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1、2020年7月大学英语六级cet6考试真题及答案六级作文主题:The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好。听力真题原文:恐龙遗址恐龙遗址The partial skeletons of more than 20 dinosaurs and scattered bones of about 300 more have been discovered in Utah and Colorado at what is now the dinosaur natural monument. Menu

2、of the best specimens may be seen today at museums of natural history in the largest cities in the United States and Canada. This dinosaur pit is the largest and best-preserved deposit of dinosaurs known today. Many people get the idea from the massive bones in the pit wall that some disaster such a

3、s a volcanic explosion or a sudden flood killed a whole herd of dinosaurs in this area. This could have happened but it probably did not. The main reasons for thinking otherwise are the scattered bones and the thickness of the deposit. In other deposits where the animals were thought to have died to

4、gether, the skeletons were usually complete and often all the bones were in the proper places, rounded pieces of fossil bone have been found here. These fragments got their smooth round shape by rolling along the stream bottom. In a mass killing, the bones would have been left on the stream or lake

5、bottom together at the same level. But in this deposit, the bones occur throughout a zone of sand stone about 12 feet thick. The mixture of swamp dwellers and dryland types also seems to indicate that the deposit is a mixture from different places. The pit area is a large dinosaur graveyard, not a p

6、lace where they died. Most of the remains probably floated down on eastward flowing river until they were left on a shallow sandbar. Some of them may have come from far away dryland areas to the west, perhaps they drowned trying to cross the small stream or were washed away during floods. Some of th

7、e swamp dwellers may have got stuck in the very sandbar that became their grave, others may have floated for miles before being stranded, even today similar events take place. When floods come in the spring, sheep, cattle and deer are often trapped by rising waters and often drown. Their dead bodies

8、 float down-stream until the flood recedes and leaves them stranded on the bar or shore where they lie, half buried in sand until they decay. Early travelers on the Missouri river reported that shores and bars often lined with the decaying bodies of buffalo that have died during spring floods /XQues

9、tion 19: Where can many of the best dinosaur s specimens be found in North America?Question 20: What occurs to many people when they see the massive bones in the pit wall?Question 21: What does the speaker suggest about the large number of dinosaur bones in the pit?听力篇章原文:基因遗传Passage 2Public interes

10、t was aroused by the latest discovery of the changed gene in obese life. The news was made by Rockefeller University geneticist Jeffery Friedman. The researchers believe this gene influences development of a hormone that tells the organism how fat or full it is. Those was the changed gene may not se

11、nse when they have eaten enough or if they have sufficient fatty tissue. And thus, you cant tell when to stop eating.The researchers also reported finding a gene nearly identical to the mouse obesity gene in humans. The operation of this gene in humans has not yet been demonstrated. however. Still,

12、professionals like University of Vermont psychologist Esther Rothblum, reacted enthusiastically: ”This research indicate that people really are born with the tendency to have a certain weight just as they are to have a particular skin color or height”.Actually, behavioral geneticists believe that le

13、ss than half of total weight variation is programmed in the genes, while height is almost entirely genetic determined. Whatever role genes play, Americans are getting fatter. A survey by the Center for Disease Control found obesity has increased greatly over the last ten years. Such rapid change und

14、erlines the role of environmental factors like the abundance of rich foods in Americans overeating. The Center for Disease Control has also found that teens are far less physically active than they were even a decade ago. Accepting that weight is predetermined can relieve guilt for overweight people

15、. But peoples belief that they cannot control their weight can itself contribute to obesity.Q12: What does the speaker say has aroused public interest?Q13: What do we learn about the changed gene?Q14: What does the University of Vermont psychologist Esther Rothblum say? Q15: What accounts for Americ

16、ans obesity according to a survey by the Center of Disease Control?听力真题原文:友谊Recording 1Qualities of a relationship such as openness, compassion and mental stimulation are of concern to most of us regardless of sex, but - judging from the questionnaire response, they are more important to women than to men. Asked to consider the ingredients of close friendship, women rated these qualities above all others. Men assigned


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