HP小型机 MC集群介绍课件

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《HP小型机 MC集群介绍课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《HP小型机 MC集群介绍课件(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,高可用性系统介绍(MC/ServiceGuard),HP 小型机培训,HA (High Availability)定义,A system is highly available if a single component or resource failure interrupts the system for only a brief time,What cause a system to go down,planned reasons: reconfigure the kernal apply patchs perform hardware and software upgrades p

2、erform full system backups perform system maintenance,unplanned reasons: hardware failures: CPU, Memory, Disk drives , LAN Card, Cable,Disk Controller cards etc system panics application errors power failures user errors,% of Failures,Hardware,High Availability Terms,Downtime: any amount of time whe

3、n the application is unavailable (planned or unplanned) planned: customer plans to bring down the system unplanned: due to an unplanned event or outage,High available: A system that can be recover quickly from all or most resource failures. The application may become unavailable, but only for a shor

4、t period of time. DownTime: 5 min 50 min 8.8 hours 12 hours 24 hours 3.6 days 7.2 days 10.8 days Availability: 99.999% 99.99% 99.9% 99.86% 99.73% 99.0% 98% 97%,Outage: an occurrence that renders an application unavailable when it is expected to be available (Hardware,software,user,environmental Prob

5、lem),Availability: The time that application is can be used during times when when it is expected to be useble. Availability igored planned or scheduled downtime and is expressed as a igored planned or scheduled downtime and is expressed as a percentage,Fault tolerant: These system protect against h

6、ardware failures by providing totally redundant hardware in a single system,Standard reliability: A system that relies only on basic hardware;there are no additional precautions taken to protect against an outage. (97-98%),SPOF(Single Points of Failure),SPOF Solution,CPU Memory Cluster,Disk Mirror a

7、nd RAID,Interface Cards Mirror and PV Links,LAN, NICs Redundant LANs and LANIC,Power UPS,SPU,LAN,Power,CPU,Memory,NIC,Disk,SCSI Controller,root,root mirror,High Availability Solution,Continuously Available Systems future HP products,Highly Available System MC/ServiceGuard MC/LockManager OnLine JFS P

8、rocess Resource Manager ClusterView,Protected Data MirrorDisk/UX HP DiskArray/EMC DiskArray JFS,Reliable system HP9000 systems HP peripherals HP-UX,Cluster(群集),cluster is a networked group of nodes (hosts) which monitor each other in order to ensure that interruptions to the availability of applicat

9、ion running on these nodes are kept small .,Pkg A,Pkg B,root,root,Primary LAN Card,Primary LAN Card,Standby LAN Cards,Pkg A Disks,Pkg B Disks,Dedicated Heatbeat LAN,Primary Lan :Heatbeat/Data,Standby LAN : Heatbeat/Data,Standby LAN : Heatbeat/Data,Node 1,Node 2,client,Pkg A,Pkg B,root,root,Primary L

10、AN Card,Primary LAN Card,Standby LAN Cards,Pkg A Disks,Pkg B Disks,Dedicated Heatbeat LAN,Primary Lan :Heatbeat/Data,Standby LAN : Heatbeat/Data,Standby LAN : Heatbeat/Data,Node 1,Node 2,Sample cluster (two-nodes),cmcld,Package概念,Package: an application along with its programs and resources (volume

11、group, target node, Network address, control Script and services) Floating IP: application IP address(attach to host NIC). Client connect to host through the floating IP Original node: adoptive node : a package can have several adoptive nodes,LVM,PV links: dual links(hardware paths) to the same disk

12、 such that if one link fails, LVM automaticlly rerouteds the I/O to an alternate path MC/SG VG: if a VG is a part of an MC/SG, only one node will be allowed to access the VG at a time Exclusive Mode Activation: in general, you must provide at least one volume group for each package,Sample cluster (8

13、 nodes cluster) (Max 16 nodes),WAN,client,DiskArray,standby,EMC symmetrix, HP XP256,Cluster reformation,System B,Pkg 3,System C,Pkg 4,cluster Reformation,System A leave,System A join,cluster Reformation,Lock Disk概念,The cluster lock is a disk located in a volume group shared by all nodes in the clust

14、er,required for 2-nodes cluster optional for 3 or 4 nodes cluster not supported for 5 node or more cluster,Pkg A,Pkg B,root,root,Primary LAN Card,Primary LAN Card,Standby LAN Cards,Pkg A Disks,Pkg B Disks,Dedicated Heatbeat LAN,Node 1,Node 2,Lock Disk,X,model 10, mode20, model30,FC60等DiskArray 需要单独另配一块锁盘 AutoRaid12H:其中的一个物理卷可用作锁盘 不需单独另配一块锁盘,MC处理的失效类型,Node(host) failover : SPU (CPU, Memory, disk I/O, Power) LAN failover: LAN Card, LAN link,Pkg A(float IP_A),Pkg B(float IP_B),root,root,Primary LAN Card,Primary LAN Card,Standby LAN Cards,Pkg A Disks,Pkg B Disks,Dedicated Heatbea


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