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1、目录 2010年北京邮电大学243英语二外考研真题及详解 2011年北京邮电大学243英语二外考研真题及详解 2012年北京邮电大学243英语二外考研真题及详解 2013年北京邮电大学243英语二外考研真题及详解 2010年北京邮电大学243英语二外 考研真题及详解 Part Word form (10 points, 1*10) Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the word derived from the one given in brackets. Write y

2、our answer on your Answer Sheet with the question number 1 to 10. 1. Her visit to museums _ her life in France. (rich) to enrich【答案】 句意:她参观博物馆以丰富她在法国的生活。enrich意 为“使丰富”。不定式作目的状语。 【解析】 2. His heavy workload gradually made him a _ late sleeper. (habit) habitual【答案】 句意:他沉重的工作负担使他成为一个习惯性晚睡的人。 habitual意为“

3、习惯的”。形容词作定语。 【解析】 3. Mr. And Mrs. Simpson became regular _ after they moved to the new neighborhood. (church, go) churchgoers【答案】 句意:辛普森夫妇在搬到新社区后成为了常去做礼拜的 人。churchgoer意为“常做礼拜的人”。 【解析】 4. Under all the fun, therere _ dangers in the amusement park, especially for children. (hide) hidden【答案】 句意:在所有简单无害

4、的娱乐项目背后都隐藏着危险,特 别是对儿童而言。hidden意为“隐藏的”。 【解析】 5. My roommate and I can never become intimate friends because of her _ jealousy. (rational) irrational【答案】 句意:我和室友永远不能变成密友,因为她总是无理由的 嫉妒。irrational意为“无理由的”。 【解析】 6. Our _ Chinese friends came to his rescue, but failed. (intention) well-intentioned【答案】 句意:我

5、们的中国朋友出于好意来救他,结果失败了。 well-intentioned意为“出于好意的”。 【解析】 7. More and more business men realized the importance to _ their products in international trade. (standard) standardize【答案】 句意:越来越多的商人意识到国际贸易中使商品质量标准 化的重要性。standardize为动词形式,意为“使标准化”。 【解析】 8. The earthquake area received _ help from its neighborin

6、g provinces. (brother) brotherly【答案】 句意:遭到地震的区域受到了来自邻省兄弟般的救援。 brotherly意为“兄弟般的”。 【解析】 9. Special guidance and help need to be provided for the _ members of the staff. (qualified) unqualified【答案】 句意:特殊的辅导和帮助将给予不合格的员工。unqualified 意为“不合格的”。 【解析】 10. He was trying all possible means to persuade all the

7、committee members to_ his plan. (back) back up【答案】 句意:他千方百计让委员会成员支持他的计划。back up意 为“支持”。 【解析】 Part Vocabulary and structure (15 points, 0.5*30) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best co

8、mpletes the sentence. Then write your answer on the Answer Sheet. 11. The two Asian countries witnessed a _ growth in popularity these years. A. fixed B. stable C. steady D. regular C【答案】 句意:这两个亚洲国家目睹了近年来的声望的稳定提高。 fixed固定的。stable稳定不变的。steady稳定变化的。regular有规则的。 growth代表“增长”,也就是说并非保持原来水平一成不变,所以应该用 表示稳定

9、变化的steady。因此答案选C。 【解析】 12. The cause of the air crash is still _ investigation; no evidence has been found. A. under B. at C. with D. through A【答案】 句意:空难发生的原因还在调查中,目前没有找到任何证 据。under investigation意为“在调查中”,为固定搭配。因此答案选A。 【解析】 13. He faced a _ of seven charges, all accusing him of lying about his financ

10、ial state. A. total B. complete C. whole D. entire A【答案】 句意:他一共面临七项指控,每项指控都指责他谎报财务 状况。total总计的;全部的。complete完整的;完成的。whole全部的, 所有的。entire全部的,整个的。total与其余三个词的不同在于,它强调 计算总量。题中提到了“七项指控”,有明确的计算数字。因此答案选 A。 【解析】 14. The new airport has over 100 _ flights a day to 15 U.S. destinations. A. home B. domestic C.

11、 inward D. abroad B【答案】 句意:这个新的飞机场每天有超过100次国内航班飞往美国 的15个目的地。home家庭的。domestic国内的。inward向内的。abroad 往国外的。在“航班”的相关表达中,domestic flight国内航班;overseas flight国外航班;international flight国际航班。因此答案选B。 【解析】 15. The club followed the same rules all these years. It is _ to any form of change. A. resolved B. resistan

12、t C. restricted D. reserved B【答案】 句意:这家俱乐部这些年来始终墨守成规,拒绝任何形式 的改变。resolved断然的;下定决心的。resistant抵抗的;顽固的。 restricted受限制的;保密的。reserved预订的;储藏着的。因此答案选 B。 【解析】 16. There is every _ of an economic recovery next year. A. perspective B. respective C. prospect D. suspect C【答案】 句意:明年经济有望复苏。perspective观点;景色。 respec

13、tive各自的;分别的。prospect前景;期望。suspect怀疑。因此答 案选C。 【解析】 17. Energy conservation as a philosophy was _ out of the 1973 oil crisis. A. carried B. born C. put D. brought B【答案】 句意:能源节约的理念产生于1973年的石油危机。carry out 进行;执行。be born out从中产生。put out扑灭;伸出。bring out出 版;取出。因此答案选B。 【解析】 18. They said goodbye, little knowi

14、ng they _ again. A. were never to meet B. will never meet C. would never to meet D. will have never met A【答案】 句意:他们互相说再见,并不知他们以后不会再见。后半 句表示的是将来时,但整个句子是过去时,排除B、D两项。be to do结 构用于表示将来,主语为复数,因此were to meet形式正确。would为情 态动词,后面动词应该用原形,C选项错误。因此答案选A。 【解析】 19. _, you should spend some time companying your par

15、ents. A. You are so busy B. How busy you are C. How busy are you D. However busy you are D【答案】 句意:无论你有多忙,你都应该抽出时间陪伴父母。 however=no matter how,意为“无论”,符合题意。因此答案选D。 【解析】 20. All _ was needed was one final push to close the business deal. A. which B. what C. there D. that D【答案】 句意:一切所需要来达成协议的只剩最后一步。分析句子【

16、解析】 结构,主句为“All was one final push to close the business deal”,其中 的“was needed”为修饰“All”的定语从句。当先行词为all,a lot,(a) little,few,much等词时,连接词只能用that。因此答案选D。 2l. Ive attached my contact information in the recommendation letter _ you have further questions. A. because B. in order C. for fear D. in case D【答案】 句意:我在推荐信中附上我的联系方式,以免你有更多问 题。because因为。in order整齐,秩序井然。for fear和in case都有“以 免”的意思,区别在于,in case代表“为避免后面的情况出



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