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1、外贸函电-还盘 作者: 日期:第六章 Counter-Offers还盘第一节 Counter-Offers Letters还盘信一、The Steps of Writing Counter-offer Letters还盘信的写作步骤还盘(Counter Offer)又称还价。指交易一方收到对方报盘后,不同意或不完全同意报盘中的内容,但又有意达成交易,为进一步洽商,便向对方提出新的条件,修改条件或其他要求,均称为还盘。还盘是对卖方的原报盘的部分或全部拒绝。在还盘信中,买方可对报盘的某些条款提出不同意见。为了向卖方表明自己的立场,买方应阐明适当的理由,继而提出自己的条件。对买方的提议卖方可以接受或

2、拒绝。如果拒绝,卖方可提出反还盘。这个过程可能有很多轮,直至最后成交或交易谈判失败。还盘是对发盘的拒绝。还盘一经做出,原发盘即失去效力,发盘人不再受其约束。还盘可以有很多轮直至成交或取消交易。在还盘时,重要的是清楚地陈述自己的观点,认真选词避免误解,这里可以参考报盘的规则。还盘信结构如下:1感谢对方的报盘;(Thanking the reader for their quotation)情景搭配用语:Useful expressions We wish to thank you for your letter of(感谢你方的来信) Thank you for (感谢) In reply to

3、(回复) We thank you for(感谢)2对不能接受报盘表示歉意;(Showing your regret for not being able to accept the offer)情景搭配用语:Useful expressions We regret to say(很遗憾) While we thank you for(感谢但是) Regretfully(很遗憾)3说明自己不能接受报盘的理由;(Stating the reasons for not being able to accept the offer)情景搭配用语:Useful expressions As the m

4、arket is declining (由于市场下跌) Our customers find it too high to accept.(我方客户认为太高无法接受。) Some other makes can be easily obtained at much lower prices.(可以低价得到其他产品。)4阐述自己的观点,包括可以接受的条款、价格等(做具体还盘);(Stating your own idea,including terms and conditions acceptable,etc.)情景搭配用语:Useful expressions If you reduce y

5、our price by(如果能降价的话) We suggest you reduce your price by (建议你方降价) A reduction of 3% will help us promote the product.(降价3%会帮助我方促销。)5表示希望对方考虑自己的还盘,敦促对方尽早接受,并提示一起做生意的机会。(Wishing the reader to accept your counter-offer, urging the reader to accept early, and mentioning the opportunities of doing busin

6、ess.)情景搭配用语:Useful expressions We wish you will considerfavorably.(希望同意) We are anticipating your favorable(盼你方早日肯定答复) We are still interested in doing business(我们还希望与你方做生意)二、Text Explanation and Vocabulary课文分析和词汇1Dear Sirs, RE:COUNTER-OFFER FOR BICYCLES Thank you for your letter concerning the offe

7、r for the captioned1bicycles. Although we appreciate the quality of your bicycles, their price is too high for us to2accept. (提及上一封信,并直接表明自己的看法)Referring to3the Sales Confirmation4No.8965, you will find that we ordered 1000 bicycles of the same brand5at the terms and conditions6stipulated7in that Sa

8、les Confirmation, but the price was 10% lower than your present price. (解释还盘的原因。)Since we placed the last order, price for raw materials8has been decreased considerably9. Retailing10price for your bicycles here has also been reduced11by 5%. Accepting your present price will mean great loss12to us, l

9、et alone13make profits14. (进一步说明理由。)We would like to place repeat orders15with you if you could reduce your price at least16by 1.5%. Otherwise17, we have to shift18to the other suppliers19for our similar request. (表明自己的立场。)We hope you take our suggestion into serious consideration20and give us your

10、reply as soon as possible.(希望对方考虑还盘并早日回复。)Yours truly, 讲解:第一段:Thank you for your letter concerning the offer for the captioned1bicycles. Although we appreciate the quality of your bicycles, their price is too high for us to2accept.1captioned标题下的。还可以说subject,意为标题下的。2Tooto太而不能。例:(1)This price is too h

11、igh for us to accept. (这个价格太高,我们不能接受。)(2)This seems too good to be true. (这看起来太好了不像真的。)讲解:第二段:Referring to3the Sales Confirmation4No.8965, you will find that we ordered 1000 bicycles of the same brand5at the terms and conditions6stipulated7in that Sales Confirmation, but the price was 10% lower than

12、 your present price. Since we placed the last order, price for raw materials8has been decreased9considerably10. Retailing11price for your bicycles here has also been reduced12by 5%. Accepting your present price will mean great loss13to us, let alone14make profits15.3. referring to关于。意思同with referenc

13、e to,with regard to。例:Referring to your inquiry of May 5,we very much regret that(关于你方5月5日的询盘,很遗憾)4. Sales Confirmation销售确认书。confirmation确认,名词。例:If you accept our offer, please cable us for our confirmation.(如你能接受我方报价,请来电确认。)Confirm确认,动词。后面接名词或动名词。例:We confirm having received your order No. 1234.(我们

14、确认收到你方第1234号订单。)5. brand品牌。6. terms and conditions条款。7. stipulate规定,动词。例:(1)The contract stipulate that shipment be made in June. (合同规定六月份装运。)(2)It is stipulated in our Sales Confirmation that payment be made by L/C. (我们的销售确认书规定用信用证付款。)(3)The seller must pack the goods as stipulated in the contract.

15、(卖方必须按照合同的规定包装。)8. raw materials 原材料。名词。例:The price for raw materials has gone up. (原料的价格已经上涨。)9. decrease ,下降,减少。动词。例:(1)The number of children in the school has decreased this year. (在校的儿童人数有所减少。)(2)Production has decreased this year. (今年生产下降了。)decrease 名词。减少,下降。例:There was a decrease in the number of children in school. (在校的儿


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