础10-12(二) 契约自由原则的内涵12-14二、现代法下契约自由原则的变化14-23(一) 20世纪经济社会背景的变化14-161. 法人的出现14-152. 格式条款的广泛运用15-163. 国家对经济的干预16(二) 法律思想的变化16-201

10、. 从个人本位向社会本位转变17-182. 从不干预政策到国家的积极干预18-20(三) 契约法的新发展契约自由的限制20-231. 对主体实行强行性规范202. 对合同内容选择的限制20-213. 对合同效力的限制21-224. 合同责任的扩大22-23三、我国民法的契约自由原则23-30(一) 我国的立法现状23-251. 契约自由原则在我国民法中的地位23-242. 合同自由观念在我国的确立24-25(二) 我国合同自由原则的理性分析25-271. 自由观念的分析252. 法律现状的分析25-263. 经济政策的分析26-27(三) 我国合同自由原则的立法建议27-301. 我国合同法应明确规定合同自由原则27-282. 扩大合同自由的内涵283. 对利益进行界定28-30结语30-31致谢31-32参考文献32-33攻读学位期间的研究成果33


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