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1、目录 2009年河南师范大学821英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解 2010年河南师范大学821英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解 2011年河南师范大学831英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解 2012年河南师范大学831英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解 2013年河南师范大学831英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解 2014年河南师范大学831英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解 2015年河南师范大学831英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解 2017年河南师范大学831英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解 2018年河南师范大学831英语写作与翻译考研真题及详解 2009年河南师范大学821英语写作 与翻译考研真题及详解 . Matc

2、h the following numbers with the corresponding letters according to the contents and write your answer on the Answer sheet (5 points) 1. Peter Newmark 2. Lawrence Venuti 3. Yan Fu 4. Eugene Nida 5. Fu Lei A) faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance B) resemblance in spirit C) semantic translation

3、and communicative translation D) domestication and foreignization E) functional equivalence 【参考答案】 1.C 语义翻译和交际翻译(semantic translation and communicative translation)是英国翻译家纽马克(Newmark)翻译理论的两种基本策 略。语义翻译法具有绝对意义,交际翻译法具有相对意义。交际翻译法 集归化、意译和地道翻译的优势。 2.D 美国学者L. Venuti(文努迪)于1995年提出翻译的归化与异化 (domestication and f

4、oreignization),指出翻译有两种情况,一种是让读 者靠近作者即异化,另一种是让作者靠近读者即归化。 3.A “信达雅”(faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance)是由我国 清末新兴启蒙思想家严复提出的,他在天演论中的“译例言”讲 到:“译事三难:信、达、雅。求其信已大难矣,顾信矣不达,虽译犹 不译也,则达尚焉”。 4.E 功能对等理论(functional equivalence)是由美国语言学家尤金 A奈达(Eugene Nida)提出,他认为最大的功能对等是指译文文本的 读者应该基本上能以原文读者理解和欣赏原文的方式来理解和欣赏译文

5、文本。 5.B 傅雷先生提出了神似(resemblance in spirit)的思想。“以效果 而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神似。”(spiritual conformity/resemblance in spirit )。 . Translate the following into Chinese (40 points) What is it that we mean by literature? Popularly, and amongst the thoughtless, it is held to include everything that is printed

6、 in a book. Little logic is required to disturb that definition. The most thoughtless person is easily made aware that in the idea of literature one essential clement is some relation to a general and common interest of manso that what applies only to a local, or professional, or merely personal int

7、erest, even though presenting itself in the shape of a book, will not belong to Literature. So far the definition is easily narrowed; and it is as easily expanded. For not only is much that takes a station in books not literature; but inversely, much that really is literature never reaches a station

8、 in books. The weekly sermons of Christendom, that vast pulpit literature which acts so extensively upon the popular mindto warn, to uphold, to renew, to comfort, to alarmdoes not attain the sanctuary of libraries in the ten-thousandth part of its extent. The Drama againas, for instance, the finest

9、of Shakespeares plays in England, and all leading Athenian plays in the noontide of the Attic stageoperated as a literature on the public mind, and were (according to the strictest letter of that term) published through the audiences that witnessed their representation some time before they were pub

10、lished as things to be read; and they were published in this scenic mode of publication with much more effect than they could have had as books during ages of costly copying or of costly printing 【参考译文】 我们所说的“文学”是什么呢?人们,尤其是对此欠考虑者,普遍会 认为:文学包括印在书本中的一切。可这种定义无需多少理由便可被推 翻。最缺乏思考的人也很容易明白,“文学”这一概念中有个基本要素, 即

11、文学或多或少都与人类普遍而共同的兴趣有关;因此,那些仅适用于 某一局部、某一行业或仅仅处于个人兴趣的作品,即便以书的形式面 世,也不该属于“文学”。就此而论,文学之定义很容易变窄,而它同样 也不难拓宽。因为不仅有许多跻身于书卷之列的文字并非文学作品,而 且与之相反,不少真正的文学著作却未曾付梓成书。譬如基督教世界每 星期的布道,这种篇什浩繁且对民众精神影响极广的讲坛文学,这种对 世人起告戒、鼓励、振奋、安抚或警示作用的布道文学,最终能进入经 楼书馆的尚不及其万分之一。此外还有戏剧,如英国莎士比亚最优秀的 剧作,以及雅典戏剧艺术鼎盛时期的全部主流剧作,都曾作为文学作品 对公众产生过影响。这些作品

12、在作为读物出版之前,已通过观看其演出 的观众而“出版”了(这正是“出版”一词最严格的意义)。在抄写或印刷 都非常昂贵的年代,通过舞台形式“出版”这些剧作远比将它们出版成书 效果更佳。 . Translate the underlined into English. (45 points) 我同书箱,即将分离。我虽非英雄,颇有垓下之感,却无可奈何。 这些书,都是在全国解放以后,来到我家的。最初零零碎碎,中间 成套成批。有的来自京沪,有的来自苏杭。最初,囊中潜涩,也曾交臂 相失。中间也曾一掷否金,稍有豪气,总之,时历三十余年,我同它 们,可称故旧。 ,我自顾不暇,无心也无力顾及它们。但它们辗转多处

13、, 经受折磨、潮湿、践踏、撞破,终于还是回来了,失去了一些,我有些 惋惜,但也不愿去寻觅它们,因为我失去的东西,比起它们,更多也更 重要。 它们回到寒舍以后,我对它们的情感加故。书无分大小、贵贱、古 今、新旧,只要是我想保存的,因之也同我共过患难的,一视同仁。洗 尘,安置,抚慰,唏嘘,它们大概是已经体味到了。 近几年,又为它们添加了一些新伙伴。当这些新书,进入我的书 架,我不再打印章,写名字,只是给它们包裹一层新装,记下到此的岁 月。 这是因为,我意识到,我不久就会同它们告别了。我的命运是注定 了。但它们各自的命运,我是不能预知,也不能担保的。 【参考译文】 Soon Ill part wit

14、h my books; Ill have to, the way the ancient hero Xiang Yu parted with his favorite lady Yu at Gaixia. The books had arrived at my home since 1949, the year the country was liberated (from KMT rule). At first they came piecemeal and, later, in set of bulk, some from Beijing and Shanghai, some from S

15、uzhou and Hangzhou. During the first few years, as I was financially embarrassed, sometimes I had to turn from the books that I would have liked to give everything in exchange for. However, there were occasions on which I threw my money on books with quite a sense of lavish generosity. In short, hav

16、ing kept them company for over 30 years, I felt lifelong intimacy with them all. During the ten years of the disastrous Cultural Revolution I was not in the mood to, nor was I fit enough to bother about my books, as I was not sure where I myself would end up. But, having been taken from place to place, getting moistened and damaged, tortured and trampled underfoot, they eventually had come back to me. Some of them had just got lost, for I had had more to lose in those years and what I h


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