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1、名人类例子,名人类例子,1 泰森+ 希特勒 2 安德鲁. 卡内基 3 水门事件 4 综合 罗斯福 + 伽利略,Can success be disastrous?,We often regard success as the accomplishment of our goals. Its honorable that people have something successful. However, success should not stop people from moving on to pursue higher goals, nor should it grant privil

2、eges to successors to interfere with other peoples well-being. In the former situation, we consider it a disaster to individual; the latter, we say it is the disaster of the human being.(很不错的论点,回答了问题,同时回答了how can success be disastrous),The examples that success prevented people from moving forward a

3、re sufficient in history. Take Tyson, the successful boxer, as an example. Tyson used to be a little boy living in poverty. He fought with his fists to finally win back fame and money. We say that as a boxer, he was very successful.,However, success didnt stimulate him to pursue higher goals; Contra

4、rily, he took advantage of his success by drinking, speeding, and fighting on the street. For these behaviors, he paid the bill of his arrogance. He went to jail for several times which directly led to the downfall in his career. It was clear that success almost ruined his life. Though used to be a

5、successful boxer, Tyson was more mentioned as a disastrous person.,细节补充,泰森出身布鲁克林(黑人区),拳脚功夫了得,不到20岁时,参加WBC重量级拳王比赛WBC heavyweight champion,不到6分钟击倒前拳王knock out,20岁出头就获得了三大拳击组织的重量级拳王金腰带。但是太早太容易的成功让他开始迷失自我。他酗酒,打架,强奸妇女(rape),一直进出监狱。职业生涯开始走下坡路,只能靠击败一些较弱的选手来维持生计。(keep his body and soul together),议论,Clearly,

6、 too easy and too quick success of Tyson set a stage for his future successive failures for the reason that he was so obsessed with his previous triumph that he could not look into the future. Therefore, success can be disastrous for individuals themselves when they view their success as a final ste

7、p.,Though Tysons success brought disastrous effect to his life, luckily, the disaster hardly prevented other people from their own pursuit of happiness. However, if success accidently lay to those who tend to use it as a method of satisfying personal ambition at the risk of other peoples well-being

8、the public, unfortunately, has to foot the bill of their abuse of success.,Take Hitler as an example. Still a soldier in World War 1, Hitler became, through his effort (we have to admit that he achieved success by his own endeavor despite all the ugly method he used), the leader of Nazi. With the so

9、vereign power of the German military force, Hitler began to use it as a method to fulfill his ambition, which directly led to the most disastrous event in human historythe World War 2.,In this disaster of the mankind, millions and millions of people died, husbands and wives were forced to separate f

10、orever, children were deprived the rights to even have a family. I attribute this catastrophe of humility to Hitler, the person who abused his success to bring a disaster to the whole mankind.,还是细节不够的问题,希特勒的成功-一战期间服役,然后建立了纳粹党Nazi,大萧条时期时纳粹乘机发展了起来,44岁成了德国总理, 镇压反对派力量,但是由于他能言善辩eloquent,鼓动性l,并且使德国经济得到了发展

11、,失业人数减少,民众真心拥护。但是这样的顶峰给了他的野心wild ambition以出头的机会,他开始了导致二次世界大战的对外扩张之路external expansion,很快占领了欧洲的大部分地区,但是在当政期间建立了集中营concentration camp (war criminals),实行了史无前例的种族灭绝genocide,屠杀holocaust犹太人600万之多,并且使3500万人生灵涂炭。同时自己最后自杀身亡,议论,It is obvious that after reaching the personal peak in Germany, Hitlers increasing

12、 aggression eventually resulted in the disastrous holocaust of millions of innocent people as well as his own suicidal. Therefore, success can be devastating to the whole society if captured and misused by some over-greedy people to realize their evil goal.,结尾段,Success isnt necessarily disastrous; a

13、ctually, it is meant to bring rejoice to people. But if success is abused, it can easily be disastrous, either to the person who uses it, or to the mankind who suffers it.,安德鲁卡内基,Can something unsuccessful turn into good things?,论点,Andrew Carnegie, called the king of steel, became one of the most re

14、nowned entrepreneurs after knocking poverty out.,Illustration,At the age of 13, he emigrated from Scotland to America with his poor family, carrying with them nothing but an American dream. Unfortunately, he began to, from then on, lead a painstaking life in a tiny small apartment shared with other

15、emigrants. During his first few years in America, he worked temporarily for one factory after another in order to earn a living. It appeared that extreme poverty deprived him of all the rights that his peers possessed, such as going to school, buying comic books and wearing nice clothes.,To some ext

16、ent, we had to admit that he really underwent some unsuccessful time, resulting mainly from penury. (承上启下) But rather than giving himself up to hard time, he gradually got matured from various difficulties, strengthened his will and sharpened his wits.,He persisted in attending night schools and paying great attention to the business world when the Civil War happened, which proved to be his turning point. In this period, he detected the great potential of steel industry, resolutely


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