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1、三年级英语下册期中测试 一选出与所给单词同类的一项。 ( )1.door A window B open C close ( ) 5.two A tree B three C desk ( ) 2.rubber A blackboard B ruler C parrot ( ) 3.Under A shout B here Con ( )4.your A my B English C library 二翻译下列短语。 1、坐下2、合上你的书本3、不要大声喊叫 4、在椅子下5、你的铅笔6、我的尺子 7 在课桌上8 .a beautiful bird 10、behind the door 三选择题

2、 ()1、当你回答完问题时,老师通常会怎么说? A、 Stand up. B、Sit down. C、 Good morning. ()2、 你想询问这是不是一只鸟的时候,应该怎么说? A、 This is a bird. B、Is this a bird? C、Wheres the bird? ()3、当别人给你东西,你不需要时,通常会怎么说? A、 Yes,it is. B、This is for you. C、No,thank you. ()4、你想这不是你的铅笔的时候,应该怎么说? A、 Its a pen. B、This isnt my pen. C、This isnt your p

3、en. ()5、A: Would you like _ice cream? B: Yes, please. A. a B. some C.an ()6、A: Mike,please close the window. B: _ A. Thank you. B、Yes, Miss Li. C、Im sorry. ()7、A: Dont run ,Mike. B: _ A.Im sorry. B.No,thank you. C.Hello,Mr Green. ()8、A:_ your nice T-shirt? B:It s over there. A. Whats B.Hows C.Wheres

4、 ()9、Look!The bird is the tree now. A.on B. at C.in ()10. A: Is that a pencil case? B: No, _ . A. It is. B.that isnt. C. it isnt. ( ) 11. -Is this _ schoolbag? - Yes. A. I B. you C. your ( )12. Listen _ the teacher (老师) ,please. A. at B. to C. in ( ) 13. -_. - Yes, Miss Li. A. Close the door. B. Goo

5、d morning, Miss Li. C. Where is it? ( ) 14. Is this your pencil? . -_. A. No, it is. B. Thank you. C. Yes, it is. ( ) 15. -_. Its on the chair. A. Is this a chair? B. Wheres the book? C. Whats this? ( ) 16. -_ that a ruler? - _, it isn t. A. Is, Yes B. Whats, Yes C. Is, No ()17.-Is that my milk? - _

6、 . A.Yes, that is. B.No, it is. C.Yes, it is. ( )18.Mike:Is this _ pencil, Helen? Helen: No,it isnt A.my B.you C.your 四、给下列句子选择合适的答案。 ( )1.Dont open the book. A把书打开。 B.不要把书打开。 ( )2.Is that your pen? A.那是你的钢笔吗? B.这是你的钢笔吗? ( )3.Wheres my lunch box? A.你的书包在哪里? B. 我的午餐盒在哪里? ( )4.Its under the tree. A.它在

7、树下。 B.它在树上 ( )5.Its not here. A它在那里。 B.它不在这里。 ()6.当你想告诉别人那不是你的书时,你应该对他说: A.This is my book. B.This isnt my book. C.That isnt my book. ()7.当你想询问别人那是否是他的蜡笔时,你会怎么说? A. That is your crayon. B. Is that my crayon? C. Is that your crayon? ()8.当别人问你那是不是你的书包时,你会说: A. Yes,it isnt. B. No, it is. C. No, it isnt

8、. ( )9.李老师叫你去关门,你会说: A. Open the door, please. B. Please open the door. C. Yes,Miss Li. ( )10、当你迟到了,你应该对老师说: A. Yes ,Mr Green. B. Im sorry, Miss Li. ( )11、老师叫你不要把窗户打开,你会回答道:A. OK. B. Yes,please. ( )12、你想知道这是什么,你会问: A. Its a rubber. B. What s this ? ()21.- Whats _ over there? A.that B.this C.is 八、从 I

9、I 栏中找出与 I 栏相对应的答语,将序号填入题前括号内。 I II ( )1.Is this your CD ?A. It s over there. ( ) 2. Dont drink here. B.How nice ? ( ) 3. Whats that ? C. Sorry. ( ) 4. Wheres my pen ? D. Yes,it is. ( ) 5. Look! A parrot. E.Its a tree. ( ) 6. Wheres Miss Li? F.She s in the library. 九、连词成句,将序号填在横线上。 1、ruler this is yo

10、ur (? ) 2、 my wheres pencil (?) 3. listen the to Don t parrot (.) 4、 you an egg like Would (?) 5、 under chair Its the (.) 十选用方框内适当的句子,完成对话。 A.Look at the blackboard. B.What colour? C.Would you like a hot dog? D.Whats this? E.Im sorry 1、-Dont drink here. -_ 2、-_ -It s an English book. 3.-_ -No,thank

11、you. 4、-_ -Yes,Mr Green. 5、-_ -Its blue. 十一、改错。 ( ) 1. What would your like? ( ) 3.Whats this over there? ( )4. Not talk in class. ( )5.Here your are. ( ) 2.Where are the bird? Its in the tree. 十二.将下列句子排成一段完整的话。 1. A、What about some milk ? B、 Would you like a hot dog? C、 Im sorry. D、 No, Dont eat here. E、 No, Dont drink here 2. A.Its a cake. B.What s this? F. No,thank you C. Good afternoon.Mike. D.Would you like a cake? EGood afternoon.liu Tao.



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