Yamazumi 山积图培训课件

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《Yamazumi 山积图培训课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Yamazumi 山积图培训课件(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Yamazumi,Les Hope Ken Richardson,山积图,Les Hope Ken Richardson,What Are They For?,Planning for change Help to create safe, smooth and efficient processes TAKT change, new model introduction Assist in problem solving Support effective process design ergo concerns, quality concern issues Improve to curr

2、ent condition Make True Condition Visual, highlight waste, show waiting times,作用,变更规划 帮助创造安全、畅通且高效的过程生产节拍变更、新车型上市 协助问题的解决 支持有效的过程设计人体工程学相关问题、质量相关问题 改善目前的状态 使真实现状一目了然,突显浪费并显示等待时间,How Do They Work?,Yamazumi is a visual representation of standardised work as documented within your QPS and WES. To be ef

3、fective, they must:,Show the true work being carried out, in sufficient detail to identify opportunities for improvement Be based on accurate timings Show the standardised work as it is being followed across all shifts,工作原理,山积图是标准化作业的可视化表征,记录在QPS和WES中。为了有效工作,山积图必须:,显示正在开展的工作,尽量详细以识别改进机会 基于精确时间 显示所有班

4、组遵照的标准化作业,What does the board look like?,The process content is visualised in a series of coloured magnetic strips, stacked onto of one another in the correct working sequence. The work type is analysed at the same time as the element times are studied, to determine which of the following categories

5、 it falls into: Value Added Work (VA)Work which changes/ alters the form/ properties/ value of the product Essential Non-Value Added Work (ENVA)Non-Value Added work carried out which is required to achieve the change to the form/ properties/ value of the product Non-Value Added Work (NVA)Work which

6、does not change/ alter the form/ properties/ value of the product Option WorkWork which is not carried out on every vehicle and is dependent of the specification Variable WorkWork which is carried out on every vehicle, but varies in length depending on the spec. E.g. A low spec harness loom has 3 co

7、nnections but the high spec one has 7,By classifying work in this way we can easily identify areas on which we should focus our efforts to improve efficiency.,山积图形式,过程内容显示在一系列彩色磁条中,按照正确的工序彼此层叠。 研究时间要素的同时分析工作类型,以确定属于以下哪一类: 增值工作(VA)改变/修改产品形式/属性/价值的工作 必要非增值工作 (ENVA)为实现产品形式/属性/价值而需要实施的非增值工作。 非增值工作(NVA)不

8、改变/修改产品形式/属性/价值的工作 选择性工作并非每辆车上都要进行的、取决于车辆规格的工作 可变量工作在每辆车上进行的、但基于车辆规格工作时间有所不同的工作,比如低规格线束织机有3个接头,但高规格的有7个,通过该方法对工作进行分类,我们能轻易确定我们应该努力改进效率的区域,Compiling the board,Each of the coloured blocks, should be labelled with the Unique WES number, the work content being carried out and the time taken to complete

9、the step (in whole seconds), all of which can be found on every WES. If there is limited space on your tile to write all of the above information, it is imperative that you write in: The time taken to complete the WES. The WES number,编制山积图,每个色块应标明独特的WES编号、正在开展的工作内容和完成步骤所花费的时间(以整秒),所有这一切都可以在每个WES中找到。

10、 如果你的展开图上的空间有限,不足以写下所有上述信息,则必须写下以下信息: 完成WES所花费的时间 WES编号,过程质量检查表,节拍时间,循环时间,最大标准过在制品库存,在制品库存,质量检查,过程名称 右侧发动机罩铰链固定(3门),表格 第2张,共2张,工作区域/位置,发布日期 2011年1月2日,1级,工作要素描述,编号,规范,所有,所有,所有,所有,关键点符号,WES编号,时间,自动,行走,将发动机罩固定件安装在车体上,获取2个铰链螺栓和手动启动工具,手动启动发动机罩铰链螺栓1和2,紧固2个发动机罩螺栓,Yamazumi example,山积图示例,工作平衡图 车身底部团队5工段 2012

11、年6月14日,OPTION WORK,Is defined as “work which is not carried out on every vehicle and is dependent of the specification”.,The OPTION work block is coloured YELLOW and has circular inserts to show the different duration/s and type/s of work contained within the element, in this case it is 3 seconds of

12、 Essential Non-value Add work.,选择性工作,定义为“并非每辆车上都要进行的、取决于车辆规格的工作”。,The OPTION work block is coloured YELLOW and has circular inserts to show the different duration/s and type/s of work contained within the element, in this case it is 3 seconds of Essential Non-value Add work.,选择性工作框标注黄色并带圆形插件,以显示要素内包

13、含的工作的不同持续时间和类型,在这种情况下,其为3秒必要非增值工作。,过程质量检查表,节拍时间,循环时间,最大标准在制品库存,工作区域/位置,过程名称,发布日期 2005年7月5日,12级,表格 第1张,共1张,编号,工作要素描述,规范,关键点符号,WES编号,从对置操作台上取下左右地板侧内部组件,将左右地板侧内部组件安装在架子#34上,按下启动按钮,检查可变量灯,将一个零件安装在架子#30,将四个垫片安装在架子#30上,按下启动按钮,检查变量并将两个零件安装在架子#10上,获得并安装2个零件在架子#10,将“Longit”安装在架子#10上,将一个零件安装在架子#10上,按下启动按钮,将两个

14、圆形带安装在地板侧加强板上,所有,所有,所有,所有,所有,所有,所有,所有,所有,VARIABLE WORK,Work which is carried out on every vehicle, but varies in duration depending on the specification of each vehicle.,VARIANT work blocks are coloured BLUE and have circular inserts to show the different duration/s and type/s of work contained with

15、in each element in this case both VALUE ADDED & ESSENTIAL NON-VALUE ADDED work are present,可变量工作,在每辆车上进行的、但基于车辆规格工作时间有所不同的工作,VARIANT work blocks are coloured BLUE and have circular inserts to show the different duration/s and type/s of work contained within each element in this case both VALUE ADDED

16、 & ESSENTIAL NON-VALUE ADDED work are present,可变量工作框标注为蓝色并具有圆形插件,以显示要素内的工作的不同持续时间和类型,在这种情况下,存在增值工作和必要非增值工作。,过程质量检查表,过程名称 左侧车顶沟螺栓,节拍时间,循环时间,最大标准过程内库存,表格 第1页,共1页,工作区域/位置,发布日期 2010年10月8日,规范,关键点符号,WES编号,所有,所有,完全,获得2个车顶沟螺栓,编号,手启动螺栓#1,手启动螺栓#2,紧固螺栓#1,紧固螺栓#2,获得3个车顶沟螺栓,手启动3个FREELANDER车顶沟螺栓,手启动3个标准车顶沟螺栓,手启动3个天窗顶沟螺栓,拧紧FREELANDER螺栓3,4和5,拧紧标准螺栓3,4和5,拧紧天窗螺栓3,4和5,手启动螺栓6,手启动螺栓7,安装后车顶螺栓工装,拧紧螺栓7#,拧紧螺栓6#,拆除后车顶工装,完全,所有,所有,所有,所有,Showing Kaizen activity,Your Yamazumi visually shows which of yo



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