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1、目录 2011年宁波大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2012年宁波大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2013年宁波大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2014年宁波大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2015年宁波大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2016年宁波大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2017年宁波大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2018年宁波大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2019年宁波大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2011年宁波大学外国语学院357英

2、 语翻译基础考研真题及详解 . Translate the following two passages into English (75 points); 1. 唐小姐妩媚端正的圆脸,有两个浅酒窝。天生着一般女人要花钱费 时、调脂和粉来仿造的好脸色,新鲜得使人见了忘掉口渴而又觉嘴馋, 仿佛是好水果。她眼睛并不顶大,可是灵活温柔,反衬得许多女人的大 眼睛只像政治家讲的大话,大而无当。古典学者看她说笑时露出的好牙 齿,会诧异为什么古今中外诗人,都甘心变成女人头插的钗,腰束的 带,身体睡的席,甚至脚下践踏的鞋袜,可是从没想到化作她的牙刷。 她头发没烫,眉毛不镊,口红也没有擦,似乎安心遵守天生的限止

3、,不 要弥补造化的缺陷。总而言之,唐小姐是摩登文明社会里那桩罕物一个 真正的女孩子。(40%) 【参考译文】 On Miss Tangs charming, well-proportioned, round face were two shallow dimples; one look at her fresh and natural complexion, which most girls would have had to spend time and money to imitate, was enough to make one drool and forget his thirst,

4、 as though her skin were a piece of delicious fruit. Not especially large, her eyes were lively and gentle, making the big eyes of many women seem like the big talk of politiciansbig and useless. A classics scholar, upon seeing her lovely teeth when she smiled, might wonder why both Chinese and West

5、ern traditional and modern poets would want to turn into the pin in a womans hair, the belt around her waist, the mat on which she slept, or oven the shoes and socks, that she wore, and not think of transforming themselves into her toothbrush. Her hair unwaved, her eyebrows unplucked, and her lips u

6、nadorned by lipstick, she appeared to allow nature to take its own course with regard to her looks and had no wish to amend it in any way. In short, she was one of those rarities of modern civilized societya genuine girl. 2. 故宫建筑气势雄伟,豪华壮丽,是我国古代建筑艺术的精华。其规格 之巨和独具特色的建筑艺术享誉世界。在这里保存的大量珍贵文物,稀 世珍宝是研究明清两代历史

7、和历代艺术的重要物证。1925年,改名为故 宫博物馆,它是世界上最大的博物馆之一。1961年被公布为全国重点文 物保护单位。1987年被联合国教科文住址列为“世界人类文化遗产”。新 中国成立后,人民政府拨巨款进行保护和修缮,现已成为久负盛名的旅 游景观。(35%) 【参考译文】 The grand and magnificent Imperial Palace embodies the essence of ancient Chinese architecture, thus it enjoys worldwide fame for its scale and unique architect

8、ural detailing. A large number of rare and precious relics are preserved here, which are of great significance to the study of Ming and Qing history and the arts of past dynasties. The Imperial Palace changed its name to the Palace museum in 1925 and now is one of the largest historical museums in t

9、he world. It was listed on the state-level historical site in 1961 and part of world cultural heritage by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization in 1987.Since the foundation of the Peoples Republic of China, significant funds are being allocated for the protection and m

10、aintenance of the Imperial Palace, which remains the most famous sight in Beijing. . Translate the following two passages into Chinese (75 points); 1. Light had broken on the long primeval darkness of the world. Now as the sparks crackled upward and soared away to disappear into the great abyss of t

11、he night, as the yellow and orange flames winged their tapering and wavering beauty up into the black void, the bonds between those who belonged to each other in these small intimate communitiessharing the same conditions, problems and pleasures of lifebecame ever more deeply established and enriche

12、d, as their storytelling began: about the characters of the animals they hunted; the dangers, excitements, enjoyments of their hunting expeditions; the new things in the world they were continually discovering, and their new ways of dealing with them; the qualitiesserious and funnyof their own chara

13、cters and those of their comrades; the awesome dreams they dreamedabout blood, birth, creation, fire, death. All the million manifold stores which slowly went into the establishment of human customs and cultures, grew about the shared fire now blazing with life at the center: the source of utility i

14、n the daytime, and of comfort, pleasure, and the delights and glories of imagination at night. In some such context of hearth and home, in some such ways, were born the basic sentiments of human civilization; were the primary and enduring values of human custom, the primary ideals of human nature es

15、tablished. And in such ways, too, they have long continued throughout the whole of human history. (40%) 【参考译文】 电灯打破了原始世界长期以来的黑暗。现在随着劈啪作响的火花向上飙 升消失在一望无际的茫茫黑夜中,随着橙黄色的火焰挥舞着它们细长飘 动的美进入黑色的空隙中,居住在这些小小的而有亲密的社区中的人们 因为共同承担生活中相同的条件、问题以及共同分享快乐,彼此依靠, 使得他们之间的情谊建立的更加牢固和丰富,随之他们开始讲故事:故 事都是关于他们捕获的动物的特征;他们打猎探险中的危险、刺激

16、和喜 悦;他们经常发现的世界中的新鲜事和解决这些新情况的新方法,以及 他们自己和他们周围的人所具有的严肃而又滑稽的品质;还有他们心中 怀着关于血缘、出生、创造、火和死亡的精彩绝妙的梦想。所有那些逐 渐形成人类风俗和文化的大量积累在这个中心产生了现在所共同燃烧着 的火:白天它是日常生活实用的来源,夜晚它带来了想象中的荣誉和高 兴以及舒服和愉悦。在这些家和灶台的背景下,用这些方法,诞生了人 类文明的基本情感,是人类风俗习惯长期坚持的最初的价值和人类天性 中建立的最原始的理想。也正是用这些方法,他们才得以在人类的整个 历史长河中进行长期的突破。 2. The Chinese, from the highest to the lowest, have an imperturbable quiet dignity, which is usually not destroyed even by a European education. They are not self-assertive, either individually or nationally; their pride i


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