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1、英语比赛即兴演讲小作文素材 类别1:关键词visit 类别2:关键词object 类别3:关键词event 类别6:关键词 experience(经验) 类别7:关键词 trip 类别12:关键词 change 在我十岁那年,我第一次参加了学校的境外游学活动,目的地是日本。在出发前两天,我不幸受到汽车的刮擦,大腿受伤了,。可是,签证已办,不去太可惜。最终,我还是参加了游学活动。 在整个团队里,我是最低年级的学生,但是,一路上我坚持自己换药,还帮助老师做好服务工作,还把我带去的电话借给第一次出门的同学,让她们可以和家里人及时通话。 这次教学访问,我不但领略了日本的风光,参观了日本的学校,更重要的

2、让我更好地独立成长,更加懂得了分享分担。 回到学校,校长表扬了我。我觉得我忽然之间长大了,拥有了更强大的能力去爱自己,爱大家。 When I was ten years old, I attended the school of overseas study tour。This is my first time to leave their parents go out alone, the destination is japan. In the two days prior to departure, A thigh injury by the car scratch, a few sti

3、tches. However, the visa is do, not too bad. Finally, I have participated in activities. In the whole team, I was the lowest grade students, but, I stick to their dressing, but also help the teacher to do service work, also brought me to telephone to go out for the first time students, so that they

4、can timely call home. The teaching access, I not only appreciate the scenery of Japan, visited the Japanese schools, more important, let me better to grow independently, to know more about sharing. Back to school, the headmaster praised me. I think I suddenly grown up, have a greater ability to love

5、 themselves, love everypeopl. 类别4:关键词story 如果我问你:是什么伴随着我们成长?也许,你会有许多答案,但是,我想,童话故事一定是其中之一。 白雪公主,灰姑娘,海的女儿,小红帽,还有狮子王。每一个故事,都告诉我们,要坚持信念,要勇敢,要善良,要有爱。 这不仅仅是故事,更是成长宝典。 其中,我最喜欢的是狮子王,当辛巴还是个孩子的时候,他无奈得独自流浪。一路上,他有自己的真诚、善良、智慧拥有了自己的朋友,经历了生命中最光荣的时刻,也遭遇了最艰难的挑战,历经生、死、爱、责任等等考验,最后终于登上了万兽之王的宝座。 这个故事,其实就是讲成长,讲生命。 我相信,只有

6、善良真诚的人才拥有更丰富的生命价值,只有勇于战胜自己的人,才能达到成功的彼岸。 If I ask you: what is it with us? Maybe, you will have many answers, but, I think, is one of the fairy tale. Cinderella, snow white, the daughter of the sea, the little red riding hood, and the lion king. Each story, we are told, keep the faith, be brave, be k

7、ind, be loved. This is not the story, is growing even more. Among them, I like most is the lion king, when he was a child, he had to wander alone. Along the way, he has his own sincerity, kindness, wisdom, have friends, have experienced the most glorious moment in life, also suffered the most diffic

8、ult challenge, after birth, death, love, responsibility and so on test, finally ascended the throne of king of the beasts. This story, is about growth, about life, we are told to how to be more independent growth. I believe, only good sincere people have more abundant life value, only the courage to

9、 overcome his own people, to reach the shore of success. 类别5:关键词 person 一说起生活中最重要的人,我们会首先想到妈妈,老师。然而,我觉得有时候给你的信念的人是非常重要的。所以,我想说,给我影响最大的是狮子王辛巴。 当辛巴还是个孩子的时候,他无奈得独自流浪。一路上,他有自己的真诚、善良、智慧拥有了自己的朋友,经历了生命中最光荣的时刻,也遭遇了最艰难的挑战,历经生、死、爱、责任等等考验,最后终于登上了万兽之王的宝座。 我们的成长不也是这样吗?父母再爱我们,我们也要独立成长,我们只有学会自己成长,才有能力来爱她们。是辛巴让我看到了

10、成长的意义,我希望我能像辛巴一样热爱生活,热爱朋友。 When it comes to the most important person in life, we will first think of mom, the teacher. However, I feel thatsometimes give you faith are especially important. So, I want to say, give me the greatest impact is the lion king simba. when he was a child, he had to wander

11、alone. Along the way, he has his own sincerity, kindness, wisdom, have friends, have experienced the most glorious moment in life, also suffered the most difficult challenge, after birth, death, love, responsibility and so on test, finally ascended the throne of king of the beasts. Our growth is not

12、 the case? My parents loved us, we also want to grow up, we only learn to grow their own, have the ability to love them. Simba, let me see is the meaning of growing up, I hope, I can love life, love of friends as Simba . 类别7:关键词 trip 生命就是一次旅行。但是,我们必须去领略这个世界才会懂得更多。 去年寒假,我到了丽江。这真是个难忘的地方,古老的东巴文化,热情的纳西人

13、,丰富的小吃,还有,我梦中的玉龙雪山。 玉龙雪山并不高,但是海拔很高,要5500多米。我们到了观光台后,就步行上山。风很大,走路很吃力,我们走得很慢,只想上山看到最美的风景。 当我们登上最高峰,才发现,原来的白雪已经很少了,雪山已经不是雪山了。 这次旅行,让我在梦想和现实之间发现:我们在征服大自然的同时,我们也失去了她,就像雪山。我们只有珍惜大自然,珍惜世界,我们才可能拥有我们想要的梦想。 不知道,你是否也一样赞同我的想法? Life is a journey. But, we have to appreciate the world will know more in the journey

14、. Last winter vacation, I went to Lijiang. This is really an unforgettable place, the ancient Dongba culture of Naxi people, warm, rich snack, also, I dream of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is not high, but a very high altitude, 5500 meters. We went to visit Taiwan, had to wal

15、k up the mountain. A great wind, walk with difficulty, we walked slowly, just up the mountain to see the most beautiful scenery. When we climb to the highest summit, only to find that, the original snow has very little, snow mountain is not the mountain. This trip, I found between dream and reality: we in the conquest of nature at the same time, we also lost her, like the snow. We only have the treasure of nature, the treasure of the world, we can have what we want to dream. Do not know, whether you also agree with my idea? 类别8:关键natural disaster 我们谁都不愿意



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