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1、目录 2010年南京师范大学外国语学院351英 语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2012年南京师范大学外国语学院357英 语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2013年南京师范大学外国语学院357英 语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2015年南京师范大学外国语学院357英 语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2016年南京师范大学外国语学院357英 语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含 部分答案) 2010年南京师范大学外国语学院351英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 科目代码:351 科目名称:英语翻译基础(英译汉) 考生注意:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,否则无效。 I. Please translate the following

2、sentences into Chinese. (50%) 1Parents often feel inadequate when confronted on the one hand with the eager, sensitive mind of a child and on the other hand with a world of complex physical nature. 【答案】父母一方面要面对孩子热切敏锐的头脑,另一方面还要面对一 个错综复杂的物质世界,这时候,父母们往往会感到力不从心。 2There is symbolic as well as actual beau

3、ty in the migration of the birds, the ebb and flow of the tides, the folded bud ready for the spring. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of naturethe assurance that dawn, comes after night, and spring after the winter. 【答案】鸟儿的迁徙、潮水的涨落、含苞的花蕾,既有象征性的美,又 有实际意义上的美。在循环往复的大自然中有着

4、无限治愈性的存在 黑夜过后一定是黎明,冬天过后一定是春天。 3In a time of increasing specializationa time when 90 percent of all the scientists who have ever lived are currently alivemore than ever we need to know what is truly important in life. 【答案】在一个日益专业化的时代,在一个所有科学家中有90%都还健 在的时代里,我们比过去任何时候都更需要了解生活中什么才是真正重 要的。 4We the people

5、 of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United Stat

6、es of America. 【答案】我们,美利坚合众国的人民,为了组织一个更完善的联邦,树 立正义,保障国内安宁,建立共同国防,增进全民福利,确保我们自己 及我们的后代能安享自由之幸福,乃为美利坚合众国制定并确立这一部 宪法。 5Why, at the height of desire and human pleasureworldly, social, amorous, ambitious or even avariciousdoes there mingle a certain sense of doubt and sorrow? 【答案】入世务俗,交游酬应,男女爱悦,图营势位,乃至贪婪

7、财货, 人生百为,于兴最高、人最欢时,辄微觉乐趣中杂以疑虑与忧伤,其故 何耶。 II. Please translate the following paragraphs into Chinese. (100%) l. For most of this century, scientists have worshipped the hardware of the brain and the software of the mind; the messy powers of the heart were left to the poets. But cognitive theory could

8、simply not explain the questions we wonder about most: why some people just seem to have a gift for living well; why the smartest kid in the class will probably not end up the richest; why we like some people virtually on sight and distrust others; why some people remain upbeat in the face of troubl

9、es that would sink a less resilient soul. What qualities of the mind or spirit, in short, determine who succeeds? 【参考译文】 在本世纪大部分时间里,科学家们一直崇拜大脑这个具体之物和思维这 个无形之物,而情感这一纷乱的力量却留给了诗人去谈论。但认知理论 就是无法解释我们最想弄清的问题:为什么有些人似乎就是有过上好日 子的才能;为什么班里最聪明的孩子很可能最终并不是最富有的;为什 么我们对有些人几乎一眼就喜欢上了,而对另一些人却信不过;为什么 有些人面对困难仍能保持乐观,而另一些人

10、则坚持不住,沉沦下去。一 句话,思维或精神的何种素质决定了人的成功? 2Anyone with eyes can take delight in a face or a flower. You need training, however, to perceive the beauty in mathematics or physics or chess, in the architecture of a tree, the design of a birds wing, or the shiver of breath through a flute. For most of human hi

11、story, the training has come from elders who taught the young how to pay attention. By paying attention, we learn to savor all sorts of patterns, from quantum mechanics to patchwork quilts. This predilection brings with it a clear evolutionary advantage, for the ability to recognize patterns helped

12、our ancestors to select mates, find food, avoid predators. But the same advantage would apply to all species, and yet we alone compose symphonies and crossword puzzles, carve stone into statues, map time and space. 【参考译文】 任何人都能在一颦一笑,一花一草中体验快乐。但是,发现数学之美、 物理之绝、象棋之妙的眼睛并不是与生俱来,而欣赏树木形态、鸟翼构 造、或是悠扬笛声的心灵也非浑

13、然自成。我们需要点拨和引领。纵观历 史传承,这样的点拨和引领往往来自长者,籍此,年轻人学会专注;因 为专注,我们领略到万千形态的美,无论是量子力学中精妙的理论,还 是棉被上漂亮的拼花图案。正是出于对美的强烈偏爱,才使得人类在物 种进化的追逐比拼中处于上风。因为人类能够辨识出美的事物,而我们 的祖先则因循这一标准选择伴侣,寻找食物,躲避敌人。如果自然界中 所有的物种都拥有发现美的能力,那么它们都将在进化过程中称霸一 方。然而,惟独人类在演变中独占鳌头:我们谱写交响曲,创造字谜游 戏;在我们的手中,顽石诞生为雕像,时空归依为坐标。 3One man, when he has done anothe

14、r a kindness, is ready also to reckon on a return. A second is not ready to do this, but yet in his heart of hearts ranks the other as a debtor, and he is conscious of what he has done. But a third is in a manner not conscious of it, but is like the vine that has borne a cluster of grapes, and when

15、it has once borne its due fruit looks for no reward beyond, as it is with a steed when it has run its course, a hound when it has singled out the trail, a bee When she has made her comb. And so a man when he has done one thing well, does not cry it abroad, but betakes himself to a second, as a vine

16、to bear afresh her clusters in due season. 【参考译文】 第一种人,当他施与他人恩惠时,也准备好接受回报了。第二种人,他 不愿这样做,但在他的内心深处,他认为另一方对自己有所亏欠,而且 他很清楚自己做了什么。但是第三种人,他全然没有意识到他做了什 么,他像长出了一簇葡萄的葡萄藤一样,当葡萄藤在适当的季节里结出 了果实,它便再无所求。就像在道路上奔驰的骏马、找出小路的猎犬、 筑造蜂巢的蜜蜂一样。所以,当一个人做了好事,不要四处宣传,而要 将自己放在第二位,就像葡萄藤在收获的季节就会结出丰硕的果实。 4These myths and many others are shattered by our discovery of the true Chinese origins of many of the things, all around us, which we take for granted. Some of our greatest achievements turn out to have been not achievement


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