高考英语一轮总复习 Module5 Unit1 Getting along with others基础巩固篇课件 新人教版

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1、Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others(1),1、 pretend vt. 假装,假扮,There is no need for him to pretend to be poor. 他根本没有必要这样藏富装穷。,pretend to do sth. 装作,假装做某事 pretend sth. 假装;装成 pretend to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事 pretend to have done sth. 假装已经做了某事 pretend that 从句 假装,装作,当我进去的时候,女儿装作正在做作业。 When I came in,

2、 my girl pretended _ (do) her homework.,to be doing,你有意装傻。 You pretend _ (be) foolish.,to be,不要不懂装懂。 Dont pretend _ (know) when you dont.,to know,测试结束了,他就假装已经痊愈了。 When the quiz was finished, he pretended _ (recover),to have recovered,2、 doubt n. about/overintoagainst; beyond,7、 overcome vt. 征服;压倒,I

3、believe we will find a way to overcome that obstacle. 我相信我们能找到克服障碍的方法。 其近义词有: get over, conquer, go through,他克服了恐高症。 He_ his fear of height.,overcame,你在露营时必须克服许多不便。 There are many inconveniences that you have to _ when you are camping.,go through,我克服了讨厌数学的毛病。 I_ my dislike for mathematics.,conquered

4、,8、 quarrel vi. & n. 争吵,争执,quarrel about/over sb./sth. 为争吵 quarrel with sb. 与争吵 quarrel with sth. 埋怨 They quarreled with each other but soon made up. 他们吵了一架,但是很快就言归于好。 Its silly to quarrel over the matter. 就此事争吵是愚蠢的。,1、 rather than,并列连接词,表示“而不是”,连接句子中相同的句子成分。 连接两个名词(作主、表或宾语) I appreciate pop music r

5、ather than hiphop. 我欣赏流行乐而不喜欢说唱乐。 连接两个动词不定式,rather than后的to常常可以省略 I prefer to play football rather than stay at home reading. 我愿意踢球而不喜欢待在家里看书。,连接两个动名词作宾语 I enjoy surfing the Internet in my spare time rather than go hiking. 闲暇之余,我喜欢上网,而不喜欢远足。 连接两个介词短语 We are doing this for our brotherly school rather

6、 than for ourselves. 我们做的这一切是为了兄弟校而不是为了我们自己。,连接两个谓语时,rather than 后一般接doing Why didnt you ask for help, rather than trying to do it on your own? 你干吗非得要自己干,而不请人帮忙呢? 注意:rather than 连接两个主语时,谓语动词应该按“承前一致原则”,即和第一个主语在人称和数上保持一致。 He rather than I, I think, is to blame. 我认为是他而不是我该受到责备。,Most people would agree

7、 that nuclear science should be developed to benefit the human beings_ harm them. A. rather than B. other than C. less than D. more than,A语义是:大部分人赞成核科学的开发应当造福于人类而不是危害他们。rather than表示否定;other than表示排除;less than 表示少于;more than 表示超过,所以答案是A。,2、thanks to,Thanks to the English language,we can learn a lot

8、from other countries. 多亏了英语这门语言,我们可以从其他国家学习许多。 It was thanks to your timely help that we accomplished the task on time. 由于你的及时帮助,我们才能按时完成任务。,_ the new policy, we are now having a happy life. A. Thanks to B. Because C. For D. Thanks for,A考查近义词的辨析。此处,thanks to应为“多亏了”, because后应加句子; for 表示补充说明的原因,后接分句,

9、一般不在句首。,_ your help.We all passed the exam.,A由于有句号,说明它们彼此独立,互不为因果关系,所以答案是A,表示“因而感谢”。,_ your help, we all passed the exam. A. Thanks for B. Thanks to,B因为/由于你的帮助,我们才通过考试。里面有因果关系。thanks to your help为原因状语短语,所以后面用逗号。,3、end up 以某种结果结束;最后成为;最终处于,We were to go out, but ended up watching TV at home. 我们原来打算外出,但是结果却是待在家看电视。 He ended up as the head of the company. 他最后成为这家公司的老板。 Their marriage ended up in divorce. 他们的婚姻以离婚而告终。,end up with以某种方式结束 begin/start with以开始,The party ended up with a beautiful song. 晚会以动听的歌曲结束了。,



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